Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 2nd November, 2022 5.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Liz Drogan 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Birch, Hazel Gloster, Iqbal and Shuttleworth.


Item of Condolence - The late, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II


As this was the first meeting of Council, since the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who died on 8th September 2022, the Mayor permitted Members of the Council to pay their individual condolences and tributes to her late Majesty. Accordingly Councillors Chadderton, Jabbar, Lancaster, Arnott, Hobin, Sykes and Hamblett addressed Council.


To order that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7th September 2022 be signed as a correct record pdf icon PDF 600 KB


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held 7th September 2022 be approved as a correct record, subject to an amendment to minute 12 (Notice of Administration Business – Motion 2 Fireworks), page 30 ‘3rd Amendment’ the word ‘Motion’ be replaced by ‘Amendment’.


To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting


Members of the Council declared interest as follows:


a.    Councillor Surjan a pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 (Youth Council).


b.    Councillor Murphy declared a disclosable interest by virtue of his employment with Greater Manchester Police, insofar as it affected the agenda item 12 (Notice of Opposition Business – Motion 1, entitled: ‘No Confidence in Andy Burnham’s management of Greater Manchester Police). Councillor Murphy withdrew from the meeting during the consideration and determination of this Motion.


c.    Councillor Williamson declared an interest by virtue of her partner’s employment with Greater Manchester Police.


d.    Councillor Wilkinson declared a non-registerable interest by virtue of his receipt of an occupational pension from Greater Manchester Police


Although the individual Members declared their interests above, following advice previously given by the Director of Legal Services and at the meeting their interests were neither non-registerable nor pecuniary and therefore did not need to have been declared.


To deal with matters which the Mayor considers to be urgent business


There was no urgent business for this meeting of Council to consider.


To receive communications relating to the business of the Council


The Mayor referred to the recent death of Councillor Jean Stretton, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and a former Leader of the Council and she permitted Members of the Council to pay their individual condolences and tributes. Accordingly, Councillors Chadderton, Williams, Sheldon, Hobin and Sykes addressed Council.


The Mayor also referred to the recent death of former Councillor David Joynes. Accordingly, Councillors Sykes and Ahmad addressed Council paying their individual condolences and tributes.


Council held a minute’s silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Councillor Stretton and former Councillor Joynes.


The Mayor permitted Councillor Barnes to address the meeting, who offered a full apology for his behaviour and comments made at the meetings of the Council held on 27th June 2022 and on 13th July 2022.


To receive and note petitions received relating to the business of the Council

(time limit 20 minutes)


There were no petitions received to be noted.


Leader's Annual Statement


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Amanda Chadderton, delivered her first Annual Statement. 


The Leader reminded the Council of her priorities, as set out in May 2022, when she assumed office and highlighted work that had been done and was being done to improve Oldham.


a.    Regeneration of Oldham town centre: including a 50% rent reduction for market traders and the restoration of buildings that were of cultural and historic significance that had fallen into disrepair – a prime example of this being the Old Library on Union Street. Generally steering the town’s economic recovery from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic – supporting local businesses, creating jobs and attracting investment and funding.

b.    Similarly extensive regeneration schemes were underway in Chadderton, Royton and Failsworth, with many other future schemes in the pipeline.

c.    Investing in cleaning up streets, taking action on littering and fly-tipping and restoring a sense of pride in neighbourhoods.

d.    Children and Young People – a key priority was to give all of the Borough’s children a good start in life. This meant the provision of good quality housing, schools and parks. The Leader reminded Council that the Council’s Children’s Social Care Services were aware of approximately 3,000 children in the Borough that required assistance and/or intervention.

e.    Improvements to the Council’s communications networks. This was to enable the Council to get its messages across to as many people in the Borough as possible and to make it easier for residents to contact key officers/services within the Council. This was part of a general plan to reconnect with local people, to acknowledge that many residents felt distant from the decisions made about their area and from how their local services were run, and to do something to put that right.

f.     The Leader highlighted that there was still much to do to tackle the inequalities and injustices that continued to shame society. She was determined to use her time as leader to make a difference for those who experienced discrimination and unfairness on a daily basis, building on the work of the previous Leader, Councillor Shah. A programme with local businesses to create jobs for people who have been in the criminal justice system or are at risk of becoming involved in crime had been launched.

g.    Cost of Living Crisis. A number of initiatives were being undertaken to ease the burden of the Borough’s most vulnerable residents at these most difficult of times. Initiatives included using libraries as ‘warm banks’, offering additional help to those on low incomes, working with the Borough’s food banks, assisting people with their Council Tax payments, assisting people with utility bills


The Leader pledged to continue to support the most vulnerable and to drive out inequality and unfairness wherever it existed. The scale of the challenges that Oldham and its people faced and the role of elected members in addressing those challenges was acknowledged.


RESOLVED – that the Leader’s Annual Statement be noted.


Youth Council

(time limit 20 minutes)


Holiday Activities and Food sessions provide the 13,000 young people in Oldham who access free school meals a warm meal and fun activities during the school holidays.  However, the cost of living crisis is a national problem for all households in the UK.  Obviously, this crisis is impacting those who can claim free school meals but many others earning less than the National median of £31,000 will begin to struggle with the rise in cost of energy, fuel, and food.  Indeed, research carried out by Loughborough University for the End Child Poverty coalition, showed 39.3% of children in Oldham were living below the poverty line in 2020/21. This figure would show that many more than those identified as eligible for free school meals require help during holiday times. 

Celebrities such as Marcus Ratchford and Jamie Oliver are also supporting campaigns that would like to see an increase in the numbers of young people eligible for free school meals by a further 800,000.  This increase is to support all young people living in households that claim universal credit not just those who household income is less than £7,400.

A major barrier to accessing the HAF sessions is the stigma.  If sessions are only accessed by those on free school meals, it identifies those young people as some of the poorest families in the town.

Holiday sessions also help with young people’s mental health.  Worries about jobs, the cost of living crisis and COVID recovery, more than ever all young people need support with their mental health.  The HAF sessions tick all boxes for the 5 ways to wellbeing; sessions allow young people to connect with others, allow them to be physically active, allow then to learn new skills, to participate in social and community life and to help to them take notice, savouring ‘the moment’.  In allowing all young people to access the HAF sessions we feel the value for money not only comes in feeding those who need it but also tackles mental health issues as well as providing young people with access to informal learning opportunities that help them develop skills for life.

In summary, while we applaud the HAF programmes aims and its ambition to support children and young people who need it most, we feel that given the current crisis around cost of living the programme doesn’t go far enough. Opening the Holiday Activities and Food programme to all young people will reach more vulnerable families, people who need support but perhaps not quite eligible. It will be an effective and quick way for the government to support more families with the cost-of-living crisis.

We propose that Oldham Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP; The Rt Hon Kit Malthouse MP, Secretary of State for Education; The Rt Hon Bridget Philipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, and to our Oldham Members of Parliament; the Rt Hon Jim McMahon MP,  ...  view the full agenda text for item 9.


The Youth Council PROPOSED the following MOTION:


Holiday Activities and Food Sessions

Holiday Activities and Food sessions provide the 13,000 young people in Oldham who access free school meals a warm meal and fun activities during the school holidays.  However, the cost-of-living crisis is a national problem for all households in the UK.  Obviously, this crisis is impacting those who can claim free school meals but many others earning less than the National median of £31,000 will begin to struggle with the rise in cost of energy, fuel, and food.  Indeed, research carried out by Loughborough University for the End Child Poverty coalition, showed 39.3% of children in Oldham were living below the poverty line in 2020/21. This figure would show that many more than those identified as eligible for free school meals require help during holiday times. 

Celebrities such as Marcus Rashford and Jamie Oliver are also supporting campaigns that would like to see an increase in the numbers of young people eligible for free school meals by a further 800,000.  This increase is to support all young people living in households that claim universal credit not just those who household income is less than £7,400.

A major barrier to accessing the HAF sessions is stigma.  If sessions are only accessed by those on free school meals, it identifies those young people as some of the poorest families in the town.

Holiday sessions also help with young people’s mental health.  Worries about jobs, the cost-of-living crisis and COVID recovery, more than ever all young people need support with their mental health.  The HAF sessions tick all boxes for the 5 ways to wellbeing; sessions allow young people to connect with others, allow them to be physically active, allow then to learn new skills, to participate in social and community life and to help to them take notice, savouring ‘the moment’.  In allowing all young people to access the HAF sessions we feel the value for money not only comes in feeding those who need it but also tackles mental health issues as well as providing young people with access to informal learning opportunities that help them develop skills for life.

In summary, while we applaud the HAF programmes aims and its ambition to support children and young people who need it most, we feel that given the current crisis around cost of living the programme doesn’t go far enough. Opening the Holiday Activities and Food programme to all young people will reach more vulnerable families, people who need support but perhaps not quite eligible. It will be an effective and quick way for the government to support more families with the cost-of-living crisis.

We propose that Oldham Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP; The Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, Secretary of State for Education; The Rt Hon Bridget Philipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, and to our Oldham Members of Parliament; the Rt Hon  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Questions Time


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 401 KB

(time limit 30 Minutes)


1.    Question submitted by Jeffrey Smith

These old council street litter bins I've asked council coordinators councillors etc to get one for my community to help reduce litter as it’s a spot where fly tipping and litter is rife, so I was wondering if I could acquire one for my area Royton Hall Walk Royton as the area would benefit a litter bin, most are going to be scrapped anyway, I also run Oldham Wombles community litter picking group so please consider me for a single bin. if I ever acquired one would be kept clean and not over-flowing so no complaints.


Councillor Chadderton Leader of the Council replied, thank you for your question, Mr Smith - I understand you have been in direct discussion with officers on this matter, who have confirmed that we are unable to provide a Council branded bin directly to you as there is liability involved for which you are not covered.

I am aware that the location for the bin is owned by the Guinness Housing Association and we’re keen to work in partnership with them to support the work you are doing in the area. 

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you personally for all the work that you do to assist us in keeping our streets and open spaces clear of litter. Hope more of the community can get involved when Don’t Trash Oldham comes to your area again.


2.    Question submitted by Hannah Roberts

The former Dog and Partridge pub on Middleton Road in Royton has been under development for some time. I know that the developer has had to reapply for planning permission to change the scheme because the building was in such a poor structural state which caused some delay. I also know that the Council has previously taken action to ensure that the site is cleaned up and the building is made secure. I can see though that the site is again covered in rubbish and the building is no longer sealed up. Work also seems to have stopped. Can the Council take any action to make the owner keep the site clear and to ensure that it is secured against trespassers? And does the Council have any information about the timetable for the building work?


Councillor Chadderton Leader of the Council replied thank you for your question – I am aware that we have written to the landowner advising them to secure the site and recommended that they resume construction to resolve the challenges with maintaining the site. 

If no positive actions are taken by the landowner, then the Council will investigate whether enforcement action would be appropriate under section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The Council does not have a current position from the landowner on the timetable for the building work – however we will continue to chase updates.


3.    Question submitted by Mick Harwood

Can I have an update on the work on Royton Town Hall  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Questions to Leader and Cabinet

(time limit 30 minutes)


Councillor Sheldon, Leader of the Conservative Group


Question 1: Street Cleaning and Gulley Cleaning Services

Data from the Council’s Highways Service was no longer available for Members of the Council to view, including data for street cleaning and gulley cleaning services. Therefore clarification was sought regarding whether the Council’s cleaning teams were having difficulty attending parts of the Borough and because information was not being provided to Members they were unable to determine if the annual cleaning rotas were still being undertaken?


The Leader of the Council replied stating that she would investigate the issues raised by Councillor Sheldon and forward him a written answer thereon at the earliest opportunity.


Question 2: Town Square Redevelopment

Recent survey work of Oldham’s Town Square area had discovered the existence of a disused mine shaft, why was this not picked up during earlier surveyance work? What will be the cost to the Council to rectify the issues raised consequently? Who carried out the survey work? Who signed off the contract?


The Leader of the Council replied stating that she would investigate the issues raised by Councillor Sheldon and forward him a written answer thereon at the earliest opportunity.


Councillor Sykes, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group


Question 1: Mumps Princess Gate

What impact has inflation had on the regeneration and other works being carried out at Mumps Princess Gate. It appears that no work is currently happening at this location, why is this the case? What will the impact of a 10% inflation rate on Oldham Council’s regeneration plans?


The Leader of the Council replied that the Council was dependent upon private contractors to help deliver regeneration projects. From time-to-time external factors have an affect over which the Council has no control, for instance a change of the business model by Marks and Spencer led to the closure of their Food Hall in the town. The Leader assured the meeting that the Council was in constant dialogue with developers and prospective developers.


Question 2: Schools

Schools across the Borough were facing severe challenges because of the Cost-of-Living crisis. Some schools were warning that they are close to running out of money. Therefore, what cost of living support will the Council be able to offer the Borough’s schools?


The Leader of the Council replied that she shared Councillor Sykes’ concerns in this regard. The Council was in constant dialogue with the Borough’s school’s but the funding issues were largely outside of the Council’s control.


Councillor Hobin, Leader of the Failsworth Independent Party

In terms of the Cost-of-Living how many enquiries had been received by specialist helplines? Will the Council agree to a freeze on Council Tax for the next two years?


The Leader of the Council replied that the Council would be unable to offer a freeze on Council Tax unless the government increased funding to local authorities. The Leader of the Council stated that the Council was working on a dashboard that would assist in determining the numbers of enquiries received.


Question from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Questions on Cabinet Minutes pdf icon PDF 243 KB

(time limit 15 minutes)


22nd August 2022

21st September 2022

Additional documents:


The Council was requested to note the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on the undermentioned dates, to receive questions on any items within the minutes from members of the Council that are not members of the Cabinet and to receive appropriate responses from Cabinet members. The minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 22nd August 2022 and 21st September 2022 were submitted.


Members asked the following questions: -


a.    Question from Councillor Kenyon:

With reference to page 51, Cabinet Minutes of 21st September 2022, Item 6 on Oldham’s response to the cost of living - Would the Cabinet Member explain why the Council’s cost-of-living response consistently mentions a budget of £3 million, happily inviting hard working families across the borough to believe that they will be receiving £3 million worth of help this year when in fact, the budget is less than half that, at £1.2 million.

Would the Cabinet Member also like to explain why the council’s plan for warm banks (a liberal democrat amendment) involves keeping warm spaces like libraries, open for not one minute longer than their standard opening hours?  The library in my own ward of Lees, remains open for the exact same number of hours in November, when it has been a so-called warm bank, as it did in September.


Councillor Chadderton, Leader of the Council, replied that, we have committed over three million pounds of new funding to help Oldhamers through the cost-of-living crisis. We know that this crisis isn’t going away anytime soon, so we have designed a package of support that will be there for residents over the next two years. This investment will help our communities to navigate a really challenging winter but will also provide longer-term help. We want to ensure that our most vulnerable residents don’t fall into crisis and are accessing all the support they are entitled to. To do this we need to build support that helps people now and, in the future, not just over the next few months.

With regard to warm banks, it’s laughable to suggest that that the Council only did this because of an opposition amendment. We have been planning for this since I called for a cost-of-living summit, which we held in July. Warm banks have always been at the heart of our response, providing a safe space that residents can visit in order to stay warm, without having to turn their heating on at home. In addition to this, residents will be able to get a warm drink, and a wrap-around offer is being put in place to ensure residents can either access information and advice directly or be sign-posted to where this is available. We are providing a comprehensive training offer to all staff, supporting them to talk to users to really understand their needs, so we can continue to shape the offer around our residents. The initial offer is based around the Council’s Libraries and is up and running now. We are working with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Notice of Administration Business pdf icon PDF 341 KB

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1

Councillor K Phythian to MOVE and Councillor Chadderton to SECOND:

Housing policy

This Council notes the complete confusion that now surrounds housing and planning policy following the collapse of the mini-budget, sacking of Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor and resignation of Prime Minister Liz Truss and subsequent Leadership election.

The status of proposals in the Levelling Up White Paper is in question and rumours about ‘supply side reforms’ abound.

This Council further notes the impact of Conservative Government policies on Oldham including:

  1. The rise in households in housing need in Oldham - up a quarter in the past year – there are now over 7,000 households on the Housing Register waiting for a social home
  2. Government refusal to fund general needs social homes in Oldham
  3. Affordability issues in private developments meaning the target of 10% affordable homes on developments over 10 homes are often not met
  4. Policy uncertainty leading to reluctance of developers to commit to new schemes
  5. A hike in mortgage interest payments threatening many residents’ ability to pay and keep their home, making it harder for first time buyers and raising private tenants’ rents
  6. Continued insecurity for private renters as no date is set for the abolition of Section 21 evictions despite a 2019 manifesto commitment

This Council believes that the best solution to Oldham’s Housing crisis is a Labour Government committed to: a reformed Private Rented Sector that works for renters and good landlords; helping Councils build good quality social homes at rents people can afford to pay; and help for first time buyers and home owners including abolishing leasehold as a tenure.

This Council resolves to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to ask for urgent clarification of the Government’s Housing and Planning policies and seeking assurance that

  1. Section 21 evictions will be abolished in this session of Parliament
  2. Any reforms of the Planning system will ensure local democratic control of the planning process and fund Councils to provide an efficient and effective service
  3. Homes England will be directed to support all Councils to build homes for social rent
  4. Requirements on developers to provide Affordable Homes will not be further watered down
  5. Action will be taken to end land banking by developers
  6. Help will be put in place to support mortgage payers who are threatened with losing their home because of Tory mismanagement of the economy


Motion 2

Councillor Jabbar to MOVE and Councillor Brownridge to SECOND

Cost-of-living; Pension Credits

Older people in Oldham face a harsh winter this year, with the cost-of-living crisis affecting older people disproportionately. The government’s support schemes haven’t gone far enough to support vulnerable older people, and the new chancellor’s announcements have done little to give people confidence or stability in the coming months.

Over three million households in the UK are eligible to claim pension credits, however over 800,000 of these households don’t claim it. In Greater Manchester this means that £70m in benefits went unclaimed last  ...  view the full agenda text for item 14.

Additional documents:


Motion 1 – Housing Policy

Councillor Kyle Phythian MOVED and Councillor Chadderton SECONDED the following Motion: Housing Policy


This Council notes the complete confusion that now surrounds housing and planning policy following the collapse of the mini budget, sacking of Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor and resignation of Prime Minister Liz Truss and subsequent Leadership election.

The status of proposals in the Levelling Up White Paper is in question and rumours about ‘supply side reforms’ abound.

This Council further notes the impact of Conservative Government policies on Oldham including:

  1. The rise in households in housing need in Oldham - up a quarter in the past year – there are now over 7,000 households on the Housing Register waiting for a social home
  2. Government refusal to fund general needs social homes in Oldham
  3. Affordability issues in private developments meaning the target of 10% affordable homes on developments over 10 homes are often not met
  4. Policy uncertainty leading to reluctance of developers to commit to new schemes
  5. A hike in mortgage interest payments threatening many residents’ ability to pay and keep their home, making it harder for first time buyers and raising private tenants’ rents
  6. Continued insecurity for private renters as no date is set for the abolition of Section 21 evictions despite a 2019 manifesto commitment

This Council believes that the best solution to Oldham’s Housing crisis is a Labour Government committed to: a reformed Private Rented Sector that works for renters and good landlords; helping Councils build good quality social homes at rents people can afford to pay; and help for first time buyers and home owners including abolishing leasehold as a tenure.

This Council resolves to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to ask for urgent clarification of the Government’s Housing and Planning policies and seeking assurance that

  1. Section 21 evictions will be abolished in this session of Parliament
  2. Any reforms of the Planning system will ensure local democratic control of the planning process and fund Councils to provide an efficient and effective service
  3. Homes England will be directed to support all Councils to build homes for social rent
  4. Requirements on developers to provide Affordable Homes will not be further watered down
  5. Action will be taken to end land banking by developers
  6. Help will be put in place to support mortgage payers who are threatened with losing their home because of Tory mismanagement of the economy.




Councillor Woodvine MOVED and Councillor Lancaster SECONDED the following AMENDMENT



This Council welcomes the Prime Minister-elect, Rishi Sunak, who has set out clear and concise but bold policies for Planning in this country with an emphasis placed on protecting our precious, green, open spaces – particularly the Green Belt.

The ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper passing through Parliament and the grant funding received from the Conservative Government in its name has resulted in millions of extra pounds for this Metropolitan Borough Council.

This Council notes the impact of its own failing Labour Administration of the past  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Notice of Opposition Business pdf icon PDF 368 KB

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1

Councillor Al-Hamdani to MOVE and Councillor Kenyon to SECOND:

No Confidence in Andy Burnham’s management of Greater Manchester Police

This Council notes that:

  1. There have been no crime figures published for Oldham from July 2019 onwards. Residents are unable to download and compare crime, stop, and search, and outcome statistics in their local areas unlike, for example, in London.
  2. Newsam & Ridgway’s review into CSE in Oldham, commissioned by Andy Burnham, notes the following (p40/2.17): the review started in January 2020 yet it took until November 2021 to agree a data processing agreement with GMP (for comparison, a complete data processing agreement with Oldham Council was agreed in April 2020). This data processing agreement with GMP only covered two of the 11 cases investigated – Shabir Ahmed and ‘Sophie’. Newsam and Ridgway further note that the lack of an agreement affected the quality of assurance that they could give about the quality of the conduct of GMP.
  3. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMICFRS) reported that GMP was failing victims of domestic abuse in 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. GMP was placed into special measures in December 2020
  4. From 2016, all chief officers at GMP have been replaced. The only two senior posts that have remained unchanged throughout this entire period are the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice, and Fire – Andy Burnham and, his appointee, Baroness Beverley Hughes.
  5. GMP’s failings reflect a national trend of defunding of Police by this Conservative government. Police are solving just 7% of recorded crimes.
  6. The highest ever number of rape cases in the UK was recorded in 2022 – 70,330, of which just 2,223 cases resulted in charges being brought. An estimated four out of five rape cases are not reported. Rape investigations currently take an average of 465 days from being reported to someone being charged.
  7. There is a backlog of nearly 59,000 cases at the crown court, and over 358,000 cases to the magistrate’s court. The backlog increased by 23% in the year prior to the COVID pandemic and has increased further since.

This Council believes that:

Victims of crime in the borough of Oldham, and across Greater Manchester, are being failed. Andy Burnham has failed and the Conservative government’s approach to policing and criminal justice has failed.


This Council resolves to:

Direct the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester to inform them of Council’s lack of confidence in their ability to effectively manage GMP.

Motion 2

Councillor Quigg to MOVE and Councillor Arnott to SECOND:

Oldham Council like others who provide local services needs to strike the right balance when it comes to spending public money and how they deliver those local services.

Plans made today soon age and become historic in the changing world we live in and as quickly as circumstances around them change the need to change and adapt those plans grows stronger. Housing, transport, and local  ...  view the full agenda text for item 15.

Additional documents:


Motion 1 – No Confidence in Andy Burnham’s Management of Greater Manchester Police


N.B. Councillor Murphy, having declared an interest at Minute 4, above, left the room during the discussion and determination of this Motion.


Councillor Al-Hamdani MOVED and Councillor Kenyon SECONDED the following Motion:

This Council notes that:

  1. There have been no crime figures published for Oldham from July 2019 onwards. Residents are unable to download and compare crime, stop, and search, and outcome statistics in their local areas unlike, for example, in London.
  2. Newsam & Ridgway’s review into CSE in Oldham, commissioned by Andy Burnham, notes the following (p40/2.17): the review started in January 2020, yet it took until November 2021 to agree a data processing agreement with GMP (for comparison, a complete data processing agreement with Oldham Council was agreed in April 2020). This data processing agreement with GMP only covered two of the 11 cases investigated – Shabir Ahmed and ‘Sophie’. Newsam and Ridgway further note that the lack of an agreement affected the quality of assurance that they could give about the quality of the conduct of GMP.
  3. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMICFRS) reported that GMP was failing victims of domestic abuse in 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. GMP was placed into special measures in December 2020
  4. From 2016, all chief officers at GMP have been replaced. The only two senior posts that have remained unchanged throughout this entire period are the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice, and Fire – Andy Burnham and, his appointee, Baroness Beverley Hughes.
  5. GMP’s failings reflect a national trend of defunding of Police by this Conservative government. Police are solving just 7% of recorded crimes.
  6. The highest ever number of rape cases in the UK was recorded in 2022 – 70,330, of which just 2,223 cases resulted in charges being brought. An estimated four out of five rape cases are not reported. Rape investigations currently take an average of 465 days from being reported to someone being charged.
  7. There is a backlog of nearly 59,000 cases at the crown court, and over 358,000 cases to the magistrate’s court. The backlog increased by 23% in the year prior to the COVID pandemic and has increased further since.

This Council believes that:

Victims of crime in the borough of Oldham, and across Greater Manchester, are being failed. Andy Burnham has failed and the Conservative government’s approach to policing and criminal justice has failed.

This Council resolves to:

Direct the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester to inform them of Council’s lack of confidence in their ability to effectively manage GMP.


A vote was taken on the MOTION which was LOST


Motion 2 – Provision of Local Services


Councillor Quigg MOVED and Councillor Arnott SECONDED the following Motion:

Oldham Council like others who provide local services needs to strike the right balance when it comes to spending public money and how they deliver those local services.

Plans made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Update on Actions from Council pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Chadderton MOVED and Councillor Sykes SECONDED a report of the Director of Legal Services, which informed members of actions taken following the meeting of the Council on 7th September 2022.


In response to a question from Councillor Kenyon, the Mayor permitted the Chief executive to address Council, updating Members on the Motion that the Liberal Democrat Group had presented to Council on 13th July 2022 regarding Children’s Services. The Chief Executive reported that he would be writing to all members of the Council on this matter imminently.


Councillor Al-Hamdani requested an update on a Motion that the Council had debated and passed in 2019/20 regarding the White Ribbon Campaign. The Leader of the Council replied to the issues that Councillor Al-Hamdani raised.


RESOLVED - That the actions regarding motions and issues from the meeting of the Council on 7th September 2022 be noted.


Appointment of Independent Chair of Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Councillor Chadderton MOVED and Councillor Sheldon SECONDED a report of the head of Democratic Services seeking the appointment of an Independent Chair of the Audit Committee.



That Mr Grenville Page be appointed Independent Chair of the Audit Committee for a 4 year term ending at the end of the 206/27 Municipal Year.