UKSPF Grant Acceptance
Consideration was given to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 11 UKSPF Grant Acceptance.
Cabinet is asked to:
1. The acceptance of the £2.296m UKSPF grant against the three interventions approved for funding by DLHUC BE approved and broken down as follows:
2. It be noted that as accountable body for UKSPF, GMCA has issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in respect of the grant, along with supporting documentation, which is currently under review by the Council ‘s legal services.
3. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place and Economic Growth to agree the terms of the MOU issued by GMCA in respect of the grant award in consultation with the Director of Legal Services and approve appointments of professional teams and contract award in respect of the agreed budgets.
4. Authority be delegated to Director of Legal Services or their nominated representative to finalise and enter into the MOU issued by GMCA in respect of the grant award subject to the completion of any necessary due diligence on subsidy control compliance and authority to agree and complete any project change requests under the MOU.
5. Authority be delegated to the Director of Economy or their nominated representative to agree monitoring and evaluation of defined outputs and negotiations thereupon as required over the grant delivery period of 2022/23 – 2024/2025.
6. The internal governance and administration for the UKSPF grant will be performed via the Creating a Better Place Programme Board (CAPB) structures alongside a dedicated UKSPF Delivery Group for which Terms of Reference will be agreed by the Director of Economy or their nominated representative be endorsed.