Issue - meetings

Sexual Health Service

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Health Scrutiny (Item 7)

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The Committee scrutinised a report of the Director of Public Health, which detailed the outcome of the collaborative commission with Rochdale and Bury Councils for an Integrated Sexual Health Service and which also provided a progress update on the implementation of arrangements established under the new contract.


Oldham, Rochdale and Bury Councils have worked collaboratively to jointly commission a provider for the provision of a high quality Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS) through an open competitive tendering procedure to support population health and meet their mandated responsibilities for open access sexual health services.


Following completion of the tender evaluation processes, the Director of Public Health had delegated authority to Rochdale Council and STAR Procurement to award the contract on behalf of the Council, as per the delegated authority that had previously been approved by Oldham Council’s Cabinet in March 2021, to the provider who submitted the most economically advantageous bid, namely: HCRG Care Group - previously known as Virgin Care Limited.


The specification for the Integrated Sexual Health Service had been revised considerably via collaborative approach at a Greater Manchester level to ensure consistency of provision across the city region and common standards, and at a locality level to ensure that there would be a clear focus on reducing health inequalities by ensuring targeted provision for those individuals who are most at risk of sexual health related harm or poorer sexual health outcomes.


In considering the report the Health Scrutiny Committee were asked to consider whether an update on the first 12 months of delivery of the Integrated Sexual Health Service, including relevant performance management information and contributions towards health outcomes, would be useful and/or if they wish to invite relevant partners and stakeholders from across the Reproductive and Sexual Health system for an in-depth study or further discussion around how to adopt a collaborative approach to improving sexual health outcomes locally.



1.    That the Health Scrutiny Committee notes the collaborative commissioning exercise undertaken by Oldham, Rochdale and Bury Councils and the outcome of the recent tender exercise to procure a provider for the delivery of the Integrated Sexual Health Service.

2.    That the Health Scrutiny Committee commends the new enhanced Integrated Sexual Health Service offer that will contribute to Oldham’s vision of improving the sexual health and wellbeing of the people of Oldham, Rochdale and Bury via delivery of innovative prevention-orientated interventions and responding to the changing health needs of our residents, improving the population’s health and reducing health inequalities.

3.    That the Committee agrees to consider the establishment of a ‘task and finish group’, comprising Committee members and relevant partners and stakeholders from across the Reproductive and Sexual Health system to be convened early in the 2022/23 municipal year, to carry out an in-depth study around the adoption of a collaborative approach to improving sexual health outcomes across the Oldham Borough.

4.    That the Director of Public Health be requested to submit a further update report/presentation to the Committee in approximately 12 months detailing progress of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7