Agenda and minutes

Highway Regulation Committee - Thursday, 28th March, 2019 5.30 pm

Venue: Lees Suite, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Fabiola Fuschi 

No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Murphy.



Urgent Business

Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business received.


Declarations of Interest

To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting.


Councillor C. Gloster declared a personal interest at item 8, paragraph 2.1 by virtue of being a Governor at St. Thomas Mooreside Primary School.



Public Question Time

To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


There were no public questions received.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The Minutes of the Traffic Regulation Order Panel held on 20th September 2018 are attached for approval.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2018 be approved as a correct record.



Haven Lane, Moorside - Objections to Proposed Waiting and Peak Time Loading Restriction pdf icon PDF 1017 KB

To consider two objections received to the proposal to introducing waiting and peak time loading restrictions on Haven Lane, Moorside


The Panel gave consideration to a report on the proposed waiting and peak time loading restrictions on Haven Lane, Moorside.


Correspondence was received in 2017 from a number of local residents expressing concerns that vehicles were parking either partially or fully on the footway at the end of the restrictions preventing pedestrians from using the footways.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 9th February 2018 and subsequently advertised. Two letters of objections and one petition had been received. The basis of the objections was that there was no parking available for residents and businesses.


Observations showed that motorist did park in the location on the footway forcing pedestrians to walk in the carriageway. The visibility and free flow of traffic was obstructed due to the width of the carriageway and the slight bend in the highway, which along with the pedestrians being forced into the carriageway would create a highway safety issue.


Options considered


Option 1: to approve the recommendation.

Option 2: not to approve the recommendation.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the order be introduced as originally proposed and in accordance with the schedule at the end of the report.



Objection to Proposed Double Yellow Lines - Block Lane, Chadderton pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The purpose of this report is to consider an objection received to the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) at the junction of Block Lane with Hampshire Road, Chadderton


Consideration was given to a report on the proposal to introduce double yellow lines at the junction of Block Lane and Hampshire Road, Chadderton.


Restrictions on one side of the Block Lane / Hampshire Road junction currently existed. A complaint was received by a local resident via the MP for the area which referred to the difficulties motorists experienced when vehicles parked within close proximity to the junction.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 5th October 2018 and subsequently advertised. One letter of objection had been received. The basis of the objection was that vehicles could park at the end of the waiting restrictions within close proximity to their driveway, creating a visibility issue when exiting the driveway.


Observations revealed that vehicles parking within close proximity to the junction of Hampshire Road and Block Lane were creating a highway safety issue for motorists trying to negotiate the junction.


In light of the objection it was proposed to introduce 30 metres of waiting restrictions on the north side of Hampshire Road instead of the 15 metres originally proposed.  However as this proposal had not been the subject of public consultation, it would have to be advertised before it could be implemented.


Options considered


Option 1: to approve the amended recommendation.

Option 2: not to approve the amended recommendation.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the double yellow lines be introduced on Block Lane in accordance with the schedule at the end of the report and the proposal relating to Hampshire Road be advertised.



Objections to Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places Order - Various Locations pdf icon PDF 6 MB

The purpose of the report is to consider eight objections received to the introduction of disabled persons parking places at various locations in the Borough


Consideration was given to a report regarding objections received related to the introduction of disabled persons parking places at various locations in the Borough.


It was proposed to introduce 42 disabled persons parking places at various locations in the borough. The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 5th October 2018 and subsequently advertised. Letters of objection had been received relating to eight of the proposed locations.


The Panel sought and received clarification on the nature of the representations.


Options considered:

Option 1: To approve the original proposal in full.

Option 2: Not to approve the original proposal in full.

Option 3: The Traffic Regulation Order Panel to approve the original proposal with amendments relating to the objections received.



1.    The proposed disabled parking bay for the layby outside shops, Coleridge Road, Oldham not be introduced, and a proposal for the whole layby to be subject to a limited waiting restriction consisting of a maximum waiting time of one hour with no return within four hours be advertised.

2.    Notwithstanding the objection received, the proposed disabled parking bay for 23 Gibraltar Street, Oldham be introduced without amendment.

3.    Notwithstanding the objection received, the proposed disabled parking bay for 17 Lune Street, Oldham be introduced without amendment.

4.    Notwithstanding the objection received, the proposed disabled parking bay for 6 Lynmouth Avenue, Oldham be introduced without amendment.

5.    Notwithstanding the objection received, the proposed disabled parking bay for 2 Montgomery Street, Oldham be introduced without amendment.

6.    Notwithstanding the objection received, the proposed disabled parking bay for 9 Seville Street, Shaw be introduced without amendment.

7.    The proposed disabled parking bay for 54 Kersley Street, Oldham be deferred pending investigation into the current disabled bays in the locality and further information about the applicant.

8.    The proposed disabled parking bay for 88 Manley Road, Oldham be deferred pending investigation into the current disabled bays in the locality.



St Mary's Gate Area, Shaw - Objections to Proposed Waiting Restrictions (Single and Double Yellow Lines) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider three objections received to the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions (double and single yellow lines) within the St Mary's Gate area, Shaw


Consideration was given to a report on the proposal to introduce double and single yellow lines within the St Mary’s Gate area, Shaw.


Restrictions along the south side of King Albert Street and the west side of Chapel Street and at the junctions of both St Mary’s Gate and Chapel Street with Rochdale Road currently existed, which assisted in ensuring the free flow of traffic through the area by removing double and obstructive parking.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 24th April 2018 and subsequently advertised. Three letters of objections had been received. The basis of the objections was that parking problems would be moved to a new area.


Observations revealed that on-street parking did take place and obstructions occurred on St Mary’s Gate and the surrounding streets. Due to the area being within a close proximity to Shaw District Centre, parking was a premium for residents, businesses and visitors to the area.


Options considered


Option 1: to approve the amended recommendation.

Option 2: not to approve the amended recommendation.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the single and double yellow lines be introduced as amended in the report and in accordance with the schedule at the end of the report.