Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 20th September, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Liz Drogan  0161 770 4705

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence received.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


Councillors Jabbar and Mushtaq declared a personal interest at Item of the agenda by virtue of relatives attending North Chadderton School.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions.


Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 23rd August 2021 pdf icon PDF 231 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd August 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Alexandra Park Depot Contract - Construction Contract and Final Business Case approval pdf icon PDF 150 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval to proceed with the construction of the new depot and energy sources in Alexandra Park Eco Centre, as an early phase of the wider Eco Centre masterplan. 

On 25th January 2021, Cabinet approved Phase 1 of the Alexandra Park Eco Centre, comprising a new office building that was heated by an air source heat pump/mains electricity power system, with a new substation, and new CCTV and external lighting over the car park and landscaping areas.

On 18th May 2021, the main contract for the project was put out to tender, with three contractors submitting prices for the construction element of the project.  A robust assessment and evaluation process, and a preferred contractor identified – refer to the details in part b paper.

Options/ alternatives considered

The options would be considered at Item 15 of the agenda.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information as detailed at 15 of the of the agenda before making  decision.



Other Protected Open Land Interim Planning Paper pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and place which sought approval to adopt and publish the Other Protected Open Land Interim Planning Paper.

The new national planning policy, review of existing OPOL sites, The paper says not all current sites meet the new criteria for local green space, suggesting the current OPOL site that do meet the criteria, two sites that no longer meet the green space criteria, using the local green space designation gives protection to OPOL sites

The Interim Planning Paper set out how the council would consider Other Protected Open Land (OPOL) when assessing planning applications for development that may impact on the OPOL. The paper needed to be read in conjunction with the Policy 22 'Protecting Open Land' of the Joint Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) that was adopted 9 November 2011 by the council.

Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 -To adopt and publish the Other Protected Open Land Interim Planning Paper. The Interim Planning Paper should be used as a material consideration to assess the significance of each OPOL..

Option 2:- To not adopt and publish the Other Protected Open Land Interim Planning Paper. Development Management would be unable to use the Interim Planning Paper in determining planning applications regarding OPOL..


RESOLVED – That the Other Protected Open Land Interim Planning adopted.  The Interim Planning Paper would be used as a material consideration to assess the significance of each Other Protected Open Land.




Education Contributions Interim Planning Position Paper pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to  report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval of and publication of the Education Contributions Interim Planning Position Paper.

This Interim Planning Position Paper set out how the Council would deal with education contributions for the Borough when determining planning applications for relevant developments that may impact on education provision, such as school places. The document would be read alongside Policy 2 'Communities' which included education and skills provision, and Policy 25 'Developer Contributions' of the Joint Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) that was adopted 9 November 2011 by the council.

The Interim Planning Position Paper was in line with the government guidance ‘Securing Developer Contributions for Education’ which was published to assist local authorities in planning for education to support housing growth and seeking associated developer contributions.

Options/Alternatives considered

Option 1 - To approve and publish the Education Contributions Interim Planning Position Paper. The Interim Planning Position Paper should be used The Education Contributions position paper

Advantages – The publication of the Interim Planning Position Paper will provide clarity and guidance to Development Management and applicants, setting out the council’s approach to gathering education contributions as part of relevant developments.

Option 2 – To not approve and publish the Education Contributions Interim Planning Position Paper.

Advantages – there are no advantages in not publishing the Interim Planning Position Paper.

Disadvantages – Development Management will be unable to use the Interim Planning Position Paper in gathering education contributions for relevant planning applications. Contributions towards education will continue to be sought on an ad-hoc basis.


RESOLVED – That the Education Contributions Interim Planning Position Paper be approved so it can be used as a material consideration for planning applications in gathering education contributions to be delivered as part of relevant developments, in line with national planning policy and regulations.




Expansion of North Chadderton School pdf icon PDF 154 KB


Councillors Jabbar and Mushtaq declared a personal interest at this Item of the agenda by virtue of relatives attending North Chadderton School.

The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Education and Early Years which sought approval to allocate Basic Needs Funding previously identified to facilitate a one form entry (1FE) expansion at North Chadderton School. This will enable a new - 3 storey, six classroom science block, sports changing and teaching pavilion, library classroom, parking and hard play extension- all of which are necessary to the scheme.

The proposed works had been retendered in accordance with the Council’s procurement rules through a 2 Stage Design and Build procurement strategy. A professional team was appointed to complete the new tender package and Kier were also appointed under a Pre-Construction Services Agreement. It was agreed at CIPB that confirmation of the additional requirement for Basic Need Funds would be reported to Cabinet on completion.

Subject to Cabinet approval of the recommendations in this report, Kier would be issued a contract award. This would be based on the final price which would be reviewed and verified by the Council’s consultant cost estimator.

There continued to be a pressing need for additional places in secondary schools within the borough. North Chadderton is one of the boroughs highest performing and over-subscribed schools. North Chadderton agreed a temporary increase in the school PAN from 240- 270 at the request of the LA in order to secure sufficient school places in the borough. 


Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 - Approve the cost for a 1 FE expansion to North Chadderton School.

Option 2 - Do not approve the cost of expansion by 1 FE for North Chadderton School. This would not fulfill the Local Authority’s a statutory obligation to provide the necessary additional places in East Oldham by 2020.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would give consideration to the commercially sensitive recommendations as contained at Item ****of the agenda.


Fir Bank Primary School - 30 Place Nursery Class pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Economy which sought approval to allocate Basic Need Funding to establish a 30-place nursery class, housed in a new extension to the school building. This would extend the education offer to pupils between the ages of 3 and 11.

The Oak Trust submitted a proposal to establish a nursery class to meet demand for pre-school places. The proposal had received support from both the Cabinet portfolio holder for Children and Young People and the Education Provision Group (Sept 20).

A RIBA Stage 2 design and feasibility study, (supported by CIPB Jan 21) had now concluded and this had facilitated the production of a robust cost estimate for the classroom extension at a cost of £1,089m. A client technical team would need to be procured to take the project forward through the remaining RIBA Stages.

Following the completion of a RIBA Stage 2 feasibility the Council’s cost consultant has confirmed a budget cost estimate of £1.089m.

Should Option 1 be agreed then the scheme would progress through a grant agreement to the Oak Trust, who would commission its own professional team and contractor to deliver the scheme.

Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 - Approve a funding award of up to £1.089m from Basic Need Funding to establish a 30-place nursery class.

Option 2 - Do not approve a funding award of up to £1.089m from Basic Need Funding to establish a 30-place nursery class. This option will not meet the identified need for nursery places.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item **** of the agenda.



GM Streets for All Strategy pdf icon PDF 441 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which provided details of a Greater Manchester Streets for All Strategy which had been prepared by Transport for Greater Manchester in partnership with the 10 GM local authorities and other stakeholders as a sub-strategy of the GM2040 Transport Strategy.

Streets for All supported the place-based agenda as well as achieving the ambition for more travel by walking, cycling and public transport, which would help Greater Manchester to tackle the most pressing economic, environmental, quality of life and innovation challenges. 

The ambition was to design more welcoming and greener streets which would enable people to incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives; which have clean air; which were safe and secure for everyone; which provide good access to public transport; and which are accessible for those with mobility impairments.

The Streets for All approach involved working at three levels to ensure that Greater Manchester’s roads can transition to deliver Streets for All:

1)         Spatial Planning;

2)         Network Planning; and

3)         Street Design & Management.

Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 – To recommend the Streets for All Strategy to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Option 2 – Not to recommend the Streets for All Strategy to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.


RESOLVED – That Greater Manchester Streets for All Strategy is recommended for approval by the GM Combined Authority.









Request to extend and vary the contract for the provision of Oldham and Rochdale collaborative substance misuse treatment and recovery service pdf icon PDF 204 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Public Health, which sought approval of an option to extend the contract for the provision of an integrated substance misuse service to Turning Point Services Ltd until 31st March 2023. On 22nd June 2021 Cabinet extended the contract for 1 year until 31st March 2022.

The contract was a collaborative commission with Rochdale Council. An Inter-Authority Collaboration Agreement has been signed by both Councils which agrees that Oldham Council is the lead contract authority. Rochdale Council has given delegated authority for Oldham Council to extend the contract on its behalf.

Option 1 - At contract completion on the 31st March 2022, the service is discontinued with no provision to Oldham residents for substance misuse treatment and recovery.

This was not a viable option as this would mean that specialist substance misuse support is not available to the borough’s residents and we would not meet our obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This could also have an adverse impact on commissioning plans and service delivery in Rochdale. 

Option 2 - Proceed to market for a full tender process for a new service to be in place by 1st April 2022.

Due to the unforeseen and unprecedented situation as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not tenable to complete a full tender process this financial year due to restricted capacity from both commissioners and the substance misuse providers.  A tendering exercise would potentially destabilise the system and disrupt service provision for those already accessing the service, at a time when there are already considerable changes to service delivery due to guidance issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There was also provision within the current contract for an extension of 1 more year and there are no performance issues with the current provider that would prompt the need to commence to an open tendering process at this time.

Option 3 - Approve the extension of the Adult Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service for a period of one year from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.



1.    The extension of the contract with Turning Point Services Ltd for a further one year commencing 1st April 2022 until 31st March 2023 be approved.

2.    A contract variation be agreed to allow Turning Point Services Ltd to deliver services in relation to Section 31 local authority grant for additional drug treatment crime and harm reduction activity and the delivery of an Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment programme for clients in community drug and alcohol treatment.

3.    A further contract variation be agreed to allow Turning Point Services Ltd to deliver services in relation to Section 31 Rough sleeping drug and alcohol treatment grant (RSDATG) for Oldham Borough. Please note that at the time of writing we are awaiting formal confirmation from PHE in relation to this grant. However so as not to delay  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Contract extension request; provision of an Integrated Community Equipment Service pdf icon PDF 306 KB

Report to follow


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Managing Director of Community Health and Social Care Services (DASS) which sought approval to extend a contract for the provision of an Integrated Community Equipment Service.

Cabinet awarded the contract on 19th June 2017, to commence 1st October 2017 and expire on30th September 2020. The contract had an option for two one-year extensions; the first of these has been utilized, and the request was to approve the second and final extension permitted under the contract.

If approved, Council officers would work with Clinical Commissioning Group colleagues, and with officers from Tameside, to jointly re-tender the provision for a new service to be in place by 1st October 2022.

Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 – To approve the contract extension.

Option 2 - Not to approve the contract extension and allow the service to cease. This option was not recommended, as the provision of community equipment supports the wider health and care system by enabling people to remain at home for as long as possible, and to be discharged from hospital in a timely manner. Ceasing the service would impact negatively on service user’s quality of life and is likely to increase costs elsewhere in the system.

Not to extend the current contract and to retender the provision solely for Oldham.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would give consideration to the commercially sensitive information contained at Item of the agenda before making a decision.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports.


RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they contain exempt information under paragraphs 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and it would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the reports.


Alexandra Park Depot Contract - Construction Contract and Final Business Case approval


The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 6 - Alexandra Park Depot Contract - Construction Contract and Final Business Case approval.


RESOLVED – That the recommendations as contained within the commercially sensitive report be approved.


Expansion of North Chadderton School


Councillors Jabbar and Mushtaq declared a personal interest at Item of the agenda by virtue of relatives attending North Chadderton School.

The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 9 - Expansion of North Chadderton School.


RESOLVED – That the recommendations as contained within the commercially sensitive report be approved.



Fir Bank Primary School - 30 Place Nursery Class


The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 10 Fir Bank Primary School - 30 Place Nursery Class.


RESOLVED – That the recommendations as contained within the commercially sensitive report be approved.


Contract extension request; provision of an Integrated Community Equipment Service

Report to follow


The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 13 - Contract extension request; provision of an Integrated Community Equipment Service.


RESOLVED – That the recommendations as contained within the commercially sensitive report be approved