Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ibrahim. |
Urgent Business Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair Minutes: There were no items of urgent business received. |
Declarations of Interest To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Public Question Time To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Minutes of Previous Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board Meeting The Minutes of the Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board held on 30th July 2024 are attached for approval. Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 30thJuly 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Turning Point Annual Report and Update To consider the Turning Point Annual report and receive a presentation updating the Scrutiny Board on its activities. Additional documents: Minutes: This item was considered together with the report at minute 7 below.
Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham To receive an update on the drug strategy milestones and key achievements of the Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service in Oldham Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted a report providing an update to the report submitted to the last meeting on the drug strategy milestones and key achievements of Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service in Oldham.
Having a high functioning drug and alcohol treatment and recovery offer is an essential component of the range of activity required to achieve better population health and reduce demand on health and social care services.
It was reported that the number of Oldham residents needing specialist support to stabilise, engage in treatment and move into recovery was 1840 in Q1. An increase of 247 residents over 12 months. The level of unmet need was estimated to be 35% and 83% for drug and alcohol users respectively.
Oldham was currently meeting its number in treatment targets (Q2) and was on-track to achieve our 2024/25 financial year end targets. An increasing numbers of residents were being supported in partnership with Probation Service that are involved in the criminal justice system. A significant pressure was the Government’s 2024 Early Prison Release Programme. Number of releases were small but expected to increase over the next 12 months.
It was reported that the Homeless Addition and Treatment Support Service (HATSs) continued to engage with rough sleepers and residents at risk of losing their accommodation. The overall caseload was 137 residents engaged in the service.
It was reported that the budget for Drug and Alcohol treatment service in Oldham in 2024/25 was made up of £2.5M from the Local Authority Public Health Core Budget. In 2024/25, there was also an additional £1.68M in time limited central government grants. Another £0.17M from a combination of HM Prison and the Probation Service for Alcohol Care Teams. There had been no announcement about the continuation of grant funding in 2025/26.
The Scrutiny Board also received the Turning Point ROAR Annual Report and a presentation updating members on the work of the organisation. ROAR offers support and promotes wellbeing and recovery from drug and alcohol related issues through service hubs located in the Rochdale and Oldham areas. The Scrutiny Board was informed that ROAR had worked with over 3,895 service users, delivering a wide range of treatment methods, tailoring packages to meet individual needs. In addition ROAR have engaged in local partnerships including the Combating Drugs Partnership, GMCA , Local Community Safety groups, Safeguarding and network groups.
The Scrutiny Board notes the outcome of work over the last 12 months and progress to date from Turning Point in the delivery of the Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service. |
2024/25 Quarter 1 Corporate Performance (CPR) Report To consider the Corporate Performance Report Quarter 1 2024/25. Minutes: The Assistant Director Strategy & Performance submitted the Corporate Performance Report (CPR) which provided an overview of corporate performance against agreed service business plan measures for the 2024/25 Q1 period (April – June). Historically, a full CPR has gone to the Governance, Strategy and Resources (GSR) Scrutiny Board; however, now that there were four Scrutiny Boards, it was more appropriate that the constituent parts go to the appropriate meeting to enable more in depth analysis and discussion of the CPR alongside other associated reports. The CPR report for this Scrutiny Board contained information on Adult Social Care and Public Health key metrics and targets.
In respect of Adult Social Care it was reported that there were no Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which were underperforming by more than 5%. Four KPIs were performing at or above target and two KPIs: ‘% of community based providers rated a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’’ and ‘Percentage of service users in settled accommodation’ were rated as Amber, performing at less than 5% below target.
The report highlighted a number of successes in improving performance including placing learning disability service users in settle accommodation, reducing the risk of harm in section 42 enquiries and reviewing direct benefits. Several areas of work requiring further development were identified. These included: meeting the needs of residents discharged from hospital; the budget implications of increased homecare; and helping care homes to achieve and sustain a ‘good’ or In respect of Public Health ‘outstanding’ rating.
In respect of Public Health it was reported that there were no KPIs which were underperforming by more than 5%. Four areas with no targets set and one area ‘Percentage who quit smoking at 4 weeks’ which was performing slightly below target. Successes identified in the report were work around improving the take up of childhood immunisation and the flu vaccine and number of delivered health checks. Areas identified for further development work were childhood immunisation uptake along with increasing the percentage of people who quit smoking for more than 4 weeks.
RESOLVED: 1. To note the progress in implementing the business plan objectives. 2.The areas of consistent good performance and improvements be welcomed.
Adult Social Care -Overview of Oldham's Care Market To receive a presentation giving an overview of the current market for adult social care provision in Oldham. Minutes: This Item was deferred to the next meeting. |
To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work programme for the remainder of the municipal year. Minutes: The Scrutiny Board considered its Work Programme for 2023/24.
Resolved: That the Work Programme be noted. |
Key Decision Document Minutes: The Scrutiny Board considered the Key Decision Document which records key decisions that the authority is due to take.
Resolved: That the Key Decision Document be noted. |
Rule 13 and 14 To consider any rule 13 or 14 decisions taken since the previous meeting.
Minutes: There was nothing to report under Rule 13 and 14. |