Issue - meetings

Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Paddock Lane, Lord Lane and Wyndale Drive, Failsworth

Meeting: 11/01/2024 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 12)

12 Objections to Proposed Prohibition of Waiting – Paddock Lane, Lord Lane and Wyndale Drive, Failsworth pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The purpose of this report is to consider the representations received to the introduction of a No Waiting At Any Time restrictions at Paddock Lane, Lord Lane and Wyndale Drive, Failsworth


The Panel considered a report detailing representations and objections received to the introduction of No Waiting At Any Time restrictions at Paddock Lane, Lord Lane and Wyndale Drive, Failsworth, which was approved under delegated powers on 24 April 2023. The proposal was subsequently advertised and seventy-two objections and one supporting letter were received.


In total, 72 objections were received from people and businesses with connections to the Church of The Holy Family, located at the junction of Lord Lane and Paddock Lane. In summary, the objectors stated that the proposed restrictions would adversely affect all services held at the church as well as the events and clubs that operate from the community centre in the same building.


Concerns were raised about the affect the proposal would have on the availability of on-street parking outside the church, especially when funerals and weddings are held. A reduction in on-street parking spaces would also affect various clubs and organisations such as Karate, yoga, baby sensory, line dancing, brownies/guides, before & after school clubs, exercise classes and the local Womens Institute. Concerns were raised about parking for disabled people, picking up and dropping off visitors and the loading and unloading of vehicles. The venue is also used as a polling station during elections and concerns were also raised about access for voters. Objectors state that the church and community Centre are important for the local community, and it was felt that people would stop coming if the proposal goes ahead.


In response to the objections it was reported that the traffic order would include an exemption for funeral and wedding vehicles. Blue badge holders could also park on the restrictions for up to 3 hours and any person can load / unload or pick up or drop off passengers at any time. Therefore, it was the view of Officers that the proposed waiting restrictions should help keep the area clear for funeral and wedding vehicles and any disabled visitors to the church and community centre.


There are a number of dropped kerbs around the junctions, one of which is directly at the church entrance. As it is illegal to park alongside dropped kerbs and these restrictions would help reinforce this rule and keep the area clear for access to the church. The length of the restrictions had been kept to a minimum. The restrictions only cover the junctions and dropped kerbs, which is the area of complaint. Primarily, the restrictions proposed are minimum lengths in line with the Highway Code. Officers had considered the representations and believe that the proposed restrictions were fully justified.


Options considered:

Option 1 - Introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised Option 2 -  Do not introduce the proposed restrictions


RESOLVED that the proposed restrictions are not introduced.




Councillor P Davis attended the meeting and addressed the Panel on this application.