Agenda and minutes

Virtual, Highway Regulation Committee - Thursday, 11th June, 2020 5.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting

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No. Item


Apologies For Absence


There were no apologies for absence received.


Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 114 KB

The Minutes of the TRO Panel held on 19th March 2020 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Traffic Regulation Order Panel held on 19th March 2020 be approved as a correct record.



Acorn Street, Lees - Objections to Traffic Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To consider objections and representations received to a proposed Traffic Management Scheme along Acorn Street, Lees


The Panel gave consideration that sought approval to traffic management scheme along Acorn Street, Lees which had been approved under delegated powers in January 2020.  The proposal had been advertised and four letters of representation had been received which requested the provision of additional yellow lines along both Spindle Mews and Acorn Street and one letter of objection had been received to the yellow lines along Acorn Street.


The traffic management scheme had been proposed to address a pedestrian safety issue identified along Acorn Street.  There was currently an informal crossing point on Acorn Street which linked residential properties and the footpath through to Medlock Way.  It was proposed to provide a zebra crossing facility at this point, together with a series of traffic calming features for the provision of a safe environment for pedestrians to cross.  However, this would also require the removal of on-street parking to ensure the crossing facility was safe to use.  To compensate for the loss of parking, it was also proposed that a lay-by parking area be created within a grassed verge section of Acorn Street and be used as a general parking facility.  Double yellow links had been proposed to protect access along Acorn Street and the side road junctions, to ensure motorists can observe pedestrians using the crossing facility.


In view of the problematic parking being experienced at other locations, it was felt that additional double yellow lines should be considered for introduction as detailed in the schedules appended to the report and on drawing number 2376/A3/265/1A.  If the Panel approved the amendments, arrangements would be made for the additional lengths of double yellow lines to be publicly advertised.


Members were informed that a separate scheme for local businesses would be advertised separately.  Members asked if it would be possible to have the two proposals together and were informed that the scheme outlined in the report had already been advertised and the scheme was needed to the safe crossing facility in the interest of road safety, especially for school children.


Members sought and received clarification on the comments from Greater Manchester Police who had been consulted on the scheme.  Members also sought and received clarification on the comments of local ward councillors on the scheme.


Options Considered:


Option 1:  Approve and advertise the amended proposal, to improve visibility and access along Acorn Street and Spindle Mews.


Option 2:  To reject the requests made through the representations and allow the problematic parking to continue.


RESOLVED that notwithstanding the objection received, the Traffic Management Scheme for Acorn Street, Lees, be approved with the amendments as detailed in the report and the proposed amendments be advertised.