Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions
Contact: Constitutional Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received. |
Urgent Business Urgent business, if any, introduced by the Chair Minutes: There were no items of urgent business received. |
Declarations of Interest To Receive Declarations of Interest in any Contract or matter to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Public Question Time To receive Questions from the Public, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: There were no Public Questions received. |
FUL/349416/22 - Ivy Mill, Crown Street, Failsworth Conversion of part of existing mill and addition of four additional floors to create 102 apartments, creation of additional level of parking over existing car park and associated works. Additional documents: Minutes: Application Number: FUL/349416/22 Applicant: Navid Dean The Proposal: Permission is sought for the conversion of part of existing mill and addition of four additional floors to create 102no. apartments, creation of additional level of parking over existing car park and associated works. Location: Ivy Mill, Crown Street, Failsworth, Oldham, M35 9BG A discussion took place over the need for a Construction Management Plan to be part of the recommendation, with Members of the Committee being assured that this would be the case. A formal vote took place with 9 votes in favour and five against. Decision: That the application be granted as long as a construction management plan is utilised. Note: One objector and the applicant’s agent attend the meeting and addressed the Committee.
FUL/352932/24 - Bedford Mill , Holt Street, Oldham Erection of 53no. dwellings, including 24no. apartments and 29no. houses with associated parking and landscaping.
Additional documents: Minutes: Application Number: FUL/352932/24 Applicant: MCI Developments The Proposal: Erection of 53no. dwellings, including 24no. apartments and 29no. houses with associated parking and landscaping. Location: Bedford Mill, Holt Street, Oldham OL4 2DQ Additional information in Late List relating to biodiversity gain, stating that all eligible developments should provide a net gain of 10%, with Officers Satisfied that they could meet this statutory requirement if the conditions were met in the report. Formal vote took place with a unanimous approval of the development. Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions as outlined in the report and the Late List. Note: An applicant’s agent attended the meeting and addressed the Committee.
FUL/353082/24 - Former Leisure Centre, Rock Street, Oldham Full planning permission for site enabling works, including reprofiling site levels and site clearance, to facilitate future development.
Additional documents: Minutes: Application Number: FUL/353083/24 Applicant: Oldham Council The Proposal: The proposal involves remediation works to create a site suitable for future residential re-development as part of the Council’s Creating a Better Place plan to transform Oldham town centre. The southern section of the site will comprise part of the wider linear park which also forms part of the transformation vision. Location: Former Leisure Centre, Rock Street, Oldham Members of the Committee were informed that Councils policy addressing Biodiversity net gain, would be accomplished on site with a 10% gain. Members of the Committee were informed that there was an construction management plan requirement as part of the application. Formal Vote took place with a unanimous approval of the developments. Decision: That the application be granted subject to the requirements of the application.
VAR/353105/24 - Greene's Bistro, King George V Playing Fields, Wade Row, Uppermill Variation of condition number 4 (opening times) and 9 (Toilet) relating to application number VAR/351244/23 to the hours of 09:00 - 19:00 Monday to Wednesday including Bank Holidays and 09:00 - 21:30 Thursday to Sunday.
Additional documents: Minutes: Application Number: VAR/353105/24 Applicant: Mr R Scholes The Proposal: Permission is sought to vary condition number 4 (opening times) and 9 (Toilet) relating to application number VAR/351244/23. The current opening hours for the bistro and public toilet are as follows: · 09:00 – 19:00 Monday to Sunday including Bank Holidays The proposed opening hours for the bistro and public toilet are as follows: · 09:00 - 19:00 Monday to Wednesday including Bank Holidays · 09:00 - 21:30 Thursday to Sunday. Location: Greenes Bistro, King George V Playing Fields, Uppermill The application has been referred to Planning Committee as site is council-owned land and there have been objections to the proposed development. The application site is located within King George V Playing Fields, also known as Uppermill Park. The development itself relates to a formerly vacant public toilet located close to the northernmost boundary of the park where it adjoins Wade Row. The building was closed to the public in 2018 but has since been brought into active use pursuant to the planning permission granted in August 2022 to incorporate the building into a new café and ancillary takeaway which has involved contemporary extensions and alterations (reference number FUL/348807/22). The River Tame is located on the edge of the park to the west. A formal vote took place with unanimous approval over the developments. Decision: That the application be granted in accordance with the conditions set out in the report.
Appeals Update Report Minutes: RESOLVED That the appeals update be noted.
Updates received since the publication of the agenda Minutes: RESOLVED that the Late list be noted.