Issue - meetings

Liberal Democrats Budget Amendment Proposals

Meeting: 07/02/2023 - Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Liberal Democrats Budget Amendment Proposals 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 969 KB

Report to follow



Consideration was given to a report outlining  the Liberal Democrat Budget Amendment Proposals 2023/24 which presented to the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Liberal Democrats suggested amendments to the Administration’s Budget proposals for 2023/24 and offered some forward-looking proposals to achieve savings in future years.


The Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance and Low Carbon, Councillor Chris Gloster presented the report.


The report identified additional savings totalling £0.921m in 2023/24, £0.942m in 2024/25 and £0.278m in 2025/26 which could be considered individually or collectively. Also identified were initial investments to be funded from the range of savings proposals put forward to offset the increased expenditure and suggested amendments to the Capital Programme. Details of the proposals can be found in section 3 and in summary at Appendix A to the report. Business Cases for the individual budget reductions can be found at Appendix B to the report.


OPP- BR1-201- Additional Vacancy Management Factor


An assurance was requested that vital services for residents and indeed some of the key professional oriented services of the Council will not be impacted by these proposals taking into account the budget proposals already being put forward.


Councillor Chris Gloster informed the Committee that no negative responses had been received to their proposals as shown on BR1-201. He informed Members that the proposals had been costed and are workable with safeguards. With regard to specific vacancies to deliver the budget reduction, there were numerous vacancies throughout the Council. He referred to Building Control where vacancies meant that agency staff where being utilised which was very expensive.


Reinstate Parish Council Grant Funding - Paragraph 3.14 refers


Given that only a quarter of the Borough falls within the remit of a Parish Council, the disproportionate nature of the investment of  £30,000 to assist Parish Councils in their community work was raised.  Such investment was considered unfair as some parts of the Borough do not have Parish Councils nor do they have the ability to create a Parish Council.


Councillor Chris Gloster informed Members that the proposal was phased over 2 years and as the Council and Administration are facing financial challenges then it falls on the community and Parish Councils to be responsible for undertaking work that cannot be carried out by this Council.





OPP-BR1-204 – Reduction in Training Budget


A challenge to the proposal was made.  It was suggested that the Council, given the particular pressures being faced by all services, needs to invest in the workforce particularly as there will be forthcoming changes to Local Government functions.  Therefore, this budget reduction would have a compound effect on an existing reduction in the training budget and will have a negative impact on the workforce and future ability to recruit.


Councillor Chris Gloster informed the Committee that training can, given modern technology, be provided in different ways, e.g., on-line/teams calls and therefore there is scope for further reductions in this area.


OPP-BR1-202/203 - Mileage Budgets/Car Allowances Review


Reference was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Liberal Democrats Budget Amendment Proposals 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Finance Manager which outlined the Liberal Democrats’ suggested amendments to the Administration’s budget proposals for 2022/23. The report identified additional savings proposals totalling £0.987m in 2022/23 and £0.013m in 2023/24 which could be considered individually or collectively. There were also initial investments that would be funded from the range of savings proposals put forward to offset the increased expenditure and suggested amendments to the Capital Programme.


The Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance and Low Carbon commended Officers for their assistance in compiling these budget proposals.  As an overview, the aims of the Liberal Democrat proposals were to offer common-sense practical solutions to the borough’s problems and challenge the Administration to cut waste and provide the value-for-money local services the public want with a focus on making the borough safer, greener and cleaner.


The Liberal Democrats proposed capital investment of £6.950m from the £7.291m Funds for Emerging Priorities provision with the capital programme, thus not increasing any revenue budget financing requirement.


Liberal Democrat Alternative Revenue Budget Reduction Proposals


OPP-BR1-201 - Additional Vacancy Management factor to achieve greater efficiency including limiting the present use of agency staff and consultants (£0.550m)


The proposal sought to assist in reducing the number of agency staff and consultants used across the Council further by applying an Additional Vacancy Management factor of 0.75% to all Council mainstream employee budgets. 


OPP-BR1-202 - Reduction in mileage budgets to reflect changes in work practices (£0.050m)


It was proposed that due to the increase in Council employees working from home and the increase of Teams based meetings, the requirement to travel on Council business using a personal vehicle had reduced.


OPP-BR1-203 - Review of car allowances as previously promised to reduce the amount paid as a lump sum to staff doing zero or minimal mileage (£0.037m)


It was proposed that a review of the posts which attract essential car user status be undertaken with the intention of removing the lump sum payment from posts where users routinely record zero or very few miles.  It was noted to the Committee that many staff who did use cars regularly did not hold such status.  In presenting the proposal, it was further noted that proposal had been before the Committee several times previously, with the promised review failing to appear.


OPP-BR1-204 - Reduction in the General Training Budget agreed in 2018/19 to be made permanent (£0.100m)


The proposed reduction would require all future training requirements, which cannot be funded via the apprenticeship levy, to be reviewed to ensure that best value is being secured. Priority would be provided to statutory and mandatory training. Any additional training and development would be assessed on the basis of value provided to the organisation, managing any identified risks to the Council in terms of building capability across all service areas.


OPP-BR1-205 - Reconsideration of Council priorities with regards to the Communications and Research service (£0.250m)


It was proposed to reduce the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6