Agenda and minutes

Special meeting, Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board - Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hobin and Hussain.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions for this meeting of the Board to consider.


Northern Care Alliance - Care Quality Commission - Inspection Report for Oldham pdf icon PDF 778 KB

To receive and consider the following –


(i) CQC Inspection report for Oldham (Appendix 1).



(ii) In connection with the Oldham report, the full CQC report circulated at the previous Scritiny Board meeting (Appendix 2).

Additional documents:


The received and considered the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report in respect of Oldham Hospital which was presented by Karen Coverley, Director of Nursing, Oldham Care Organisation.


The report indicated that the Northern Care Alliance (NCA) overarching action plan was developed and replicated by each care organisation. Set out were the ‘Must’ and ‘Should’ actions for the NCA, Oldham Care Organisation and Maternity Services.


Progress to date is as follows:


·         All divisions have reviewed the 79 NCA Must and Should Dos


·         Actions have been linked to any improvement plans / work ongoing to support and monitor the development of improvements across the services.


·         Oldham have 57 completed actions of which 22 are business as usual (BAU) / risk register, 11 in progress BAU/risk. These actions are being monitored via related workstreams / or added onto a risk register (Group or Care Organisation depending on the action).


·         Oldham Care Organisation mandatory training is at 92.2% and My Time (appraisal) at 85.37%.


·         Divisions /specialities are reviewing policies and working towards harmonisation of policies across the NCA.


·         A harmonised Medicines policy has been finalised across the NCA, with maternity services working closely with Pharmacy colleagues to develop a maternity medicines policy.


·         Nursing assessment and accreditation scheme, NAAS action plans are being cross referenced with the CQC action plan and ongoing work, ward F6 achieved Green in all 14 domains and good practice is being shared across all divisions. The Oldham theatres had their first TAAS assessment and achieved amber status.


·         As part of the Urgent and Emergency Care workstream a Continuous Flow Model (CFM) has commenced within the division of medicine and shared learning across the NCA with other Care Organisation exploring the model.


·         The Oldham Emergency Department have implemented the Patient First Improvement dashboard / toolkit and this has been shared with the other EDs across the NCA for implementation.


·         The Maternity Improvement Board monitors the action plans / improvements within the maternity improvement plan.


·         Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) implementation phase has been moved to 01 November 2023 and transition will be completed by 31 December 2023. Training has been commenced and workshops are under way in preparation for the implementation phase. Divisions across the Care Organisation are presently piloting PSIRF toolkits both Maternity and the Division of Medicine are completing an investigation using the SEIPS model.


·         The NCA has transition to a new risk management policy in September 2023. The policy aims to create a risk management approach that is simple, realistic and feasible for all and one which brings value in terms of improvement. The policy champions the importance of proactive risk management at all levels.


·         The transition for the risk scoring is September 2023 to December 2023 when all risks need to be in the new scoring matrix, within the first 4 weeks the divisions have rescored 67% of risks.


·         Oldham Urgent and Emergency Care services (ED/SDEC) have had a recent mock inspection in June 2023 and the formal report was received in September. Improvements  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Healthwatch Annual Report 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive and consider the Healthwatch Annual report 2022-23.


The Board received and discussed the Healthwatch Oldham Annual report 2022-23.


Tamoor Tariq reminded the Board that Healthwatch exists due to the Health and Social Care Act 2012 stipulating that each locality should have a Healthwatch. This has been set up in Oldham and the Healthwatch team comprises 5 members of staff and he is the only fulltime individual. There are also eight volunteers who support Healthwatch. Healthwatch is funded by Oldham Council and Oldham Council’s funding is derived from funding received from Central Government. Healthwatch is hosted by Action Together and Tamoor Tariq is managed by the Chief Executive of that group. Action Together manage the finances and human resources background and Healthwatch deliver the services.


Regarding the Income and Expenditure Account for 2022-23, Tamoor Tariq informed the Board that the excess of Expenditure over income for 2022-23 is balanced from overspend and underspend from previous years.


The Board was informed that Healthwatch staff have been working to hear the voices of local people and to represent and act on this feedback. Their work is important to ensure local people can share information about their health and care experiences and they must make sure this includes people from communities that may not always be heard. In 2022/3, they reached out to all Oldham communities via our bi-monthly survey, “The Healthwatch Oldham 100” and through targeted surveys. The information they obtain from these surveys helps to identify key themes on a range of subjects that matter to you and that we can further explore. Next year they will build upon this work and seek to improve their engagement with people with disabilities, asylum seekers, the LGBTQ+ community, and young people. In 2022/23 they used feedback to further explore the experiences of people living with dementia and to publish our findings. They were also involved in projects with Healthwatch Rochdale to review the experiences of partners and family members in local maternity services and with the former Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group to help evaluate how Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) in GP practices were working. They will ensure feedback is shared with service providers and track how it is used to develop services and address your ideas and concerns. They could also take forward views on remote appointments with the Northern Care Alliance and work with them and others to develop guidance for future use.


Last year saw changes to the NHS infrastructure and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) were created to plan and deliver joined-up health and care services. Oldham is part of the Greater Manchester ICP and works with the other nine Greater Manchester (GM) boroughs to improve the health and wellbeing of GM people. Healthwatch Oldham plays an active part in these new arrangements at both a local level and as part of the new Healthwatch in Greater Manchester Network. Being part of this network means they can participate in joint projects and share intelligence. In 2022/3 they used the feedback provided on access to dental services in Oldham to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.