Issue - meetings

Gambling Policy

Meeting: 29/10/2024 - Licensing Committee (Item 9)

9 Gambling Policy pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To note the proposed gambling policy.

Additional documents:


The Licensing Committee heard how the current Gambling Policy was adopted in January 2022 and must be reviewed every three years by law. The content of the policy centres around the regulatory responsibilities of both operators and the Council in how it administers the gambling system.


Significant attention has been paid to the public health concerns surrounding gambling addiction in the revised policy. Data suggest that in Oldham there are around three thousand problem gamblers and nine thousand at risk gamblers. A Greater Manchester Gambling Harm Reduction Strategy has been compiled with funding allocated to support pathways and research.


The proposed policy was shared with all responsible authorities under the Act together with a range of operators covering the different licensed regimes. Responses were received from Public Health and the Fire Service who suggested some amendments which have been incorporated into this final version.


Members queried whether Gambling Premises in Oldham are equipped to adress Public Health Concerns. Officers explained that the number of betting shops in Oldham has reduced due to independent shops being bought out by larger chains which are adequately trained and equipped.



RESOLVED that, the Licensing Committee note the report and approve its submission to Council.