Agenda and minutes

Special Meeting, Cabinet - Monday, 2nd October, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Constitutional Services  0161 770 5151

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Fida Hussain.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions for this meeting of the Cabinet to consider.


Places for Everyone Plan: A Joint Development Plan Document for 9 Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) - Proposed Modifications Consultation pdf icon PDF 365 KB


The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director, Place and Economic Growth which provided an update on the Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan and its independent examination. The report sought approval for the PfE modifications (Main, Additional and those relating to the policies map), and associated supporting background documents, to be subject to a period of representations for 8 weeks commencing no earlier than 9th October 2023. A summary of what the modifications would mean for the overall aims of the Plan and specifically for Oldham was included within the report. Following the conclusion of the consultation, the Inspectors would consider all the representations made on the proposed Main Modifications (MM’s) before finalising the examination report and the schedule of recommended MMs.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Licensing advised Members of a formatting error on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority regarding one of the modifications. However, Cabinet was assured that this error would be corrected prior to the commencement of the formal consultation period.


The Cabinet was also aware that this matter had recently been considered by the Place Economic Growth and Environment Scrutiny Board at its special meeting on 26th September 2023. At that meeting, Scrutiny Board members had endorsed the recommendations in the report and requested that Cabinet concur.



1.            That the Cabinet notes the progress made in respect of the Places for Everyone Plan (PfE);

2.            That the Cabinet agrees that the PfE modifications (Main, Additional and those relating to the policies map), and associated supporting background documents, are to be subject to a period of representations, for a period of 8 weeks commencing no earlier than 9th October 2023; and

3.            That the Cabinet agrees the next steps for the production of the PfE Plan (detailed in paragraphs 2.77 to 2.80 of the submitted report).