Agenda item

Outstanding Business from the previous meeting

(time limit 15 minutes).


Tyred Campaign


On Monday 10 September 2012 a coach bound for Liverpool carrying 53 people from the Bestival music festival on the Isle of Wight, left the road and crashed into a tree instantly killing Michael Molloy (18), Kerry Ogden (23) and the coach driver, Colin Daulby (63), and left others with life-changing injuries. The inquest into the crash found that the front nearside tyre which was actually older than the coach itself, at 19 years, was responsible for the crash. In 2014, Liverpool City Council unanimously agreed on a motion in support of Michael’s mother Frances calling for a change in the law requiring a ban on tyres older than six years on commercial vehicles. Despite the widespread public and political support for this campaign, no change in the law has been made, shamefully leaving others at risk from faulty and dangerous tyres.

Council notes that Frances Molloy has launched “Tyred” – the official campaign to pressure Government – to change the law to ban the use of tyres older than ten years on commercial vehicles.

Council wholeheartedly supports “Tyred” and asks the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition asking them to commit to cross-party support for a change in the law.

Council further resolves to support the “Tyred” campaign until such a change in the law is achieved and to draw the attention of the Local Government Association, especially its Environment and Transport Board, to this Council’s view that the concerns should be fully addressed. Council requests that the Leader copies the Chair of the LGA’s Environment and Transport Board into the letter to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

Finally, Council asks the Chief Executive to write to all schools in the Borough asking them to require coach and bus operators that they use for school trips etc to adhere to the provisions set out in the Tyred campaign. Council should also ask officers to look at our own procurement procedures with a view to inserting an appropriate clause in any contracts with commercial operators and to also ensure that this standard applies to our own vehicle fleet.”



The Mayor informed the meeting that there was one item of outstanding business from the previous meeting. 


Tyred” Campaign


Councillor Stretton MOVED and Councillor Haque SECONDED the following motion:


On Monday 10 September 2012 a coach bound for Liverpool carrying 53 people from the Bestival music festival on the Isle of Wight, left the road and crashed into a tree instantly killing Michael Molloy (18), Kerry Ogden (23) and the coach driver, Colin Daulby (63), and left others with life-changing injuries. The inquest into the crash found that the front nearside tyre which was actually older than the coach itself, at 19 years, was responsible for the crash. In 2014, Liverpool City Council unanimously agreed on a motion in support of Michael’s mother Frances calling for a change in the law requiring a ban on tyres older than six years on commercial vehicles. Despite the widespread public and political support for this campaign, no change in the law has been made, shamefully leaving others at risk from faulty and dangerous tyres.
Council notes that Frances Molloy has launched “Tyred” – the official campaign to pressure Government – to change the law to ban the use of tyres older than ten years on commercial vehicles.
Council wholeheartedly supports “Tyred” and asks the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition asking them to commit to cross-party support for a change in the law.
Council further resolves to support the “Tyred” campaign until such a change in the law is achieved and to draw the attention of the Local Government Association, especially its Environment and Transport Board, to this Council’s view that the concerns should be fully addressed. Council requests that the Leader copies the Chair of the LGA’s Environment and Transport Board into the letter to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
Finally, Council asks the Chief Executive to write to all schools in the Borough asking them to require coach and bus operators that they use for school trips etc to adhere to the provisions set out in the Tyred campaign. Council should also ask officers to look at our own procurement procedures with a view to inserting an appropriate clause in any contracts with commercial operators and to also ensure that this standard applies to our own vehicle fleet.”




Councillor Murphy MOVED and Councillor C. Gloster SECONDED the following AMENDMENT:


“Insert new paragraph 3 to read as follows:

‘Council also notes that at this time there is no tyre age criteria which allows nominated MoT testers to issue a failure notice to the presenter of a vehicle for test, and no guidance notes are included in the inspection manual issued to MoT testers which could give relevant tyre age testing information.’

In the final paragraph in the original motion remove the word ‘Finally’ at the start of that paragraph.

Insert a new final paragraph to read as follows:

‘Finally Council asks the Chief Executive to write to the Chief Executive of The Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) requesting that the DVSA:

·       Investigate tyre age on vehicles and

·       Following that investigation introduce a mandatory test of the age of all vehicle tyres as part of the compulsory annual Ministry for Transport test (MOT test) on all classes of vehicle

·       Empower nominated MOT testers to be able to issue failure notices to presenters of vehicles failing this test.’”


The amended motion would then read:


““On Monday 10 September 2012 a coach bound for Liverpool carrying 53 people from the Bestival music festival on the Isle of Wight, left the road and crashed into a tree instantly killing Michael Molloy (18), Kerry Ogden (23) and the coach driver, Colin Daulby (63), and left others with life-changing injuries. The inquest into the crash found that the front nearside tyre which was actually older than the coach itself, at 19 years, was responsible for the crash. In 2014, Liverpool City Council unanimously agreed on a motion in support of Michael’s mother Frances calling for a change in the law requiring a ban on tyres older than six years on commercial vehicles. Despite the widespread public and political support for this campaign, no change in the law has been made, shamefully leaving others at risk from faulty and dangerous tyres.
Council notes that Frances Molloy has launched “Tyred” – the official campaign to pressure Government – to change the law to ban the use of tyres older than ten years on commercial vehicles.
‘Council also notes that at this time there is no tyre age criteria which allows nominated MoT testers to issue a failure notice to the presenter of a vehicle for test, and no guidance notes are included in the inspection manual issued to MoT testers which could give relevant tyre age testing information.

Council wholeheartedly supports “Tyred” and asks the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition asking them to commit to cross-party support for a change in the law.
Council further resolves to support the “Tyred” campaign until such a change in the law is achieved and to draw the attention of the Local Government Association, especially its Environment and Transport Board, to this Council’s view that the concerns should be fully addressed. Council requests that the Leader copies the Chair of the LGA’s Environment and Transport Board into the letter to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
Council asks the Chief Executive to write to all schools in the Borough asking them to require coach and bus operators that they use for school trips etc to adhere to the provisions set out in the Tyred campaign. Council should also ask officers to look at our own procurement procedures with a view to inserting an appropriate clause in any contracts with commercial operators and to also ensure that this standard applies to our own vehicle fleet.

Finally Council asks the Chief Executive to write to the Chief Executive of The Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) requesting that the DVSA:

·       Investigate tyre age on vehicles and

·       Following that investigation introduce a mandatory test of the age of all vehicle tyres as part of the compulsory annual Ministry for Transport test (MOT test) on all classes of vehicle

Empower nominated MOT testers to be able to issue failure notices to presenters of vehicles failing this test.


Councillor Stretton ACCEPTED the AMENDMENT.


Councillor Stretton exercised her right of reply.


A vote was then taken on the AMENDMENT.


On being put to the vote, the AMENDMENT was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Councillor Murphy spoke in support of the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION.


Councillor Stretton did not exercise her right of reply.


On being put to the vote, the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.




1.       The Leader of the Council write to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to ask them to commit to cross party support for a change in the law.

2.       The Leader of the Council copies the letters to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to the Chair of the LGA’s Environment and Transport Board to draw to the attention of the Local Government Association to this Council’s view that the concerns should be fully addressed.

3.       The Chief Executive be asked to write to all schools in the Borough to ask them required bus and coach operators that they use for school trips, etc., to adhere to the provisions set out in the Tyred Campaign.

4.       Officers be asked to look at the Council’s own procurement procedures with a view to inserting an appropriate clause in any contracts with commercial operators and also ensure that this standard applied to the Council’s own fleet.

5.       The Chief Executive be asked to write to the Chief Executive of the Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) requesting the DVSA:

·       Investigate tyre age on vehicles and

·       Following that investigation, introduce a mandatory test of the age of all vehicle tyres as part of the compulsory annual vehicle Ministry of Transport (MOT test) on all classes of vehicle.

·       Empower nominated MOT testers to be able to issue failure notices to presenters of vehicles failing this test.