Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 15th March, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Oldham, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL. View directions

Contact: Liz Drogan 

No. Item


Civic Appreciation Awards

Miss. Keira Louise Arnold, Miss.Hannah Miah, Mr.Ibrahim Yousaf BEM BCyA


Further to Minute 19 of the meeting of the Council held on 14th December 2022, the Mayor invited Miss Keira Arnold, Mr Ibrahim Yousaf and Miss Hannah Miah to receive a Civic Appreciation Award, in recognition of their service and dedication to the local community and the borough of Oldham.


The Mayor advised that Ibrahim Yousaf was unable to attend this meeting of the Council.


Councillor Chadderton, Councillor Sykes and Councillor Sheldon each addressed Council, paying tribute to the work undertaken by Keira, Ibrahim and Hanna.


Keira and Hanna both addressed the Council.


To receive apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Arnott, Barnes, S. Bashforth, Chauhan, Hindle, A. Hussain, F. Hussain, Lancaster and Moores.


To order that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14th December 2022 and 1st March 2023 be signed as a correct record pdf icon PDF 506 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2023 to follow.

Additional documents:



1.    That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14th December 2022 be approved as a correct record.

2.    The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held 1st March 2023 be approved as a correct record.


To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting


There were no declarations of interests received.


To deal with matters which the Mayor considers to be urgent business


There was no urgent business for this meeting of Council to consider.


To receive communications relating to the business of the Council


The Council was informed that several Members had indicated they would be retiring at the end of the current Municipal Year.


Councillors Jabbar and Marland paid tribute to the work of Councillor Hulme.


Councillors Akhtar, C. Gloster and Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Iqbal.


Councillors Dean, Birch, C. Gloster and Sheldon paid tribute to the work of Councillor Ahmad.


Councillors Mushtaq, Harrison, Hamblett, Chadderton, Hobin and Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Garry.


Councillors Jabbar, Marland and Byrne paid tribute to the work of Councillor Alyas.


To receive and note petitions received relating to the business of the Council

(time limit 20 minutes)


There is one Petition to note:

Executive Director for Place and Economic Growth

Petition in relation to the implementation of a parking scheme of three hour waiting outside the Salvation Army Citadel, Farrow Street, Shaw

 (33 signatures)


Council received a report of the Head of Democratic Services which asked Members to note a petition that had been received by the Council in accordance with the Petitions Protocol. The Petition related to the implementation of a parking scheme of three hour waiting outside the Salvation Army Citadel, Farrow Street, Shaw, which had 33 signatures.



That the report be noted.


Youth Council

(time limit 20 minutes)


Protected Characteristics for Care Experience

Many care experienced people face discrimination, stigma, and prejudice in their day to day lives. Public perceptions of care experience centre on the idea that we are irredeemably damaged and that can lead to discrimination and assumptions being made.

We do realise discrimination we face often comes from unbiased prejudice and what is reported about care experienced people.   For instance, despite care experienced people making up around 1.4 per cent of the UK population, they account for 25 per cent of homeless people in England and a quarter of the prison population. Nearly half of all under 21-year-olds in contact with the criminal justice system have been in care.

When we look at the statistics like these it’s easy to see why people make assumptions about the likely characteristics of children and adults that have care experience. Issues around school attainment, and behaviour within school of some in the care system will lead to the way care experience is discussed in schools, workplaces, and the media.  However, we are not statistics, we are just young people struggling with everyday life like everyone else.

We feel that when things go wrong it is expected due to our circumstances, but if things go right, we succeed despite our circumstances.  Care experienced young people don’t want our care being mentioned or used as an excuse, as it makes people look at us differently.  Comments like “You’re smart - for a kid in care” and “it’s understandable with what you deal with”, make us want to pretend to be someone else. 

When we talk with colleagues in schools and as part of the Children in Care Council, we have realised that the discrimination and unconscious bias, at its worst, can lead to care experienced people being refused employment, failing to succeed in education or facing unfair judgements about our ability to live independently or even to have families of their own.  Designating care experience a protected characteristic would mean decision-makers would have to consider the needs of care experienced young people more seriously and have to consider how their decisions and polices affect people with care experience.

This discrimination, that they have experienced, is similar in nature to other groups that have a legally protected characteristic under the Equality Act (2010). So, while there may be ways that society can help reduce stigma and discrimination, including creating greater public consciousness on these issues, just as with other areas of equality, there is a case to go further. Therefore, the Council should make care experience a protected characteristic for Oldham.

We propose that the council notes:

  • Care experienced people face significant barriers that impact them throughout their lives.
  • Despite the resilience of many care experienced people, society too often does not take their needs into account and often face discrimination and stigma across housing, health, education, relationships, employment and in the criminal justice system;
  • As corporate parents, councillors and officers have a collective responsibility for  ...  view the full agenda text for item 8.


The Youth Council PROPOSED the following MOTION:

Protected Characteristics for Care Experience

Many care experienced people face discrimination, stigma, and prejudice in their day to day lives. Public perceptions of care experience centre on the idea that we are irredeemably damaged and that can lead to discrimination and assumptions being made.

We do realise discrimination we face often comes from unbiased prejudice and what is reported about care experienced people.   For instance, despite care experienced people making up around 1.4 per cent of the UK population, they account for 25 per cent of homeless people in England and a quarter of the prison population. Nearly half of all under 21-year-olds in contact with the criminal justice system have been in care.

When we look at the statistics like these it’s easy to see why people make assumptions about the likely characteristics of children and adults that have care experience. Issues around school attainment, and behaviour within school of some in the care system will lead to the way care experience is discussed in schools, workplaces, and the media.  However, we are not statistics, we are just young people struggling with everyday life like everyone else.

We feel that when things go wrong it is expected due to our circumstances, but if things go right, we succeed despite our circumstances.  Care experienced young people don’t want our care being mentioned or used as an excuse, as it makes people look at us differently.  Comments like “You’re smart - for a kid in care” and “it’s understandable with what you deal with”, make us want to pretend to be someone else. 

When we talk with colleagues in schools and as part of the Children in Care Council, we have realised that the discrimination and unconscious bias, at its worst, can lead to care experienced people being refused employment, failing to succeed in education or facing unfair judgements about our ability to live independently or even to have families of their own.  Designating care experience a protected characteristic would mean decision-makers would have to consider the needs of care experienced young people more seriously and have to consider how their decisions and polices affect people with care experience.

This discrimination, that they have experienced, is similar in nature to other groups that have a legally protected characteristic under the Equality Act (2010). So, while there may be ways that society can help reduce stigma and discrimination, including creating greater public consciousness on these issues, just as with other areas of equality, there is a case to go further. Therefore, the Council should make care experience a protected characteristic for Oldham.

We propose that the council notes:

  • Care experienced people face significant barriers that impact them throughout their lives.
  • Despite the resilience of many care experienced people, society too often does not take their needs into account and often face discrimination and stigma across housing, health, education, relationships, employment and in the criminal justice system;
  • As corporate parents, councillors and officers have a collective  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 252 KB

(time limit 30 Minutes)


1.            Question from Karl Bardsley

I would like to ask the relevant cabinet member, how much of the £3 million cost of living package announced by the council leader on 21st September 2022 has gone towards the heating of the town’s libraries/warm banks?


Councillor Chadderton, Leader of the Council, replied that in Oldham we have 37 warm banks across the borough, including 11 council-owned libraries. No additional funding has been allocated to Oldham's libraries as the warm banks have been run during normal opening hours, which include evening and weekends. 

In addition to the 11 library warm banks, we have also helped 26 community groups to establish warm banks, making support much more accessible for our residents. Approximately £40k has been allocated to support the running costs of these community facilities, paying for heating, lighting, staffing and refreshments. The support of our voluntary and community sector has been fantastic, with many warm banks put in place quickly to support Oldham's response.


2.            Question from Tia Henderson

As an Oldham care-leaver and ex youth mayor of Oldham, I recently found myself classed as "intentionally homeless" due to a rat infestation in my home and not accepting the emergency accommodation as it didn't take pets and I have a dog and a ferret. My circumstances led to me being homeless for 6 months so I would like to know what is being done in Oldham to ensure that pets are not a barrier to anyone needing emergency accommodation due to being homeless as a result of unsuitable accommodation, domestic violence, mental health or anyone who is struggling financially?


Councillor Chadderton, Leader of the Council, replied that Great Places and Wates, who are responsible for providing housing management services to Tia, have fully accepted that they failed to provide an immediate response to the rat infestation which resulted in Tia being unable to continue to live in her home. Great Places and Wates have apologised to Tia and have implemented measures to ensure tenants do not suffer similar circumstances in the future.   

The majority of Oldham Council’s emergency accommodation is supplied via contracts between Oldham Council and hotels or third party providers. It is for the owners of the hotels or third party providers to agree if pets can be accommodated, in accordance with providers’ own policies regarding pets. We have tried to source accommodation providers who will take pets however to date have been unsuccessful. We continue to seek accommodation providers that will take pets and also meet the specified accommodation requirements.  

Oldham Council gives careful consideration to the Homelessness Code of Guidance and looks to direct households, to pet boarding charities and where they are unable to help, support households to arrange kennelling where needed.


3.            Question from Janet Hargreaves

I understand that Mulberry Homes has gone into administration.
Can you tell me what therefore is happening to the construction of these homes in Shaw? There has been no building here for at least 12 months. We are in desperate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Questions to Leader and Cabinet

(time limit 30 minutes)


Councillor Sheldon, Leader of the Conservative Group


Question 1: GP Surgeries

There is a stark contrast when comparing the number of General Practitioner (GP) surgeries in Oldham and the wider greater Manchester region. In the Borough of Oldham there were, as at August 2022, 88 qualified GP’s in the Borough, which was exactly the same figure as reported in September 2015. In this regard Oldham was the only Borough, in Greater Manchester, not to see a rise in the number of working GP’s. during the same period Manchester had seen a rise of 74, there were 65 extra GP’s in Stockport and 51 in Wigan. Councillor Sheldon added that since 2016 health and social care is a function that has been devolved to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Therefore will the Leader of the Council put pressure on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to see Oldham as a more attractive place for GP’s to work?


The Leader of the Council replied that the recruitment and retention of NHS staff was not a function that had been devolved to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.


Question 2: Levelling Up

Councillor Sheldon commended the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, for his Budget proposals, that were announced to Parliament earlier in the day. Councillor Sheldon stated that included measures that will be beneficial for the residents of the Oldham Borough. This includes additional support with the ‘cost-of-living crisis’, energy costs and prices, additional funds for repairing potholes on the Borough’s roads and additional funding form the Levelling Up Partnership Scheme that is targeted at regeneration and infrastructure projects. Therefore, will the Leader of the Council join him in congratulating the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the announcements made in his Budget speech earlier today?


The Leader of the Council replied that she always welcomed additional funding for the Borough of Oldham, from which ever source it came from.  


Councillor Sykes, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group


Question1: Roadworks

Next week more 25 streets have programmed works then there will be the emergency ones or late notice on top of that.
Our roads are in a crumbling state of neglect.  Because of this, emergency repairs are often needed and even though these can be disruptive, I think most people in Oldham accept that they are necessary.

What people are sick and tired of Madam Mayor, is what is now becoming known as the March Month of Madness on our roads.

Every year it seems to get worse and worse.  Jobs that could have been prioritised are just rolled into March and the result it is mayhem on the roads. 
Is it because we aren’t taking the utility companies to task?

When, instead of applying for permits to do planned work they lazily say the work is deemed an emergency repair and get on with it when it suits them and their shareholders, not when it suits the people who rely on those roads every day?

The council also does a disproportional amount of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Questions on Cabinet Minutes and Urgent decisions taken pdf icon PDF 238 KB

(time limit 15 minutes)


14th November 2022

12th December 2022

23rd January 2023

Urgent Decisions

Additional documents:


The Council was requested to note the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on14th November 2022, 12th December 2022 and 12th January 2023 and to note any urgent decisions that had been taken by Cabinet members and Officers of the Council, using their delegated authority. The Council was asked to receive questions on these minutes and decisions, from members of the Council who are not members of the Cabinet and to receive appropriate responses from Cabinet members.


Members asked the following questions: -


a.    Question from Councillor Murphy

In 2014, then Conservative Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles banned the use of camera cars for the enforcement of traffic laws including for cracking down on inappropriate, on-street parking.  This issue clearly need to be part of our transport strategy. Now I know I won’t be alone in this Chamber when I say that inconsiderate and dangerous parking is a real bugbear of mine. 

With more cars on the road than ever, this sort of behaviour is all the more dangerous.  We all know areas where inconsiderate parking causes safety issues.  Those with prams forced into the road or elderly or disabled residents unable to get about safely.  It’s a problem we hear about time and time again.

And we know the issues with enforcement too, Madam Mayor.  The parking team has a limited number of resources and when an Enforcement Officer approach a vehicle, drivers often drive off which makes enforcement difficult and cost prohibitive. So, this is why Eric Pickles got it wrong in 2014 and we need to re-empower councils on parking offences. 

Now the vast majority of drivers are considerate.  They follow the rules and pay attention to the road markings.  They have nothing to worry about. But residents in the problematic hotspot areas, where anti-social parking exists are sick and tired of seeing the same problem time and time again and want action. And the Council’s message to the thoughtless minority who continue to park on roads with parking restrictions in an anti-social manner for example when dropping off and collecting children should be clear.


Councillor Roberts, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, replied that she would agree that inconsiderate parking is a bugbear of most of us in this chamber and is of course concerning as poor parking can be very dangerous to our residents.

The parking team does indeed have a limited resource and I would agree that the Enforcement Officers cannot be everywhere all at once. We know that there are particular hotspots where we might need to look at changing the Traffic Regulation Orders to allow us to allow us to enforce poor parking in the traditional way, however as Cllr Murphy points out, that would not stop some people just driving off as soon as they see the Enforcement Officer in the location. The use of “camera cars” could be a more beneficial way of being able to enforce these kinds of contraventions if legislation is granted.

I would also make members of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Notice of Administration Business

(time limit 30 minutes)       


Motion 1

Actions Not Ambitions – A Renewable Energy Future

Councillor Jabbar to MOVE and Councillor Akhtar to SECOND:

We have seen a significant increase in the cost of energy since the start of the War in Ukraine, exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis, meaning that residents and businesses in Oldham are facing energy bills almost twice what they were 18 months ago.

Next month, the Energy Price Guarantee will rise to around £3,000 a year for a typical household, this is an almost £2,000 rise from the Energy Price Cap set in August 2021 at £1,277. Lower and middle-income households in Oldham are struggling with this increase.

A survey by the Federation of Small Businesses in November 2022 found that 25% of their members had seen their energy costs double and 19% have seen their energy costs triple.

Whilst support from central Government has been welcomed by both households and businesses, it has not gone far enough. More than half the residents responding to the GM Residents survey say they are having difficulties paying their bills. Almost a quarter of businesses in the FSBs survey anticipate that with further energy bills rises coming in April they will have to close, downsize or radically restructure.

At a time where oil and gas supplies are restricted, investment in the UK’s renewable energy sector is paramount to creating energy security and ensuring that people in towns like Oldham are not impacted by the effects of a conflict over a thousand miles away.

Oldham has ambitious targets to become the Greenest Borough in Greater Manchester and meet the goal of being a carbon neutral borough by 2030, with the council being carbon neutral by 2025.

In doing this we have invested in renewable energy schemes across Oldham, including our pioneering Mine Water Heat Network. To protect the people of Oldham from further shocks to the energy market, as well as to meet the council’s ambitious climate targets, municipal investment in renewable energy is an innovative way of utilising council owned assets to add value and support the local economy.

Whilst Oldham is not known for its sunny weather, solar panels are able to be used in all weather, with rain and wind helping their efficiency by clearing away dust and debris that block light from reaching the panels. By installing solar panels at council assets and building a solar farm at Wrigley Head, Oldham Council can utilise renewable energy created here in Oldham to meet these targets and reduce our own energy bill in the process.

This Council notes:

  • 57% of respondents to the GM Residents Survey say they are struggling to pay their energy bills.
  • Since the We Can Help initiative was launched in September 2022, over £100,000 has gone to residents directly to help them with their energy bills, an increase of 200% compared to the same time period last year.

        That Oldham Council has been leading the way with innovative renewable energy solutions, including the continuing  ...  view the full agenda text for item 12.


Motion 1 – Actions Not Ambitions – A Renewable Energy Future

Councillor Jabbar MOVED and Councillor Akhtar SECONDED the following Motion:

We have seen a significant increase in the cost of energy since the start of the War in Ukraine, exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis, meaning that residents and businesses in Oldham are facing energy bills almost twice what they were 18 months ago.

Next month, the Energy Price Guarantee will rise to around £3,000 a year for a typical household, this is an almost £2,000 rise from the Energy Price Cap set in August 2021 at £1,277. Lower and middle-income households in Oldham are struggling with this increase.

A survey by the Federation of Small Businesses in November 2022 found that 25% of their members had seen their energy costs double and 19% have seen their energy costs triple.

Whilst support from central Government has been welcomed by both households and businesses, it has not gone far enough. More than half the residents responding to the GM Residents survey say they are having difficulties paying their bills. Almost a quarter of businesses in the FSBs survey anticipate that with further energy bills rises coming in April they will have to close, downsize or radically restructure.

At a time where oil and gas supplies are restricted, investment in the UK’s renewable energy sector is paramount to creating energy security and ensuring that people in towns like Oldham are not impacted by the effects of a conflict over a thousand miles away.

Oldham has ambitious targets to become the Greenest Borough in Greater Manchester and meet the goal of being a carbon neutral borough by 2030, with the council being carbon neutral by 2025.

In doing this we have invested in renewable energy schemes across Oldham, including our pioneering Mine Water Heat Network. To protect the people of Oldham from further shocks to the energy market, as well as to meet the council’s ambitious climate targets, municipal investment in renewable energy is an innovative way of utilising council owned assets to add value and support the local economy.

Whilst Oldham is not known for its sunny weather, solar panels are able to be used in all weather, with rain and wind helping their efficiency by clearing away dust and debris that block light from reaching the panels. By installing solar panels at council assets and building a solar farm at Wrigley Head, Oldham Council can utilise renewable energy created here in Oldham to meet these targets and reduce our own energy bill in the process.

This Council notes:

·                     57% of respondents to the GM Residents Survey say they are struggling to pay their energy bills.

·                     Since the We Can Help initiative was launched in September 2022, over £100,000 has gone to residents directly to help them with their energy bills, an increase of 200% compared to the same time period last year.

                    That Oldham Council has been leading the way with innovative renewable energy solutions, including the continuing Oldham Mine  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Notice of Opposition Business

(time limit 30 minutes)


Motion 1

Reputation of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council At An All Time Low

Councillor Sharp to MOVE and Councillor Arnott to SECOND:

Oldham is a town made up of decent hard-working people. There is an untapped potential which is yet to be unleashed. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (OMBC).

OMBC is dragging our Borough down, due to poor leadership and mismanagement of our history, assets and services.

The failure of OMBC to deliver the best possible services that many residents rely on and pay for, is one of the key reasons why this administration is failing this Borough. It is not the hard-working frontline staff that are to blame, they have been dealt a bad hand, it is the lack of leadership and responsibility at the top. There is an iron law at the top of OMBC; which is that it is run in the interests of those who run it, instead of those who pay for it.

Driven by the next press release or headline, OMBC and this administration is failing to manage the numerous town centre focused projects properly, such as the thirty-two million pound overspend on the Cinema, the failed ‘Hotel Future and Conference Centre’ that was never built, two Coliseum theatre plans that were scrapped, Marks and Spencer’s, Lidl and a ‘Budget’ Hotel at Princes’ Gate scrapped and failing to materialise.

It is no wonder residents fear the costs of the Spindles/Town Centre project running over budget by tens of millions of pounds given the Councils track record.

The bunker mentality that exists within the administration and leadership of OMBC is damaging this Borough. The failure by the administration to attract the right investment and failure to deliver on existing projects is damaging the prospects of our Borough. The failure to attract the right talent starts and ends with those at the top.

In 2012 Oldham Council was runner up in the prestigious most improved council award and in 2014 Oldham was ‘highly commended’ at the LGA Council of the Year Awards. Since that high water mark things have gone very wrong and it is clear radical measures need to be taken to restore the confidence of our residents, our business community, and our workforce.

Now more than ever we need to restore pride in the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham.

It is clear this Council’s strengths are; spending millions of pounds of resident’s hard-earned money and throwing it away on failed scheme after failed scheme. It is clear this Council does not have the experience to manage the Borough’s finances and is incapable of bringing regeneration schemes to fruition in Oldham.

If Oldham is to have any chance of rebuilding residents trust, incentivising people to stay or move into the area with their families and offering a full rounded living experience, then there needs to be massive change at this Council. Sadly this administration is not fit for purpose and nor is the leadership at  ...  view the full agenda text for item 13.


Motion 1 – Reputation of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council At An All Time Low


Councillor Sharp MOVED and Councillor Quigg SECONDED the following Motion:

This Council notes that:

Oldham is a town made up of decent hard-working people. There is an untapped potential which is yet to be unleashed. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (OMBC).

OMBC is dragging our Borough down, due to poor leadership and mismanagement of our history, assets and services.

The failure of OMBC to deliver the best possible services that many residents rely on and pay for, is one of the key reasons why this administration is failing this Borough. It is not the hard-working frontline staff that are to blame, they have been dealt a bad hand, it is the lack of leadership and responsibility at the top. There is an iron law at the top of OMBC; which is that it is run in the interests of those who run it, instead of those who pay for it.

Driven by the next press release or headline, OMBC and this administration is failing to manage the numerous town centre focused projects properly, such as the thirty-two million pound overspend on the Cinema, the failed ‘Hotel Future and Conference Centre’ that was never built, two Coliseum theatre plans that were scrapped, Marks and Spencer’s, Lidl and a ‘Budget’ Hotel at Princes’ Gate scrapped and failing to materialise.

It is no wonder residents fear the costs of the Spindles/Town Centre project running over budget by tens of millions of pounds given the Councils track record.

The bunker mentality that exists within the administration and leadership of OMBC is damaging this Borough. The failure by the administration to attract the right investment and failure to deliver on existing projects is damaging the prospects of our Borough. The failure to attract the right talent starts and ends with those at the top.

In 2012 Oldham Council was runner up in the prestigious most improved council award and in 2014 Oldham was ‘highly commended’ at the LGA Council of the Year Awards. Since that high water mark things have gone very wrong and it is clear radical measures need to be taken to restore the confidence of our residents, our business community, and our workforce.

Now more than ever we need to restore pride in the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham.

It is clear this Council’s strengths are: spending millions of pounds of resident’s hard-earned money and throwing it away on failed scheme after failed scheme. It is clear this Council does not have the experience to manage the Borough’s finances and is incapable of bringing regeneration schemes to fruition in Oldham.

If Oldham is to have any chance of rebuilding residents trust, incentivising people to stay or move into the area with their families and offering a full rounded living experience, then there needs to be massive change at this Council. Sadly, this administration is not fit for purpose and nor is the leadership  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Update on Actions from Council pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Chadderton MOVED and Councillor Sykes SCONDED an updated report which presented Members with information as to the actions arising from the previous Council meetings on 2nd November and 14th December 2022 and on any matters outstanding from Council meetings from the commencement of the current municipal year, with the additional recommendations on the Polling District Review circulated.



1.    That Council notes the actions taken and notes the correspondence has been received regarding some Motions agreed at previous Council meetings.

2.      That Council approves the additional recommendations of the Polling District Review, as circulated.


Annual Reports 2022 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Report to follow


Councillor Chadderton MOVED and Councillor Sheldon SCONDED a report which presented the Member Annual Reports for 2022.


As part of the ongoing work to strengthen accountability to local people and their role as a Councillor in a co-operative borough, Elected Members were asked to produce an annual report that presented information regarding their work in the community over the last 12 months. Individual reports included ward priorities, work in the community and contact information.


Members were informed that their Reports were available to view under the Councillors’ section on Oldham Council’s website.


Council was advised that those Members with reports outstanding had until 31st March 2023 to submit them.


RESOLVED - that the Member Annual Reports be noted.


Review of Special Responsibility Allowances for Members appointed to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


Chadderton MOVED and Councillor Sykes SCONDED a report that presented the recommendations of the Greater Manchester Independent Remuneration Panel in relation to the remuneration of the Members of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



1.    That Council notes the recommendations of the report of the Greater Manchester Independent Remuneration Panel. (detailed at Appendix 1 of the Council report).

2.    That Council notes that the Levelling Up Bill is still proceeding through parliament and therefore the GMCA does not yet have legislative power to pay allowances directly to the GMCA’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee members.

3.    That Oldham Council (along with the other Greater Manchester District Authority’s) pay allowances to their appointees to the GMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the interim.

4.    That the allowance payments (referred to at 3 above), be reimbursed from the GMCA.

5.    That the payments of Special Responsibility Allowances for Members of the GMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee are set at the level recommended at Appendix 1 to the Council report) and are backdated to 24th June 2022 when the new scrutiny arrangements were put in place with increases outlined in paragraph 3 (e) of the Council report.

6.    That the Council’s Member Allowances Scheme is adjusted to take account of the interim arrangements.