Agenda and draft minutes

Commissioning Partnership Board - Thursday, 29th September, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chair

The Panel is asked to elect a Chair for the duration of the meeting.


Resolved: That Councillor Moores be elected Chair for the duration of the meeting.


Apologies For Absence

To receive any apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Chadderton.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions to consider.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 216 KB

The Minutes of the Commissioning Partnership Board, held on 26th May 2022 are attached for approval.


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Commissioning Partnership Board, held on 26th May 2022, be approved as a correct record.


Revised contribution to 2022/23 section 75 agreement pdf icon PDF 557 KB


The Partnership considered a report of the Directors of Finance that sought consideration and agreement of the proposed changes to the Section 75 Agreement (S.75) for 2022/23.


The report proposed changes to the scope and scale of the S.75 from 1st July to align with the budgets delegated to locality. The report also recognised that the values outlined are subject to further variation in response to change in allocation to locality that may emerge during the year.


The report that was presented to the Partnership Board in May 2022 outlined the S.75 budget and detailed the budgets impacting the wider determinants of health that sit under the joint stewardship of the board. It was recognised that those budgets classified as “in view” are outside of the scope of the S.75 agreement for both Health and Social Care but came under the Joint Stewardship of the Board as described by the Target Operating model.


In addition, it was recognised that 2022/23 would be a transitional year for Health as the changes arising from the implementation of the White Paper on Health and Social Care Reform were enacted.  With the transfer of agreements to NHS Greater Manchester from 1st July 2022, there was now a requirement to align the financial values in Locality S.75 agreements with the budgets which have been delegated to place. This was also a requirement of the formal constitution process to enable formal delegation to Locality System Boards from the NHS Greater Manchester Board.


The values included in the submitted report were split by Quarter 1 operating as Oldham CCG and Quarters 2 - 4 operating as NHS Greater Manchester.  This reflected the point of variation to the health element of the S.75.



1.    That the Commissioning Partnership Board confirms its support of the changes proposed in the scale and scope of the 2022/23 S.75 agreement between Oldham CCG and Oldham Council.

2.    That the Commissioning Partnership Board acknowledges that the values outlined are subject to further variation in response to changes in allocation to locality which may emerge during the year.

3.    That the Commissioning Partnership Board notes the recommendation that agreement of final values to be added to the legal agreement should be delegated to Locality Finance Lead (or Greater Manchester ICB’s Chief Finance Officer as appropriate) and Oldham Council’s Director of Finance).

4.    That the Commissioning Partnership Board authorises a Variation Agreement to be generated that will be signed off by NHS Greater Manchester and Oldham Council.


Quarter 1 2022/23 Oldham Locality S75 Finance Report pdf icon PDF 512 KB


The Partnership considered a report of the Directors of Finance that provided an update on the Oldham Locality Section 75 (S75) position for Quarter One of 2022/23 (April – June 2022).

S.75 agreements existed between Local Authorities and the NHS nationally for the pooling of budgets to facilitate closer working. Oldham Council and Oldham CCG had entered into such an agreement for several years. The S.75 agreement covered expenditure where services were being commissioned jointly and a wider scope of NHS Healthcare functions.  The CCG’s contribution to the S.75 agreement included all items that could be legally included in the pooled fund. However, this only represented further items of expenditure into view of the Council. It did not create new expenditure (the contracts for which the CCG had already planned to incur) or create a new risk for the Council (as the expanded section of the S.75 did not pool risk in this area). The main purpose was to facilitate a whole system approach to deliver care where and how it could be best delivered to the citizens of the Oldham Borough.


The submitted report presented the position, at 30th June 2022, when Oldham CCG ceased operations. A forecasted outturn position had not been reported as NHS Greater Manchester had directed that the S.75 needed to be amended to reflect the health budgets delegated to localities from 1st July 2022 onwards.  Until the budget for Quarters 2 - 4 (Q2 - 4) was agreed, a forecast outturn position for health could not be accurately reported.  It was expected that this would be in place for Month 6.  It was not anticipated that the changes would impact on the risk share arrangements of the S.75.


The signed S.75 for Oldham had been formally agreed at the Commissioning Partnership Board’s meeting on 31st March 2022. The Agreement encompassed pooled funds totalling £135.2m for Quarter 1, comprising of a Pooled Aligned Budget of £134.8m and a Pooled Budget of £0.4m.


Resolved: That the report be noted.