Agenda item

Poverty Task and Finish Group


The Board were provided with an update on the Poverty Task and Finish Group established to update the Council’s Poverty Strategy, the current Strategy having been established in 2010.  The new Poverty Strategy was intended to take account of four main points suggested by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation “Talking About UK Poverty 2019/20” report (a copy of which was appended to a submitted report), information from the Local Government Association, work the Council itself was doing and considering how the Council could work with partners. 


The Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Covid-19 Response noted that levels of deprivation recorded in Oldham had changed little over the years and, while work to address this had been progressing, much of this work had been impacted upon by Covid-19 which had amplified existing poverty related issues and highlighted issues around resilience.  Taking this area of work forward, there was a need to ensure that addressing poverty was at the forefront of all the Council’s thinking.  To this end, a workshop for senior Councillors, senior Officers and partners was to be held in the following week to ensure that all relevant work was embedded in the place based integration approach, including the need to ensure the voluntary and business sectors were aligned to a whole system approach.  The Strategic Director further noted that work was being progressed on the Corporate Plan which would underpin all the work being undertaken.  Much joined up work had been developed and achieved during the Covid event which now needed to be joined up in all our processes.


The Chair acknowledged that the situation now was very different to that which existed when the Task and Finish Group terms of reference had been agreed and it was evident that work would need to be undertaken at the local level, suggesting the Group’s terms of reference might be reviewed.  The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder thanked the Chair for this acknowledgement, noting that the Council faced a massive task and there was a need for all to work towards the same targets to ensure that people’s lives changed.


A Member noted that people who were currently furloughed might be made redundant and queried how they could be supported.  It was confirmed that this was being considered, acknowledging that some jobs may no longer exists meaning that reskilling would be required.  It was important for Council Departments and sectors to be inter-connected to develop information and insights and to be able to put measures in place.  Decisions were difficult before but would be increasingly so going forward meaning that whatever was prioritised needed to be targeted.


The convening of the Poverty Truth Commission was queried.  It was noted that this had been delayed due to Covid, but the importance of listening to those who had lived experience of poverty was recognised and stressed by the Deputy to the Portfolio Holder for Covid-19 Response.  The Strategic Director noted that even if the Commission could not progress as originally anticipated, experience could be sought digitally or through some other safe means.  A wider equalities Bronze Group had been established to include those with lived experience and common approaches might be adopted.  


The Chair noted that the Task and Finish Group would need a membership appointing, and he and Councillors Jacques, Price, Surjan, Taylor and Toor indicated willingness to serve as Group members.



1.            the Overview and Scrutiny Board Poverty Task and Finish Group assist in the update of the Council’s Poverty Strategy;

2.            the terms of reference for the Poverty Task and Finish Group be reviewed in light of the forthcoming Workshop for senior Councillors, senior Officers and partners as reported to the Board by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Covid-19 Response. 


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