Agenda and draft minutes

Health and Well Being Board - Tuesday, 24th January, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Munroe, Jayne Ratcliffe, Nasir Dad, Paul Clifford, Dr John Patterson, Tamoor Tariq, Joanne Sloan and David Jago.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions for the meeting to consider.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 239 KB

The Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held 15th November 2022, are attached for approval.


Standing Items



That the Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 15th November 2022, be approved as a correct record.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Drugs and Alcohol Needs Assessment (Jon Taylor)


The Health and Wellbeing Board received a presentation from the Data Insight and Intelligence Lead regarding the Oldham Drug and Alcohol Needs Assessment 2022.


Oldham had a total population of 237,628 (according to the Mid-Year Estimate, 2020) of which 49.4% are male and 50.6% female. Those who were 18 years or older represent 75.0% of the population. It is currently estimated that White/White British ethnicities comprise the largest concentration (71.3%) followed by Asian/Asian British communities with 22.4%.


In terms of Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Oldham is 19th worst in England and had five LSOAs (Lower Super Output Areas) which now sit in the most deprived 1% nationally.


As of March 2022 the number of adult drug users in treatment in Oldham was 1,197 compared to 1,046 in the previous year – an increase of 14.4%. The number of adult alcohol-only clients also increased significantly by 17.9% from 385 in March 2021 to 454 in March 2022. These increases are significantly greater than averages for Greater Manchester, the North West region and England. The number of new presentations to adult drug treatment services in Oldham increased sharply by 28.9% from 450 to 580 which was accompanied by a rise of 18.3% amongst alcohol-only clients from 268 to 317. Again, increases in this context were far higher than sub-regional, regional and national averages.


Estimates of unmet need, based on the proportion of people who are dependent on opiates and/or crack cocaine or alcohol not in the treatment system, show that rates amongst Oldham’s population, except for ‘crack (only)’, are inferior to national averages. Successful completions since ‘historic lows’ in 2018/19 are currently showing signs of recovery, approaching 6% amongst opiate users and a four-year high of 37.2% amongst non-opiate clients. The rates of successful completions are now beginning to compare well with national and ‘local outcome comparator’ group averages.


In the past 12 months the rates for re-presentations within six months of a successful completion are also, to a large extent, improving. Amongst non-opiate users, rates have dropped to zero and typically 0% to 4% amongst the combined user category of ‘Alcohol & Non-opiates’. Rates amongst opiate users fell from 42% in March 2021 to 17% in March 2022. However, amongst alcohol only clients the rate increased to 17% during the same period following a consistent period of sub-five percent rates.


Within Oldham’s adult in-treatment drug user population 72% are male. White/White British ethnicities represent 85% of this cohort, with Asian/Asian British communities being the next largest grouping at 8%. This means that while White ethnicities are over[1]represented in the treatment population, South Asian communities are significantly under[1]represented when compared to the general population. In terms of age, 30- to 49-year-olds account for 63% of adult in treatment. 9. Almost 7% of drug users in treatment indicated ‘urgent housing problems’ and 13% cited other ‘housing problems. Approximately two-thirds (65.7%) had a ‘mental health treatment need identified’ when they presented to drug treatment services in Oldham. In March 2022  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Health Inequalities Thematic Review; Work and Unemployment

Work to date introduced and key recommendations by the Sponsors - Charlotte Walker, Majid Hussain, and Kelly Webb (30 minutes). Report to follow

-       NCA recruitment – sharing good practice – Donna McLaughlin & Rohema Khan

-       Oldham Council recruitment update – Vicki Morris/ Victoria Fitzpatrick

-       Social value framework – impact on employment - Rajnish Ahuja



The Health and Wellbeing Board received a detailed review of one of the key thematic areas, that had been extracted from Oldham’s Health Inequalities Plan and considered progress, opportunities and challenges. The themes that were discussed included ‘work and unemployment’.


A key area of focus was work around reducing inequalities in working practices. Work to counter this included encouraging ‘anchor’ organisations to work together to develop more equitable and accessible recruitment practices. This would in turn help to maximise the benefit and learning from NHS Northern Care Alliance (NCA) work and how this can be shared more broadly across anchor organisations. Another measure involved reviewing adult education course uptake data and the development of plans for improving uptake in those areas of highest socio-economic need, developing a targeted offer and engagement strategies and considering course time commitments and how they link to recognised thresholds.


There were initiatives ongoing to drive the uptake in the living wage and the Greater Manchester employment charter across Oldham – which offered opportunities and protection to some of the city-region’s most vulnerable groups. Actions in this regard included the development of campaigns to increase participation in the Greater Manchester employment charter and living wage for Oldham, including enabling social care providers to pay the living wage. There were aims to strengthen Social Value Procurement, with an emphasis on the need to be seen to be a ‘good and fair paying employer’.


There was an identifiable need to improve the understanding of inequalities associated with employment matters across the Borough. This could be achieved by collating data relating to employment practices and look to share the data across the Borough, thereby obtaining an understanding of the ‘need’ in the Borough, aided by the development of plans and monitoring progress. It would also monitor unemployment data, including those who are inactive due to illness or caring.


A key outcome would be to maximise opportunities into employment in Oldham, particularly in the most under employed areas. In this regard work was ongoing to connect pathways from lifelong learning into employment opportunities, maximising opportunities from leveraging pre-employment programmes (such as the NCAs) and connecting into further learning opportunities.


The board was advised that there had been a ‘workshop’ held in November 2022, which had focused on Recruitment – exploring best practice and opportunities. The key recommendations arising from the workshop included: for foundation roles, recruitment needed to be in plain English – adverts, job descriptions and interview questions; the issue of ‘appointable candidates’ being retained in a ‘jobs pool’ for future opportunities – which was considered a positive way forward. There had been recruitment fairs which could lead to offers of employment and/or training. Recruitment activity to penetrate communities with low employment prospects was another key outcome. Finally in terms of job vacancies there had been an identifiable need to join with education establishments as part of a pipeline into employment gaps.


The Board was advised that the NCA provided a nationally recognised programme to support Refugee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Health Inequalities thematic review; Housing, Transport and Environment

Oldham’s Transport Strategy – Eleanor Sykes (25 minutes). Report to follow


The Health and Wellbeing Board received a further detailed review of one of its key thematic areas, that had also been extracted from Oldham’s Health Inequalities Plan. The themes that were discussed included ‘housing transport and the environment’.


The Council’s Cabinet was due to consider a report that would seek approval and adoption of the Oldham Transport Strategy and the Board received a presentation outlining the strategy, its aims and its links to other key strategic areas.. The Oldham Transport Strategy set out how Oldham would meet the ambitions set out in the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 and sub strategies, whilst ensuring investment was prioritised to ensure that Oldham’s Transport and Highways Network supported a Healthy, Clean and Thriving borough.


The Vision for Oldham was to create a connected borough with increasing use of public transport and active travel that provides all people with safe and inclusive access to opportunities and healthy choices.The Transport Strategy set out the council's transport and highways ambitions in relation to:

  • A Healthy Oldham
  • A Clean Oldham
  • A Safe Oldham
  • An Accessible Olham
  • A Connected Oldham and
  • A Thriving Oldham


The Oldham Transport Strategy and Delivery Plan was aligned with the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 ‘Right Mix’ ambition for half of all journeys to be made by active and sustainable transport modes by 2040.


The aim of Oldham’s Transport Strategy was to reduce carbon emissions from transport, increase cycling, walking and public transport use and enable the borough to become an increasingly attractive place to live, work and visit.

The Delivery Plan set out transport interventions to be delivered over the following time periods:

  • short term 0 - 5 years;
  • medium term 5 -10 years;
  • long term 10 – 20 years (up to 2040); and
  • beyond 20 years - 2040 onwards.


The Transport Strategy also included the first proposed sub-strategy - an update to the Oldham Town Centre Parking Strategy. The refreshed Town Centre Parking Strategy was necessary to support the current regeneration proposals for the town centre.



That the Health and Wellbeing Board support and endorse the Oldham Transport Strategy including the Delivery Plan.


Public Health Updates pdf icon PDF 368 KB

a.    Health Improvement – Rebecca Fletcher

b.    Health Protection – Charlotte Stevenson


Business items

Additional documents:


The meeting received a Health Protection and Health Improvement Highlights report. the Health Improvement Highlights report examined issues relating to teenage health and pregnancies; healthy weight and physical activity; tobacco related issues (including dependency and smoking cessation); ‘Healthy Start’ (the development and delivery of infant mortality action plans); drug and alcohol treatment services and governance issues (including the establishment of a Health Improvement Group that would report to the Health and Wellbeing Board).


The Health Protection Highlights included outbreak support (the management of outbreaks of communicable diseases – including respiratory and new and emerging infections; infection prevention and controls in high-risk settings (such as GP Practices, Care Homes and Early Years settings);  the combating of flu, including the rolling out of the autumnal/winter vaccination programme; and Healthcare Acquired Infections and anti-microbial resistance (via the provision of support to prevent and reduce attendant risks)



That the report be noted.


Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 787 KB

Director of Public Health to report


Item for Decision


That consideration of the Oldham Health and Wellbeing Strategy be deferred, to the next scheduled meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on Tuesday, 21st March 2023.


Adult Social Care Discharge Fund 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Additional documents:


The meeting considered a report of the Assistant Director of Joint Commissioning (Adult Social Care) which provided the Health and Wellbeing Board with details of the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund 2022/23 and to obtain retrospective sign-off in line with the requirements of the national conditions.


The board wad advised that in September 2022, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) had announced £500m of temporary funding nationally to support timely and safe discharge from hospital into the community by reducing the number of people delayed in hospital awaiting social care. In November 2022, the funding allocations and detailed grant conditions were published, including the requirement to spend the funding by 31st March 2023 and submit fortnightly activity and spend returns, the first of which is required on 6th January 2023.


DHSC had allocated part of the funding directly to local authorities, and part of the funding to Integrated Care Boards (ICB), with a requirement for ICB’s to agree its distribution with local authority partners, dependent on local context and challenges.


The funds for Oldham, allocated directly to the local authority were £935,295. The funds allocated to Oldham via Greater Manchester NHS Integrated Care were £1,638,593. Funding was to be paid in two tranches, the first in December and the second in January, subject to completion of the first monitoring return.


As a locality and in the context of Greater Manchester, Oldham performed well in respect of timely hospital discharge, but this came at a cost, particularly in relation to home care packages, care home placements and equipment. Capacity in the care sector was significantly challenging, with workforce availability cited as the greatest contributing factor.


Fortnightly reporting is required to be submitted, providing total activity, discharge specific activity and spend information. The first return was completed on 6th January 2023 which also included baseline information of all local authority funded activity for the period 1st October - 31st October 2022. A final spending report is required to be submitted to DHSC, alongside the wider end of year BCF report by 2nd May 2023. The Section 75 agreement, which deals with the Better Care Fund is required to be amended to incorporate the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund.



1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board approves the content of the Oldham Adult Social Care Discharge Fund Plan

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes that Schedule 8 of the Section 75 agreement, pertaining to the Better Care Fund, will be amended to reflect this funding.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held on Tuesday, 21st March 2023 at 2.00pm in the Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be held on Tuesday, 21st March 2023 at 2.00pm, in the Civic Centre, Oldham.