Issue - meetings

Objection to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Hampton Road, Failsworth

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 9)

9 Objection to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Hampton Road, Failsworth pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Highways Committee considered a  report on an objection received to the proposed extension of the existing Prohibition of Waiting restrictions on Hampton Road, Failsworth. A report recommending the extension of existing Prohibition of Waiting restriction on Hampton Road, Failsworth, was approved under delegated powers on 5 February 2024. The proposal was subsequently advertised, and one objection was received.


A copy of the approved report was attached in Appendix A and a copy of the objection was attached in Appendix B. In summary, the objector stated that the proposed extension of waiting restrictions would displace parking further north on Hampton Road.. The objector was concerned that a reduction of parking space was likely to cause more parking related issues for local residents.


Options Considered:


Option 1: Install Prohibition of Waiting restriction as advertised i.e. extend the existing restrictions both sides of Hampton Road. This proposal would meet the Highway Code requirement.


Option 2: Install a reduced Prohibition of Waiting restriction (extend restrictions by 4 meters on western side of Hampton Road). This proposal was aimed at improving safety issues identified with reduced displacement of parking spaces compared to Option 1.


Option 3: Do nothing


A revised schedule and plan to support the Option 2 recommendation was provided within Appendix C to the report.


It was reported that whilst Officers believed the original recommendation provided more benefits with regards to safety, Option 2 leads to an improvement and provides a balance which acknowledges the concern of the objector.



That Option 2 be approved and the revised schedule and plan shown in Appendix C to the report be implemented..



NOTE: An objector addressed the Panel on the application.