Agenda and minutes

Highway Regulation Committee - Thursday, 26th September, 2019 5.30 pm

Venue: Crompton Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Kaidy McCann 

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gloster.



Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.



Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest received.



Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 127 KB

The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2019 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2019 be approved as a correct record.



Godson Street, Oldham - Objections to Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a number of objections received to the introduction of double yellow lines and bus stop clearways along Godson Street, Oldham


The Panel gave consideration to a report regarding objections received to the introduction of double yellow lines and bus stop clearways along Godson Street, Oldham.


Correspondence was received from a number of residents of Trinity House, Godson Street, Oldham regarding difficulties being experienced when trying to cross the road outside the entrance of the residence. The difficulties were caused by employees and visitors to Oldham Town Centre or Royal Oldham Hospital parking their vehicles along the carriageway throughout the day.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 4th February 2019 and subsequently advertised. A petition and three letters of objections had been received, two of the letters being from Elected Members. The basis of the objections was due to parking requirements in the area.


In light of the objections, it was accepted that the yellow lines proposed on both sides of the road, in-between Magdala Street and Crompton Street could be removed from the proposal and any displaced parking monitored. However from a highway safety and bus operational requirement it was felt the yellow lines in-between Coldhurst Street and Magdala Street and the bus stop clearways, on both sides of the road should be introduced.


Options considered

Option 1: amend the proposal to reflect Councillor Jabbar’s favoured option.

Option 2: amend the proposal to reflect Highway Officers preferred option.

Option 3: approve the proposal as originally approved.

Option 4: rescind the proposal.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the double yellow lines be introduced as amended to reflect Highway Officers preferred option.



Claim to Register a Public Footpath on Land at The Meadows, Grotton pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To determine an Application submitted under Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requesting that a Modification Order be made in respect of a route running over a parcel of land between The Meadows and Bridleway 194 Saddleworth which is shown purple on the attached location plan


The Panel gave consideration to a report on an Application submitted under Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, that requested that a Modification Order be made in respect of a route running over a parcel of land between The Meadows and Bridleway 194 Saddleworth (the application route).


The Application was submitted on 15th July 2019 supported by 25 User Evidence Forms that claimed to have used the application route for periods that ranged between 22 and 55 years. The Application had been prompted by challenges to Users of the application route made by one of the Landowners having erected a “Private Land” sign.


The Panel sought clarification on the process from the Landowners perspective. It was noted that the Landowners were informed by the Applicant of the Application and any objections from the Landowner is referred to the Secretary of State for reconsideration.


Options considered:


Option 1: to approve the recommendation that a Modification Order be made in respect of a route running over a parcel of land between The Meadows and Bridleway 194 Saddleworth (the application route).

Option 2: not to approve the recommendation.



1.    A Modification Order in respect of the application route under s53 of the 1981 Act be made.

2.    The Applicant and the Landowners be notified of the Council’s decision.

3.    The Landowners be notified of their Right of Appeal under Schedule 15 of the 1981 Act.