Agenda item

Delivery of Additional School Places and Admissions


The Select Committee gave consideration to a report which provided information and an update on the delivery of additional school places and admissions.


The report provided an update on the delivery of additional school place and the work of the Admissions team which included the following:

·         Pupil Numbers;

·         Allocation of school places by preference;

·         The percentage of residents who were offered a school place of choice (1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences);

·         The number of parents who missed the school places application deadline;

·         An overview of schemes and initiatives designed to assist parents when applying for a school place;

·         Overview of the current school place plans; and

·         Future plans to increase parental choice.

The demand for school places in Oldham had increased significantly, in 2019 there were around 42,000 school age children, by 2024 this will have increased to 45,000 and by 2028 to almost 47,000 pupils. The Council had a statutory role to ensure that every child in the borough had a school place.  The Council had an Education Provision Strategy for 2020 to 2024 which outlined the approach to school places.


The report detailed School Allocation Data for both primary and secondary schools.    In 2019, 91% of parents had been allocated a place in their referred first choice of primary school.  In 2020, 75% of parent had been allocated a place in their preferred first choice of secondary schools.  There had been increasing pressure on place in the secondary sector in recent years due to an increasing population and the rapid expansion on a number of primary schools and the closure of two secondary schools. Further works was being undertaken to provide additional places in Oldham which were outlined in the report.


Members were informed that late applications would run to the end of August, to the year’s final total was not yet know.  However, when compared to the secondary late applications from the previous year’s figures, it was very encouraging.  The Admissions Teams had worked to chase up partly completed applications, increased market and reintroduced their attendance at open evenings.   Constant communications also took place between the team and primary schools to increase focus on families who had not applied for school places.  The school admissions website contained comprehensive information and advised parents of ‘help’ sessions that were available.  Support had halted when national lockdown measures had been introduced.  The admissions team call parents pack who need to speak whilst the working from home arrangements were in place which was running well.


Members were informed about the number of underperforming secondary schools which was having an impact on preferences, two new secondary schools were in the pipeline. 


Members sought and received clarification on ward preferences.  Members referenced the information regarding the closure to two secondary schools and recommended that clarification be provided that two should were not maintained but were free schools over which the local authority did not have control.


Members commented favourably on the out of borough places which had reduced by 18%.  Members sought information regarding the increase in EHC plans and were informed that there was an increase in numbers being identified by the SEND team and better assessments being undertaken.


Members were informed that it was not just about buildings but the quality of schools and making sure the quality of teaching and learning in Oldham was sustainable which the Council could control.


Members were informed that understanding the process of applying for a school place needed clarification.  Also, the perception of good schools needed clarification.


Members asked for further information on the appeals process and were informed about the individual sessions and the guidance being followed this year as the appeals were online and were difficult to assess.  Members were informed about the work done by the Attendance Team to address late applications which had reduced the number of appeals and expressed thanks for the work which had been done.





1.         The update on the Delivery of School Places and Admissions be noted.

2.         The PVFM Select Committee received an update in 12 months’ time.


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