Agenda item

GM Clean Air Plan - Approval to Commence Statutory Consultation on Key Measures


Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which set out the progress that had been made on the development of Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Plan following the decision that the GM Local Authorities will move to a statutory public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan as soon as reasonably practicable in light of COVID-19 restrictions, and the link to taxi and private hire common minimum licensing standards. The report also considered the formal governance mechanisms that would underpin the delivery of a GM Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and the supporting measures.

This report was not seeking a decision on whether to make a scheme as that has been mandated by the Secretary of State. It was setting out a position for consultation on the daily charge, discounts and exemptions of a Category C GM Clean Air Zone, and the proposals for the supporting funds that had been developed taking stakeholder engagement and statistical modelling into account.

The report sought agreement to consult and endorsement of the policy for consultation. The policy would be reviewed in line with the findings from the statutory consultation.

This report provided an update on recent developments of the GM Clean Air Plan including the LGV and hackney funding position, and interaction with the strategic route network and Highways England. It confirmed arrangements for distributing funding received for bus retrofit and highlights separate discussions with DfT about funding for bus replacement.

It also set out the results of the public conversation that was held last year and the key points from a number of focus groups that were held with key impacted stakeholders and set out a proposal for consultation, within current Government COVID-19 guidelines, over an eight-week period starting in October 2020.


Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 – To agree the recommendations as contained within the report

Options 2 – Not to agree the recommendations contained within the report.




  1. The progress of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan be noted.
  2. Transport for Greater Manchester had confirmation that the funding award for Bus Retrofit should be distributed as soon as possible as per arrangements put in place for the Clean Bus Technology Funds and this was noted.
  3. The update on the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the GM Clean Air Plan be noted.
  4. Oldham Council along with the other nine GM local Authorities to hold an 8-week public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan commencing in October 2020;
  5. The GM local Authorities intention to consult on GM’s proposed Minimum Licensing Standards, alongside the Clean Air Plan consultation be noted.
  6. Transport for Greater Manchester to act as the Operating Body for the GM Clean Air Zone and supporting measures as set out at paragraph 7.5 of the report be agreed.
  7. Oldham Council along with the other nine GM Authorities individually to be a ‘charging authority’ for the purposes of the Clean Air Zone, pursuant to the Transport Act 2000 be agreed.
  8. The Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan Policy for Consultation at Appendix 3 of the report be endorsed.
  9. The Equalities Impact Assessment on the Clean Air Plan, as set out at Appendix 5 of the report be noted.
  10. The submission of further reports would be brought forward to set out the formal governance mechanisms that will underpin the delivery of a GM Clean Air Zone and the supporting measures, including the full scope of the suite of powers that would be needed to be delegated to the Operating Body be noted
  11. The delegation to Helen Lockwood and Cllr Barbara Brownridge to approve the submission of the cases for measures to the Government's Joint Air Quality Unit to support the GM Clean Air Plan be agreed.
  12. The delegation to Helen Lockwood and Cllr Barbara Brownridge to approve the GM Clean Air Plan consultation materials, to include the Equalities Impact Assessment on the consultation be agreed.
  13. It be noted the submission of a response to Department for Transport’ s Decarbonising Transport – setting the challenge, as set out at Appendix 1 of the report had been submitted to Government.


Supporting documents: