Issue - meetings

Fair Cost of Care Exercise and Living Wage Foundation National Living Wage Implementation

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Fair Cost of Care Exercise and Living Wage Foundation National Living Wage Implementation pdf icon PDF 310 KB


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Director of Adult Social Care which sought approval for the arrangements for the implementation of the Living Wage, following the commitment included in the 2022/23 Revenue Budget report (approved 2 March 2022) to implemented by October 2022.

It was reported that due to the timescales for the submission to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) of the Fair Cost of Care proposals by the 14 October 2022, approval was sought to delegate authority to sign off the report submission to the Director of Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care. An update report would then follow to Cabinet to note the decisions made.  

This report provided an overview of the Fair Cost of Care (FCoC) exercise which the Council was required to submit to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), including the timeline and approval process required.  Additionally, the paper confirmed the implementation plan for the Living Wage Foundation National Living Wage (FLW).


Option/alternatives considered

Option 1 – Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care to sign off the report submissions.

Option 2 – Require a Cabinet Decision on the Fair Cost of Care Submissions. Due to the internal approval process if this option is chosen it would not be possible to achieve the submission deadline of the 14 October, which risks not only the reputation of the council but also may affect the funding received in year and expected in future years.


Options in relation to Foundation Living Wage.

Option 3 – Pay the Foundation Living Wage at the Current rate of £9.90 effective from 1 October, with implementation by the end of October 2022.

Option 4– Implement the Foundation Living Wage at the September announced level by the end of October 2022.

Option 5 – Not to implement the Foundation Living Wage.



1.    The proposed delegation of authority for the submissions required by 14 October 2022 to the Department of Health and Social Care.. A Cabinet report to follow to note the decision made and costs and models agreed.

2.    The implementation the Foundation Living Wage by the end of October 2022 be approved at the current rate and from the first of April 2023 move to the rate announced in September 2022 (which was announced with six months to implement) at an estimated cost of £1M from October 2022 - March 2023.This would include an increase in the fees paid to providers and contract variations to ensure the increase is passed on to social care staff.