10 Positive Steps Contract Extension for Targeted Youth Support lots 2 and 3. PDF 156 KB
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Education, Skill and Early Years, which sought approval of the utilisation of Regulation 72(1) (b) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to enable a modification to the term of the existing contracts for Targeted Youth Support (TYS) Lots 2 and 3 currently held by Positive Steps to allow a further extension of 12 months from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
This approach if approved would compliment and feed into the proposed early help, early intervention work, build on integrated commisisoing intentions and the development of a range of delivery options.
Option /alternatives considered
Option 1 – TYS lot 2 and 3 are modified and extended for a period of 12 months up until 31st March 2024.
Option 2 – Services are tendered via The Chest.
Option 3 – Services are delivered in house from1 April 2024.
RESOLVED -That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive formation as detailed at Item 13 of the agenda before making a decision.