Issue - meetings

Youth Service Update

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

Youth Service Update

Verbal update from Chris Lewis (Youth Service).


Consideration was given to a verbal update which advised Members on the work of the Youth Council.


Members were advised of the Make Your Mark ballot held every year for the UK Youth Parliament. Make Your Mark was an opportunity for 11-18 year olds across the UK to have their say and begin their democratic journey by voting on the policies they want to introduce or change. Due to Covid-19 the ballot was missed for a year, the next ballot would be taking place between the 1st - 28th February 2022. Members were advised that the topics for the ballot would be sent to members.


Members were also informed of the need of a workshop to help young people gain employment opportunities. It was felt that there was not enough opportunities for young people to show the skills gained from the online world and where these skills could be used. It was also felt that advice was an issue for young people especially for on experience in the working world.



1.    The update be noted.

2.    An update be provided in March 2022

3.    A workshop be set up between the Youth Service, Employability and the Committee to look at employment opportunities for young people.