Issue - meetings

Award of contract for the provision of School Swimming Transport services

Meeting: 12/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Award of contract for the provision of School Swimming Transport services pdf icon PDF 149 KB


Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Director Youth, Leisure and Communities which sought approval to award a contract for the provision of the School Swimming Transport services following a full tender process.

The School Swimming Service delivered high quality, safe and structured swimming lessons for Oldham schools. The school’s benefit from the qualified teaching staff delivering the service at the Leisure Centre’s across the Borough including events and competitions. The service also offered a range of personal survival and water safety support. The service works in line with the National Curriculum guidelines and in partnership with Swim England to deliver physical activity, increase participation in school sport and develops key essential life & water safety skills. 

The service could be utilised by pupils in Primary, Senior and Special Schools.  Pupils are transported over 190 school days per year. There was a huge benefit for the service to provide and coordinate the transport and work in close partnership with transport providers to establish a transport schedule weekly. All transport cost incurred are recharged to Schools via Service Level Agreements

An open tender exercise for the school swimming transport provision was started via The Chest portal on 14 June 2022. The tender submissions were evaluated by a panel consisting of the School Swimming Manager, School Swimming Business Support Officer, and the Sport Leisure & Wellbeing Service Manager with the support of the procurement team.


Option/alternatives considered

Option 1 - Extend the current transport contract for a further 12 months

but the previous Delegated Cabinet Member Decision form (December 2021) Option 2 - The contract to go out to tender for procurement so that the Council could provide value for money


RESOLVED – That following on from an open and competitive tendering process, a contract with Matthews Travel (K Matt Coaches) based in Oldham be awarded for the School Swimming Transport Provision in accordance with the results of the tendering exercise which has been carried out through a robust evaluation process (based on technical ability & quality, social value, and price) for three years, with an option to extend for a further two years.