Browse meetings

Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee.

Information about Planning Committee

The Planning Committee will handle the Council's non-executive functions related to planning applications and related issues.


This includes:


·         Applications for minerals or waste development.

·         Applications involving the provision of: either (i) 20 or more dwellings; or (ii) Residential development on a site area of 1 hectare or more.

·         Applications for the provision of a building or buildings where the floor space to be created by the development is 1000 square metres or more.

·         Applications for retail, commercial, industrial or other development on a site having an area of 1 hectare or more.

·         Applications which require an environmental statement.

·         Applications which are notifiable departures from the Council’s Development Plan, other than applications which the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) is minded to refuse.

·         Applications to be considered under the referral procedure or referred at the discretion of the Assistant Director Planning, Transport and Housing Delivery.

·         Applications submitted by a Councillor, senior Council Officer (Officers on senior manager pay grade and above) or a member of staff employed within the Planning and Development Management service area, or by an immediate family member or partner of these persons, which would otherwise be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Place).

·         Applications to remove or vary conditions where the relevant planning condition was agreed by the Planning Committee in addition to those recommended in the Officer’s report.

·         Consultations from adjoining local authorities, including the Peak District National Park Authority, which fall into the categories 1 (a-d) above, where an objection is raised to the proposed development.

·         The nomination of a Member of the Committee to represent the Council at any subsequent hearing or inquiry where the decision was made contrary to Officer advice.

·         Major applications involving the Council either as applicant or land owner.

·         Minor applications involving the Council either as applicant or land owner where that application does not accord with the adopted Development Plan or there has been objection received to the application.