Levelling Up Fund Grant Acceptance
Consideration was given to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 12, Levelling Up Fund Grant Acceptance.
1. The acceptance of the £20m LUF2 grant over financial years 2022/23 – 2024/25 be approved against the three projects approved for funding by DLUHC broken down as follows:
2. Authority be delegated to the Director of Economy to progress the Northern Roots Learning Centre and the Green Shoots Business Centre projects and to meet revenue costs including design, business case development and any such expenditure as is necessary to deliver the grant funding conditions of the award.
3. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place and Economic Growth, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to agree terms of the grant funding agreement issued by DLHUC in respect of the grant award and to approve the procurement and appointment of contractors and service providers to supply any works, supplies or services needed to deliver the three projects within the agreed budgets
4. Authority be delgetaed to Director of Legal Services or their nominated representative to finalise and enter into any grant funding agreement that is issued by DLUHC and approved by the Executive Director for Place and Economic Growth in respect of the grant award, to complete any necessary due diligence on subsidy control compliance, to agree and complete any project change requests under the grant agreement and to finalise and enter into any contracts for the supply of any works, supplies or services needed to deliver the three projects within the agreed budgets.
5. Authority be delegated to the Director of Economy or their nominated representative to agree monitoring and evaluation of defined outputs and negotiations thereupon as required over the grant delivery period of 2022/23 – 2024/2025.
6. The internal governance and administration for the £20m LUF grant will be performed via the Creating a Better Place Programme Board (CAPB) structures alongside a dedicated Monitoring Group for which Terms of Reference will be agreed by the Director of Economy or their nominated representative be endorsed.