Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Panel - Tuesday, 14th March, 2023 9.30 am

Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chair

The Panel is asked to elect a Chair for the duration of the meeting.


RESOLVED that Councillor C Gloster be elected Chair for the duration of the meeting.



Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S Hussain and Councillor Surjan.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.


Order of Proceedings pdf icon PDF 124 KB


RESOLVED that the order of proceedings be noted.



Application for a Temporary Event Notice, Unit BS1, The Ground Works Building pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Principal Licensing Officer which asked the Panel to determine an application for a Temporary Event Notice for an event party up to 03:00 a.m., at Unit BS1, The Ground Works Building, Shaw Road, Oldham OL1 4AW.


The Panel was informed that on the 1st March 2023 the applicant applied for a Temporary Event Notice for an Event Party for Unit BS1 of the Ground Works Building. The last date for representations in respect of the application was the 6th March 2023. Representations had been received and were attached at Appendix 14.3 to the report.


The Panel were asked to consider the Authority’s Licensing Policy Statement.

Their attention was drawn to paragraph 8 - Public Nuisance.  They were also asked to consider the statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.


The Panel were reminded that the steps available to them were:

a.    Confirm the notice as served on the Licensing Authority

b.    To reject the notice and issue a counter notice


The Panel was informed the TEN can be modified (for example, by changing the details of the parts of the premises that are to be used for the event, the description of the nature of the intended activities or their duration). The other relevant person has to agree.


Any steps taken that were appropriate to promote the licensing objectives should be specified. If none of the steps were appropriate and proportionate, no action should be taken.


In arriving at a decision Members must have regard to the relevant provisions of national guidance and the licensing policy statement and reasons must be given for any departure. The decision should be based on the individual merits of the application.


The Applicant was in attendance.


The Panel heard from Environmental Health Service, who informed them that they have been dealing with several complaints from the neighbouring residents regarding loud music from the premises and disturbance as people leave the venue in the early hours of the morning and that they are concerned that granting the application will cause further noise nuisance to the neighbouring residents.  The Panel were also informed that no complaints were received since 1st February 2023 and requested to get in some monitoring equipment’s.  The Group Solicitor present advised the Panel that this will need to be done separately with Environmental Health.  


RESOLVED that the application was GRANTED ON A TEMPORARY BASIS and that the Applicant meet with the Environmental Health Officer before the event.