
Council - Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Peter Thompson 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


To order that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10th July 2024 be signed as a correct record pdf icon PDF 683 KB


To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting


To deal with matters which the Mayor considers to be urgent business


To receive communications relating to the business of the Council


To receive and note petitions received relating to the business of the Council

(time limit 20 minutes)

There are no petitions for this meeting of Council to consider.


Leader's Annual Statement

Leader to address Council


Youth Council pdf icon PDF 130 KB

(time limit 20 minutes)

Holiday Activities and Food Programme

As part of their election manifesto, the new UK government are planning to spend £315M to introduce free breakfast clubs in every primary school.

While Oldham Youth Council welcomes support for young people, we feel that this money could be spent targeting those who need it most.  We believe the threshold for free school meals needs to be increased to ensure the wellbeing of young people in poverty.


We would also like to see the continuation of the HAF (Holiday Activity and Food) program that has helped so many young people across Oldham.  We do not feel there needs to be an increase in the money provided in this scheme, but we would like to see it used universally, allowing all young people access.  This will reduce any stigma of attending sessions and hopefully encouraging more young people eligible for free school meals to take up the offer.


Council recognises that over the past few years the Oldham Youth Council have made the ‘cost of living’ a priority issue and have undertaken much work in this area to improve the experiences of Oldham’s young people.  This includes:

·         Working with the Council to take unused stationary and distribute through schools to those students who need it most.

·         2022 motion to Council asking that the Chief Executive writes to the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Education and the Shadow Secretary of State for Education requesting to extend the offer of the Holiday Activities and Food programme to all young people not just those on free school meals.


Council notes:

·         That according to several 2024 surveys commissioned by organisations, such as General Mills and Greggs Foundation, between 20-30% of young people do not eat breakfast before school. 

·         Just over two million children are eligible for free meals in England, according to the latest government figures.

·         However, a 2024 Food Foundation survey found that there are 900,000 children living in poverty in England who are missing out on national eligibility for Free School Meals due to the strict threshold set by government.

·         Scottish and Welsh Government is considering increasing free school meals across primary schools and London’s Mayor has announced free meals will be provided in all primary schools across London for the 2024/2025 academic year.

·         Since 2022, the HAF programme has provided 10.7 million HAF days to children and young people in this country. The expansion of the programme year-on-year has meant a total of 5.4 million HAF days provided between Christmas 2022, Easter and summer 2023.


We propose that Council therefore resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Health and the Secretary of State for Education asking that, rather than a blanket breakfast club for all primary schools, that they look at increasing the threshold for free school meals so more young people (both primary and secondary age) benefit; that they continue the HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) program, making sure  ...  view the full agenda text for item 8.


Public Questions

(time limit 15 Minutes)


Questions to Leader and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 217 KB

(Time limit 90 minutes)

Leader and Cabinet Members to present their reports.

Non-executive members may ask questions.


a.    Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham – including the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held 17th June 2024 and 15th July 2024, the meetings of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority held 14th June 2024 and the  meetings of the AGMA Executive Board held 9th February 2024 and 14th June 2024

b.    Deputy Leader and Decent Home Portfolio Holder

c.    Deputy Leader and Value for Money and Sustainability Portfolio Holder

d.    Children and Young People’s Portfolio Holder

e.    Education and Skills Portfolio Holder

f.     Enterprise Portfolio Holder

g.    Adults, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder

h.    Don’t Trash Oldham Portfolio Holder

i.      Thriving Communities and Culture Portfolio Holder


Additional documents:


Notice of Administration Business pdf icon PDF 249 KB

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1: Strengthening the Online Safety Act
To be moved by Councillor Harrison
Seconded by Councillor Nasheen


Social media giants have displayed time and again that they cannot be trusted to self-regulate, the riots across the country in recent weeks showed how dangerous misinformation can be and how quickly it can spread online.


There was at least one doctored video circulating online in early August purporting to be of Aldi in Chadderton, not only was this video not filmed within the Borough of Oldham it was several years old. However, this caused a tremendous amount of community concern and even lead to Police resources being deployed to the scene.


It is urgent that we take proactive measures to enhance the safety and security of our online environment. We cannot allow malicious actors to spread misinformation online in an attempt to cause unrest and division and destruction.


The current Online Safety Act, while a significant step forward, requires strengthening to address challenges and ensure comprehensive protection for all users, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.


This Council resolves:

·         to write to the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and the Chief Superintendent for Oldham to thank them for the work their officers did to keep Oldhamers safe and violence off our streets.

·         to write to the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation & Technology to ask his Department:

o   to undertake a review of the Online Safety Act to identify areas for improvement.

o   to strengthen enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance and increase penalties for violations.

o   to provide resources and training for parents, schools, and third sector organisations to help them protect and guide children in the digital world.

o   to ensure victims of online abuse and crimes are supported.


Motion 2: A Welcome Start to Delivering the New Deal for Workers 
To be moved by Councillor Taylor
Seconded by Councillor Islam


The King’s Speech delivered on the 17th of July 2024 included plans for a new Employment Rights Bill. This bill builds on the previously announced New Deal for Working People and will enshrine much of the plan to make work pay, provide security at work and ensure the work life balance that everyone deserves.  


This Council notes: 

·         The Government’s commitment to improve workers’ rights, and terms & conditions across the UK. 

·         The key components of the New Deal for Working People, include: 

o   A ban on zero-hour contracts. 

o   A commitment to end ‘fire & re-hire’ practices  

o   Strengthening employment rights and flexible working from day one. 

o   Making sure work pays, with a genuine living wage. 

o   Better access to trade unions and fair representation in the workplace. 

This Council believes: 

·         That fair pay and decent working conditions are fundamental rights for all workers. 

·         That the measures proposed in the New Deal for Workers will significantly improve the lives of workers in Oldham 

·         That fair and decent work provides greater security, improves national productivity and increases economic opportunity for all workers.

·         That supporting  ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.

Additional documents:


Notice of Opposition Business pdf icon PDF 224 KB

(time limit 30 minutes)

Motion 1: Scrap the Two-Child Benefit Cap

To be moved by Councillor Sykes

Seconded by Councillor Al-Hamdani


The Two Child limit to benefit payments was introduced by the Conservative Government in 2017 and is supported by the current Labour Government. It prevents families from claiming Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit for more than two children in the household.


Council notes the recent research conducted by the End Child Poverty Coalition which has found that:

      1.5 million children in the UK live in households subject to the two-child limit on benefit payments. That is roughly one-in-ten children in the UK.

      In 2023/24 the two-child limit cost families up to £3,235 per child each year.

      There is a strong correlation between families affected by the two-child limit and those who are living in poverty.

      Scrapping the two-child limit would lift 250,000 children out of poverty overnight, and significantly reduce the level of poverty that a further 850,000 children live in.

      Scrapping the two-child limit would cost £1.3 billion, however it is estimated that child poverty costs the economy £39 billion each year.


In Oldham 11,340 children in 3,160 households are currently affected by the two child limit to benefit payments. That is 18% of all children in the authority area. At the same time 27,760 local children are living in poverty.


Council strongly believes that the two-child limit to benefit payments is a cruel and harmful policy that should be scrapped. Research from the University of York has shown its introduction has had no positive impacts on employment and earnings. Instead, it has dragged thousands of local families into poverty.


Council notes the Liberal Democrats have consistently opposed the two-child limit to benefit payments since it was introduced – calling for it to be axed in their 2017, 2019 and 2024 manifestos. Council notes with concern the stance of the Labour Government who are committed to keeping the cap – going as far as suspending the whip from MPs who rebel against this position.


Council resolves to:

1.    Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Prime Minister outlining Oldham Council’s strong belief that the two-child limit to benefit payments should be scrapped – which would help more than 11,000 children across Oldham.

2.    Further instruct the Chief Executive to write to all of Oldham’s MPs, asking them to commit their public support to the campaign to end the cruel two child limit to benefit payments.

3.    Ensure the number of children a family has is considered when a hardship grant is given out by the council.

4.    Explore ways to support families impacted by the two-child limit across Oldham Borough, including through free school meals.


Motion 2: Motor Insurance Premiums

To be moved by Councillor Akhtar

Seconded by Councillor Ibrahim


Recent research has exposed stark and unacceptable racial disparities in motor insurance premiums across the UK, including in Oldham. A 2023 survey by Citizens Advice  ...  view the full agenda text for item 12.

Additional documents:


Update on Actions from Council pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To note actions taken arising from Council meetings

Additional documents:


Constitution Update pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To consider updates to the Council’s Constitution

Additional documents:


Treasury Management Outturn Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 737 KB

To consider the Treasury Management Outturn in respect of 2023/24


Oldham Youth Justice Service Plan 2024-2025 pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To approve the Youth Justice Plan 2024/25

Additional documents: