Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 12.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Peter Thompson 


No. Item


To receive apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


To elect the Mayor for the 2024/25 Municipal Year


Councillor Hobin MOVED, Councillor Shah SECONDED and Councillor Sheldon SUPPORTED the election of Councillor Zahid Chauhan as Mayor of the Borough and Chair of Council for the forthcoming Municipal Year.


On being put to the vote, the nomination was CARRIED.


Councillor Chauhan signed the declaration required by law, which enabled him to act in the Office of Mayor.


(The Mayor, Councillor Chauhan, in the Chair).


The Mayor then made a speech of acceptance of office.



1.            Councillor Zahid Chauhan be appointed Mayor of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council and Chair for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.

2.            That Council notes the appointment of Councillor Chauhan’s children Aneeq, Aila and Amelia to act as his consorts during the 2024/25 Municipal Year.


To appoint the Deputy Mayor for 2024/25


Councillor Shah MOVED and Councillor Taylor SECONDED the election of Councillor Moores as Deputy Mayor and Vice Chair of Council for the forthcoming Municipal Year.


On being put to the vote, the nomination was CARRIED. Councillor Moores signed the declaration required by law which enabled him to act in the office of Deputy Mayor.


RESOLVED that Councillor Moores be appointed Deputy Mayor for Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council and Vice Chair for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.


To order that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th March 2024 be signed as a correct record pdf icon PDF 774 KB



That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th March 2024 be approved as a correct record.


To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting


There were no declarations of interests.


To deal with matters which the Mayor considers to be urgent business


The Mayor permitted Councillor Hobin to address Council regarding a incident that occurred on Level 3 of the Civic Centre, directly outside the office of the Leader of the Council, on Monday, 20th May 2024. The Mayor also permitted Councillor Shah and Councillor Quigg to address Council on the same matter.


To receive communications relating to the business of the Council


Councillor Shuttleworth and Councillor Murphy paid tribute to the work of Councillor Steven Bashforth during his time served on the Council.


Councillor Shah, Councillor Williamson and Councillor Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Salamat during his time served on the Council.


Councillor Dean, Councillor Marland and Councillor Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Birch during her time served on the Council.


Councillor Jabbar, Councillor Hamblett and Councillor Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Surjan during her time served on the Council.


Councillor Bishop, Councillor Jabbar, Councillor Murphy and Councillor Hobin paid tribute to the work of Councillor Gloster during her time served on the Council.


Councillor Davis, Councillor Hobin and Councillor Bishop paid tribute to the work of Councillor Rea during her time served on the Council.


Councillor Ghafoor, Councillor Kenyon and Councillor Jabbar paid tribute to the work of Councillor Irfan during his time served on the Council.


The Mayor referred to the recent deaths of former Councillors Jackie Stanton and Warren Bates and also the passing of former Councillor and former Mayor, Olwen Chadderton.


Councillor Dean, Councillor Williamson and Councillor Sykes addressed Council paying condolences and their tribute to Olwen Chadderton.


Councillor Davis, Councillor Ball, Councillor Hobin, Councillor Quigg, Councillor Williamson and Councillor Sykes addressed Council paying condolences and their tribute to Warren Bates.


Councillor Sharp, Councillor Woodvine, Councillor Charters and Councillor Sykes addressed Council paying condolences and their tribute to Jackie Stanton.


The Mayor asked Council to note that the date of this meeting marked the seventh anniversary of the bombing of Manchester Arena. A truly dreadful terrorist atrocity that resulted in the murder of 22 innocent people.


Council held a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing and the three deceased former Councillors.


To note the report of the Returning Officer containing the results of the Local Elections which took place on 2nd May 2024 pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To receive a report of the returning Officer as to the persons elected to the office of Councillor on 2nd May 2024.


Consideration was given to a report of the Returning Officer which informed members of the results of the Local Election which had taken place on 2nd May 2024.


RESOLVED that the results of the Local Election be noted.


Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To note the appointment agreed by Council on 24th May 2023.

Additional documents:


Councillor Taylor MOVED and Councillor Jabbar SECONDED a report of the Director of Legal Services which reminded Members that under the Leader and Cabinet model of governance, Councillor Shah had been elected as Leader of the Council on 24th May 2023 for a period that would end on the day when the Council holds its first annual meeting after the Leader’s normal day of retirement, as a Councillor unless: she resigned from the office; was no longer a Councillor; or she would be removed from office by a resolution of the Council.



Councillor Quigg MOVED and Councillor Ghafoor SECONDED the following AMENDMENT.


‘That Council note the election of Councillor Arooj Shah as the Leader of the Council from 24th May 2023 and ending on the day when the Council holds its first annual meeting of the Leader’s normal day of retirement as Councillor as outlined at paragraph 1.2 of the report.


It is noted that the report at item 9 notes the elected Leader of the Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) from the 24th May 2023. However, a Leader of the Council may be removed by a resolution of the Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council). This amendment seeks to REMOVE Councillor Arooj Shah as the Leader of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) and that a new Leader of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) is elected at the Annual Council meeting of Wednesday 22nd May 2024.


The proposer and seconder of this amendment nominate Councillor Howard Sykes to be the new Council Leader of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council.’


A recorded vote, in line with Council Procedure Rules was then taken on the AMENDMENT as follows:






Adams Christine


Hussain Junaid


Akhtar Shoab


Hussain Sajed


Al-Hamdani Sam


Ibrahim Nyla


Ali Mohon


Iqbal Nadeem


Ali Zaheer


Islam Mohammed Nazrul


Arnott Dave


Jabbar Abdul


Aslam Naseem


Kenyon Mark


Azad Montaz Ali


Kouser Aisha


Ball Sandra


Lancaster Luke


Bishop Helen


Malik Abdul


Bashforth Marie


Marland Alicia


Brownridge Barbara


McLaren Colin


Byrne Pam


Moores Eddie (Deputy Mayor)


Charters Josh


Murphy Dave


Cosgrove Angela


Mushtaq Shaid


Chowhan Naveed


Nasheen Umar


Davis Peter


Navesey Lisa


Dean Peter


Quigg Lewis


Ghafoor Kamran


Rustidge Ken


Goodwin Chris


Shah Arooj


Hamblett Louie


Sharp Beth


Harkness Garth


Sheldon Graham


Harrison Holly


Shuttleworth Graham


Hince Marc


Sykes Howard


Hindle Neil


Taylor Elaine


Hobin Brian


Wahid Abdul


Hughes Jade


Wilkinson Mark


Hurley Maggie


Williamson Diane


Hussain Aftab


Woodvine Max


Hussain Fida


Chauhan Zahid (MAYOR)



On a recorded VOTE being taken 28 VOTES were cast in FAVOUR of the AMENDMENT with 29 VOTES cast AGAINST and there were 3 ABSTENTIONS. The AMENDMENT was therefore LOST.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Appointment of the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Members and Deputy Cabinet Members and allocation of portfolios and delegation of Executive functions

To receive a report detailing:-

a.    The number of Councillors to be appointed to the Cabinet.

b.    Appointments made to the Cabinet.

c.    The appointment of the Deputy Leader.

d.    The allocation of responsibilities (portfolios).

e.    The appointment of Deputy Cabinet Members.

Report to follow


Consideration was given to a report of the Leader of the Council which detailed the Cabinet portfolios and the appointments to the Cabinet for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED that the appointment of the Deputy Leaders, Cabinet Members, Deputy Cabinet Members, the allocation of portfolios to Cabinet Members and the determination of delegations to executive functions for 2024/2025 be noted as outlined below:


Councillor Arooj Shah

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham

Councillor Elaine Taylor

Statutory Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Decent Homes

Councillor Abdul Jabbar

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability

Councillor Shaid Mushtaq


Councillor Mohon Ali

Councillor Barbara Brownridge

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Councillor Peter Dean

Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture

Councillor Fida Hussain

Cabinet Member for Enterprise

Councillor Chris Goodwin

Cabinet Member for Don’t Trash Oldham

Councillor Josh Charters

Deputy Cabinet Member for Bee Network Delivery

Councillor Holly Harrison

Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Improvement

Councillor Lisa Navesey

Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding

Councillor Umar Nasheen

Deputy Cabinet Member for Education

Councillor Nazrul Islam


Councillor Marie Bashforth

Councillor Aftab Hussain

Deputy Cabinet Member for Get Oldham Working

Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Health

Deputy Cabinet Member for Communities





Note - the executive functions are those as described in Part 3 of the constitution as amended by item 15.


Main Opposition Nominations to the Shadow Cabinet 2024/25

Report to follow


RESOLVED that the appointment of the main Opposition Leader and the Shadow Cabinet, as set out below, be noted:


Liberal Democrat Group Leader – Councillor Howard Sykes

Deputy Group Leader – Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani


Liberal Democrat Group Shadow Cabinet:

Councillor Howard Sykes

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Building a Better Oldham

Councillor Gath Harkness

Statutory Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Decent Homes

Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Value for Money and Sustainability

Councillor Diane Williamson


Councillor Helen Bishop

Councillor Louie Hamblett

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Councillor Alicia Marland

Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture

Councillor Howard Sykes

Cabinet Member for Enterprise

Councillor Dave Murphy

Cabinet Member for Don’t Trash Oldham



Appointment to Committees and Compositions of Political Groups pdf icon PDF 317 KB

To appoint to committees of the council in accordance wit the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and to give consideration to some committees not allocated strictly in accordance with proportionality under the Act.

Additional documents:


Councillor Shah MOVED and Councillor Sykes SECONDED a report of the Director of Legal which sought a review of the political composition of committees and the composition of political groups as previously notified under Regulation 8(1) of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 and under Sections 15 and 16 of the Local Government Housing Act 1989.



1. The composition of the political groups as shown in paragraph 1.1, of the report, be noted.

2. The several Committees detailed at paragraph 1.2 and 1.5be constituted with the Terms of Reference and delegated powers as detailed in the Constitution as amended (minute 15, below, refers).

3. The number of seats on the various Committees for the 2024/25 Municipal Year be as detailed in paragraph 1.5, of the report.

4. Council confirms unanimously the allocation of seats to the political groups and makes appointments to fill the seats in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, as far as is practicable.

 5. Council appoints a Chair and Vice-Chair of each of the various Committees for the 2024/25 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 1, except for the Appointments and Appeals Committees.

6.    The Council appoints District Lead and Deputy Lead Members as follows:

                                          i.    Central District Lead – Councillor Malik (no Deputy Lead Member required)

                                        ii.    North District Lead – Councillor Hince and Deputy Lead – Councillor Adams

                                       iii.    East District Lead – Councillor Cosgrove and Deputy Lead – Councillor Bishop

                                       iv.    South District Lead – Councillor Hindle (no Deputy Lead Member required)

                                        v.    West District Lead – Councillor Shuttleworth (no Deputy Lead Member required)

7. The Co-opted Members detailed at paragraph 1.9 of the report be appointed to the Children and Young People Scrutiny Board and the Co-optees be given full voting rights in respect of education matters only.

8. Any outstanding appointments to be delegated to the Chief Executive in accordance with the wishes of the relevant political group.


Appointment to Outside Bodies 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To appoint Councillors to serve on Outside Bodies.

Additional documents:


Councillor Shah MOVED and Councillor Sykes SECONDED a report of the Director of Legal Services which detailed the appointments to Outside Bodies for the Municipal Year 2024/2025.



1.    That appointments to the Outside Bodies, listed in the Appendices, circulated at the meeting, for the 2024/25 Municipal Year, be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the main opposition Group.

2.    That Council notes the establishment of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Northern Care Alliance, detailed at Appendix 3.


Council Meetings and Municipal Calendar 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

a.    To confirm the meetings of Full Council will be held on the undermentioned dates during 2024/25, commencing at 6.00pm, unless otherwise shown:

Wednesday, 10th July 2024

Wednesday, 11th September 2024

Wednesday, 6th November 2024

Wednesday, 18th December 2024

Thursday, 6th March 2025 (Budget)

Wednesday, 19th March 2025

b.    To approve the calendar of meetings for the 2024/25 Municipal Year.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Legal Services which set out the Calendar of Meetings for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.




1.    The meetings of Full Council be held on the undermentioned dates during the 2024/2025 Municipal Year, commencing at 6.00pm unless otherwise shown:


10th July 2024

11th September 2024

6th November 2024

18th December 2024

6th March 2025

19th March 2025


2.    The Council’s calendar of meetings for 2024/2025 be approved.

3.    Approval of any outstanding dates or changes to dates to be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders.


Council Constitution pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To approve amendments to the Constitution.

Additional documents:


Councillor Shah MOVED and Councillor Sykes SECONDED a report of the Director of Legal which requested that Council consider amendments to the constitution and to re-affirm the Council Constitution as a matter of good governance.

The report reviewed the terms of reference for committees; the scheme of delegation to officers; reports to decision makers; executive decisions; the Council’s policy framework; and Council Procedure Rules.



That the Council re-affirms the Council Constitution, subject to the inclusion of revisions as identified in the Director of Legal’s report.


Notice of Administration Business

None received


There were no items of Administration Business to consider.


Notice of Opposition Business

None received


There were no items of Opposition Business to consider.