Agenda item

Oldham Locality Plan


The Commissioning Partnership Board gave consideration to a report regarding the Oldham Locality Plan.


The Board was informed that in June 2019, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Executive Board approved a paper on developing the Implementation Plan for the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Prospectus. This paper had described that the Implementation Plan would include how Greater Manchester intended to deliver on its requirements under the NHS Long Term Plan.


The NHS had published the Long-Term Plan Implementation framework which had required all Integrated Care Systems (ICS’s) and Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships (STP’s) to publish a strategic plan for their footprint. In the case of Oldham, this was at Greater Manchester level. The GM Health & Social Care Partnership (GMH&SP) requested that all 10 localities refresh their Locality Plans to feed into the GM submission at the end of November. The report brought forward Oldham’s refreshed Locality Plan.


The Board noted that the revised Locality Plan also:

·     Reaffirmed the outcomes sought to be influenced;

·     Described progress against those outcomes since 2016;

·     Outlined plans for the local system in terms of integrated neighbourhood delivery and place-based commissioning - particularly in the context of the GM Prospectus’s core aim of creating a population health system in Greater Manchester and the approach to public service reform set out in the White Paper.


The report set out the following key areas of the Long Term Plan Implementation Framework:

·     Fully Integrated Community-based Care (including Primary Care Networks) Reducing Pressure on Emergency Hospital Services

·     Giving people more control over their own health and more personalised care

·     Digitally-enabling primary care and outpatient care

·        Improving Cancer Outcomes

·     Improving Mental Health Services

·     Shorter Waits for Planned Care

·     More NHS Action on Prevention

·     A Strong Start in Life for Children and Young People

·     Learning Disability and Autism

·     Cardiovascular Disease

·     Stroke Care

·     Diabetes

·     Respiratory Disease

·     Genomics

·     Giving NHS Staff the Backing they Need

·     Delivering digitally-enabled care across the NHS

·     Using taxpayers’ investment to maximum effect

·     Engagement with Staff, Stakeholders and Communities


For each area of the Long Term Plan, a programme lead had co-ordinated an

Oldham system response that included:

·     The specific asks of the Long Term Plan and Implementation Framework for that service area or objective;

·     An assessment of the extent to which Oldham is already delivering against the area in the LTP - building on the last three years of implementation;

·     A translation of the level of resource required to deliver those asks for which fair shares resource is indicated;

·     A translation of the level of resource required to deliver those asks for which targeted resource is indicated.


The Board was informed that, to support the Greater Manchester approach to Long Term Plan implementation, localities would need to provide detailed returns on finance and activity covering the period to the end of 2023/24.


Included within the guidance were five key financial tests that all organisations would need to demonstrate adherence to within their plans:

i.    return to, or maintain financial balance

ii.    achieve cash-releasing productivity growth of at least 1.1% per year with the requirement for providers in deficit to deliver an additional cash-releasing productivity benefit of 0.5%.

iii.   reduce growth in demand for care through better integration and prevention

iv.   reduce variation in performance across the health system

v.   make better use of capital investment and its existing assets to drive



As well as undertaking a refresh of the Locality Plan, the opportunity had been taken to contribute to the overarching Greater Manchester response to the Long Term Plan deliverables.


In order to provide the finance, activity and narrative on how GM would address the Long term Plan within the NHSE timescale, GMH&SP would

develop a proforma for the response areas to NHSE, that indicated:

·     The sections the GM team could fill in because they already knew about current position and plans to meet requirements, (with support of GM leads from localities for cross-cutting themes as needed); and

·     The sections each locality needed to provide information on and the date for completion


The Board noted the refreshed Oldham Locality Plan narrative had been broader and deliberately place-focussed in order to help clarify how public services would work together to deliver the intended outcomes. Work would commence immediately on re-developing the governance and delivery programme for the Locality Plan, including strengthening the programme leadership arrangements.


Options/Alternatives Considered

a)      Not to refresh the Locality Plan which technically expires in 2020. Ruled out as provides insufficient direction for the development of the health and care system in Oldham.

b)   Simply refresh the plan in a light touch way. Also ruled out as much of the original Locality Plan is outdated.

c)   Rewrite the Locality Plan to reflect the current position in Oldham


RESOLVED that Oldham’s refreshed Locality Plan be approved.

Supporting documents: