Agenda and minutes

Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board - Thursday, 7th September, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Constitutional Services 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received fro Councillor Hobin.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 316 KB

The Minutes of the meeting of the Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board Committee held on 13th July 2023 are attached for approval.


The Minutes of the Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board held on 13 July 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair.


The Chairman informed the Board that the Work Programme item had been omitted from the agenda and he would be including that item as the last agenda item.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions for this meeting of the Committee to consider.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 316 KB

The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023 are attached for approval.


This item was withdrawn because it was considered at Minute no.2.



Northern Care Alliance - Care Quality Commission - Inspection Report pdf icon PDF 267 KB

To receive and consider a Care Quality Commission updated Inspection report. An updated report bespoke to Oldham will be circulated at the meeting.


A report was received for discussion a report from Northern Care Alliance regarding a Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection report. The report was presented by Karen Coverley, Director of Nursing (Oldham Care Organisation).


Karen Coverley, informed the Board that the an action plan has been produced which highlights 79 ‘Must Do’ recommendations from the Inspection report to be expedited. She will forward an updated report highlighting these recommendations.These recommendations are being addressed and are on track to be completed.


Members were informed that the NCA have an internal accrediation process which gives an assurance on any issues. The CQC make unannounced inspections.


The Vice-Chairman reminded the Board that this item is on the agenda so that the NCA could present a bespoke report appertaining to Oldham. This however, had not been received. He suggested that because the next Board meeting will not be held until December that a special Board meeting be arranged to consider a bespoke Oldham CQC report.


Alistair Craig, Northern Care Alliance, apologised and informed that Board that the bespoke Oldham report would be sent to the Council folowing the Board meeting. He further informed the Board that the Internal Accreditation Process had been completed recently and they were now in a better position following the CQC report.


Resolved: that a special meeting be of the Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board be held on a date to be agreed to consider the bespokeOldham report relating to CQC recommendation.






Pennine Acute Services Transaction and Associated Disaggregation pdf icon PDF 927 KB

To receive and discuss the attached report regarding Complex Services Pennine Acute Disaggregation.


The Board received a report from the Northern Care Alliance (NCA) regarding the Complex Services Pennine Disaggregation. The report was presented by Tamara Zooman (NCA) and Alistair Craig (NCA).


Members were informed that in 2021, Manchester Foundation Trust  acquired the North Manchester General Hospital  site, and Salford Royal Foundation Trust  acquired the remaining sites of , creating the Northern Care Alliance FT. Since then, due to the way in which digital systems and clinical rotas operate, there are some services that operate across the two providers that have not yet been ‘disaggregated’. This means that the services still need to be split between the two organisations using an agreed set of principles: including splitting of the workforce, budget and waiting lists. In September 2022 the first phase of complex services were disaggregated (Fetal Medicine, Clinical Haematology and Sleep Services), these were considered by Scrutiny Committees in July 2022. A second phase (Cardiology, Gastronterology, Rheumatology and Urology (6 low volume pathways)) will be disaggregated in September 2023. Scrutiny Committees considered these proposals in January 2023.. The final phase of dissagregation is due to take place between January 2024 and March 2024 and includes Dexa (bone density) scanning, Ear, Nose & Throat, Trauma & Orthopaedics and Urology. This paper concerns this final phase, and in particular scrutiny’s approval of the substantial variation assessments that have been developed to assess the scale of impact of these changes.


Members were reminded that previous updates on the disaggregation had been given to Scrutiny and this is the final update on the remain The report provides an update regarding the dissolution of the former Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust (PAHT) and re-provision of services by both Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and the remainder of the PAHT sites into the Northern Care Alliance (NCA). In particular, planned service changes in the context of previously agreed decisions taken in Greater Manchester to disaggregate services from the legacy PAHT and integrate North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH) into Manchester Foundation Trust and the remainder of the PAHT sites into the NCA.

The paper provides the following:

  • A reminder about the background to the acquisition of the Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust
  • An overview of the disaggregation approach and context of complex services
  • An overview of the engagement undertaken with patients to gain feedback and insights to inform these plans
  • The likely impact on Oldham patients
  • A summary of the substantial variation assessment for each specialty


In response to a question, Tamora Zoaman informed the Board that transfer of staff via TUPE was in place but was still work in progress.


A question was raised regarding additional services at Oldham Hospital and problems of car parking for staff and patients which is already limited. Alistair Craig informed the Board that car parking is an issue at all Greater Manchester hospitals. Staff unfortunately have to pay for parking but this a national decision.


The Board was informed that the process was all about pathways to services. Moving services to Oldham hospital will not impact on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Drugs and Alcohol Strategy : Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham pdf icon PDF 314 KB

To receive and discuss an update on progress to date on embedding recommendations of the Government’s 10-year drugs plan ‘From harm to hope’ and local work on policy implementation.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report submitted by Rebecca Fletcher, the Interim Director of Public Health, Regarding the Drug and Alcohol Strategy – Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham.


The report provided an update on progress to date on embedding recommendations of the Government’s 10-year drugs plan ‘From harm to hope’ and local work on policy implementation.


It also provided an update on the mobilisation of the Adult Integrated Substance Misuse to Treatment and Recovery Service delivered by Turning Point.


The Board was informed that having a high functioning drug and alcohol treatment and recovery offer is an essential component of the range of activity required to achieve better population health and reduce demand on health and social care services.


In December 2021, a national policy paper – From harm to hope; A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives’ was published, setting out the ambition to give people with drug addiction a route to a productive and drug free life.


The Oldham Drug and Alcohol Partnership Group was established in April 2023 and has been overseeing workstreams that are required to be delivered under the 10-year drug plan. This report summarises work to date to implement its recommendations and the GMCA Combatting Drugs Partnership.


Oldham and Rochdale Councils have in collaboration jointly commissioned Turning Point to deliver the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery service in both areas.


Julian Guerriero, Senior Policy Strategy and Commissioning Manager, gave an overview of the Strategy and drew Members attention to the various elements of the Strategy. He emphasised that drug and alcohol addiction is recognised as a health condition and this is embedded in the Strategy. He made particular reference to the timeline of work and advised that the work needed to be carried out would take time and would not be achieved overnight.


Annie Lyn, Senior Operations Manager, Turning Point, gave an update on the mobilisation of the Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service delivered by Turning Point. She advised that her team were working very well and recruitment to the team was making significant progress. She emphasised the work being carried out with communities and the need to make communities aware that the service offered by Turning Point was available to individuals who are experiencing drug or alcohol problems and indeed families who are affected by their siblings with these problems. They use the media to advertise their support and use events such as football matches to show that they are available to help which will give people more opportunities to get better. She advised Members that their centre would be moving to a new location in Oldham in December this year which will be a more appropriate venue to treat people.


In response to a question, Rebecca Fletcher advised that the budget for Drug and Achohol treatment services is £2.8million is the core elelment  in the budget for 2023-24  and the £1.49million was time limited till March 2025 from central government, paragraph  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Work Programme 2023-24


Circulated at the meeting was the Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board Work Programme 2023-24.


Resolved: that subject to (i) and (ii) below the Work Programme for 2023-24 be noted:


(i) a further update regarding the Pennine Acute Services Transaction and Acute Disaggregation be included to be discussed at the March 2024 Meeting; and


(ii) the  Drugs and Alcohol Strategy:Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery in Oldham be reviewed in September 2024.