Urgent Business - Investing in a New Theatre for Oldham
Additional documents:
Councillor Brownridge declared an other interest in Items 6 and 11 Investing in a New Theatre in Oldham, by virtue of her Council appointment as a trustee of the Coliseum Board. She left the room and took no part in the vote thereon.
The Cabinet gave consideration to the commercially sensitive information in relation to Item 6 - Urgent Business - Investing in a New Theatre for Oldham.
1. Oldham Council’s intention to accept £1.845 million Arts Council England funding to provide cultural activity for the borough for the years 2023-2026 be approved.
2. The development of a new theatre for Oldham, funding arrangements and progression of the new theatre on Union Street to planning stage be recommitted to and approved.
3. That ongoing partnership working with Coliseum and Arts Council while further decisions are made about the future of arts and performance in Oldham be approved.
4. The progression of a new theatre in the Old Post Office Building and Quaker Meeting House on Union Street be approved.
5. The funding arrangements for the project bringing together both Council capital funds and Town Deal funds be approved.
6. Public consultation activities ahead of planning application submission to build on the feedback from the Big Town Centre consultation and engagement activity be approved.
7. The Government approval of the Towns Fund full business case for the new theatre be noted.
8. The design plans and layout as appended to this report be approved.
9. All other commercially sensitive recommendations as contained within the report be approved.