Agenda and draft minutes

Highway Regulation Committee - Thursday, 14th March, 2024 5.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Constitutional Services 

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Salamat.



Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 266 KB

The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2024 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2024 be approved as a correct record.



S257 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Diversion of Definitive Footpath 26 Oldham, land off Knowls Lane, Oldham, and S53A – Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To update members on the current position in relation to the proposed diversion of Definitive Footpath 26, Oldham.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report providing an update to members on the current position in relation to the proposed diversion of Definitive Footpath 26, Oldham.


Objections to the Footpath Diversion Order were considered by a Planning Inspector at a public inquiry in June 2023.  The Inspector had subsequently decided not to confirm the Order but the developer had successfully challenged that decision by a judicial review.  The Planning Inspectorate were intending to reconsider the objections by a written representations procedure.


It was reported that modifications to the Made Order are required to amend the description of the overall length and description of the footpath in the definitive statement for Footpath 26 Oldham to reflect the fact that Footpath 26 Oldham terminates at Footpath 197 Saddleworth. Footpath 26 Oldham joins Footpath 25 Oldham and then they both run jointly to meet Footpath 197 Saddleworth where they both terminate. The measurements given in the Order were only between its commencement at Knowls Lane and where it joined Footpath 25 Oldham. The amendments also remove the reference to the number of steps and riser depth and confirm that the diversion of the footpath would take effect when the Council certifies that the diverted route has been provided. The amendments were accepted by the previous Planning Inspector and would have been included in the Confirmed Order if her decision had been to confirm the Made Order. However, as the Inspector did not confirm the Made Order and as her decision was subsequently quashed, the Council would need to submit the amendments to the Planning Inspectorate again to be considered by a new Inspector appointed as part of the written representations procedure. The proposed amendments to the Made Order were detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.


Officers recommended submitting the amendments to the Inspector as without modification the Made Order would be inaccurate as Footpath 26 Oldham will be incorrectly described in the definitive statement and it would be unclear when the diversion could be brought into effect. After hearing representations from an objector members considered that it should be left to the Inspector to determine any modifications.


Options considered:


Option 1  - to agree to the proposed amendments to the Made Order.

Option 2  - to not agree to the proposed amendments.


RESOLVED: That consideration of the proposed amendments be deferred until the next meeting of the Panel in June.



An Objector and a ward councillor attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on this application.



Objections to Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Order - Devon Street, Oldham pdf icon PDF 8 MB

To consider objections received Objections to the Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Order – Devon Street, Oldham.


The Panel gave consideration to a report considering representations received following the advertisement of proposals for the introduction of 35 disabled persons parking places at various locations in the Borough which was approved under delegated powers on 9 November 2023.

Representations had been received in relation to three of the proposed parking places.

118 Grange Avenue, Oldham

34 Retford Street, Oldham

49 Devon Street, Oldham

The Panel was informed that the applicant at Grange Avenue had been informed that they no longer qualified for a disabled parking place as they had access to off street parking.

One letter of objection was received in relation to the proposed parking place at 34 Retford Street which was later withdrawn once the objector was provided with further information.

Two letters of objection had been received to the proposed parking place at Devon Street which in summary stated that the location was not suitable for such a parking space. The Panel considered the objectors’ comments.

Officers reported that the location of the disabled bay was the closest parking place to the applicant’s property considering the highway layout and current parking arrangements in the home zone.

Options considered:

Option 1: Not to introduce the disabled persons parking place at Devon Street.

Option 2: To introduce the disabled persons parking place at Devon Street.


1.  The objections to the proposed disabled persons parking space at 49 Devon Street be rejected.

2. The proposed disabled persons parking places be introduced in accordance with the schedule in the original report with the exception of Grange Avenue but including both Retford Street and Devon Street.



Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting - Bullcote Green, Royton pdf icon PDF 691 KB

To consider objections received to the proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Bullcote Green, Royton.


It was reported that at the meeting held on 11th January 2024 (minute 9 refers) the panel had considered objections to the introduction of No Waiting At Any Time restrictions at Bullcote Green, Royton which was approved under delegated powers on 24 April 2023.  The Panel had resolved that consideration be deferred to a future meeting and that officers seek further information from the Fire Service on the incident involving an emergency vehicle and that the possibility of limiting restrictions to periods when cricket matches take place also be examined.

It was reported that officers had contacted the Fire Service who had provided further information and confirmed that the incident mentioned in which the fire appliance encountered access issues was not an ‘emergency response incident’ but that crews were encouraged to highlight potential issues which may inhibit a response. The Fire Service had indicated that a trial of weekend or seasonal restrictions would be an acceptable compromise.

Officers reported that in light of the Fire Service comments, officers would support a relaxation to the scheme where the restrictions would only be operational at weekends between 1st May and 30th September. An amended plan reflecting this was attached as Appendix C. The location did not qualify for a residents parking scheme.

Options considered:

Option 1: To introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised

Option 2: To introduce amended restrictions as set out in Appendix C of the Report

Option 3: To not introduce the proposed restrictions

RESOLVED that the proposed restrictions be not introduced.



An Objector attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on this application.



Proposal to allocate Section 106 resources from DB 372 - Land at Foxdenton Lane, Chadderton (PA/334355 & 337091 & 342835) for Foxdenton Lane and Lydia Becker Way - 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the representation received to the introduction of traffic calming measures.


The Panel considered representations  which had been received to a decision recommending the introduction of a 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming measures through use of Section 106 planning obligations on Foxdenton Lane and Lydia Becker Way which was approved on 6 July 2023. Following the advertisement of legal notices, objections and comments have been raised by residents.


In summary, objections identified the position of measures affecting access/egress to properties and that speed cushions encourage vehicles to straddle the measures with no impact on vehicle speeds. Speed cushions also encourage motorist to drive in the centre of the carriageway, which contributes to increased safety hazard.


In response to the objection officers reported that Foxdenton Lane is a bus route and the use of speed cushions on this type of route was well established throughout Greater Manchester. All features had been positioned so as to not impact on access/egress from properties.


Options Considered:

Option 1: Introduce the proposed measures as advertised


Option 2: Review the locations of the Traffic Calming measures to ensure that no vehicle accesses are directly impacted, prior to installation


Option 3: Do not introduce the proposed restrictions


RESOLVED that the traffic calming measures and speed limit reductions be introduced but that officers review the locations of the Traffic Calming measures to ensure that no vehicle accesses are directly impacted, prior to installation.





Stamford Road, Huddersfield Road and Dunham Street,
Lees - Safety Scheme pdf icon PDF 899 KB

To consider a report recommending the introduction of a 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming measures along Stamford Road, and localised changes to the TRO along Dunham Street and Stamford Road.



The Panel considered representations  which had been received to a decision on the introduction of a 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming measures along Stamford Road, and localised changes to the TRO along Dunham Street and Stamford Road  which was approved on 22 December 2023. Following the advertisement of the proposals, objections and comments had been raised by residents.


It was noted that the proposals were in response to speeding and a number of traffic incidents including the recent deaths of two cyclists. Two objections had been received to the proposals. Objections principally concerned the reduction in available residents parking and that ‘build outs  adjacent to a property would affect disabled access to a parking place. 


Officer recommended that the traffic calming measures were installed as proposed and this was supported by ward councillors. Panel members expressed views that given the serious nature of incidents, action needed to be taken to reduce the speed of traffic on Dunham Street and Stamford Road.


Options considered:

Option 1: Introduce the proposed measures as advertised

Option 2: To not introduce the proposed restrictions


RESOLVED that the measures set out in Appendix A of the report be approved for implementation as advertised.




An Objector and a ward councillor attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on this application.