The Board received a report advising of developments in respect of the Alexandra Park Eco-Centre and the Northern Roots project. Both projects had been developed out of the co-operative borough ambition and developments in community growing, horticulture skills and training, renewable energy and the local food economy through a series of linked initiatives. At a meeting held on 28th January 2019 the Cabinet had approved capital funding for the Eco-Centre and the undertaking of further work on the Northern Roots project.
Alexandra Park was acknowledged as one of Oldham’s greatest assets for residents and also provided a Depot facility which was in urgent need of replacement. Already operating from the site and park are at scale growing, community growing, training, and bio-mass which the new Eco-Centre facility would build on and also provide a place for a wider range of activities including education, enterprises and community engagement. Northern Roots was a proposal to develop the UK’s largest urban farm and eco-park on 160 acres of land at Snipe Clough, immediately adjacent to the Alexandra Park depot. The two projects presented a major opportunity to further develop and establish Oldham as a green and growing town for the benefit of Oldham residents and businesses, for Greater Manchester and beyond. More work was needed to further develop ideas and interest in the Northern Roots project, as well as identifying sites and opportunities for events, investment and activities. Getting communities involved was key to the success of this project as well as seeking engagement and interest from other organisations, investors and experts.
The Committee further received a presentation providing more information on the scope, ambition and current status of the Eco-Centre and Northern Roots projects and, with regard to the Northern Roots project, asked to consider -
· are there any particular communities, partners or stakeholders which should be included in the consultation?;
· are there any pilot projects that the Board would like to see prioritised?; and
· how should elected Members be involved and engaged in the project going forward?
With regard to Northern Roots and in response to queries, it was noted that while land issues had been complex in terms of identifying title and ownership, a potential resolution to the one significant issue arising had been identified. Members noted the size of the site and commented on the incidence of anti-social behaviour in the Borough’s parks, querying how this might impact on this project. The Board was advised that engaging with communities was seen as key to discover what people were interested in, from which a number of pilot projects might be developed. The Cabinet had allocated £700k of revenue resources for the development of the project, though planning costs and business case development might require additional finance. A sum of £25M capital funding to deliver the project had been considered. Some commercial investment would be required, and other funding options, for example via Defra, were under consideration.
Members sought and received confirmation that retention and improvement of sports pitches remained part of the vision, and it was suggested that an animal petting farm or a similar facility might be a suitable venture for the area. Members noted the opportunities for the development of jobs and apprenticeships presented by the proposal. With regard to engagement, it was suggested that the establishment of mini-hubs in communities that had access to smaller areas of land might be considered as a spin-off activity. Consultation needed to be as wide as possible, and the opportunities for training and skills enhancement emphasised.
With regard to further options for activities and developments on the site, it was proposed that a Committee site visit to enable Members to gain a better idea of the potential might be beneficial.
RESOLVED that (1) the objectives of the Alexander Park Eco Centre and the Northern Roots project be endorsed;
(2) the progress to date in developing the Alexander Park Eco Centre and the Northern Roots project be noted;
(3) a site visit to the Northern Roots project area be arranged to enable the Board to further consider the potentials for activities and development of the project;
(4) a six-month update report be submitted to the Board on the progress of the Alexander Park Eco Centre and Northern Roots project.
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