Issue - meetings

Northern Roots Update

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

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Update from Anna da Silva, Project Director, Northern Roots.


Consideration was given to a presentation on the Northern Roots (NR) project.


Members were informed of the three goals of Northern Roots which were:

1.    Create jobs, training and business opportunities for local people.

2.    Preserve and enhance biodiversity and the environment at Northern Roots 160-acre site.

3.    Improve the health and wellbeing of local residents and communities.


Members were advised that the project had been instigated by Oldham Council following 3 years of feasibility, consultation and planning. The NR Charity had recently been established and a small base had been set up on site. £7 million of external funding had been received to date with another Million being bid for. The project had received 100% fund success rate which had never been seen before. There had been a lot of engagement with the public and other organisations including four groups helping to clear the site of litter.


To take the project further a design team had been appointed and it was expected for the planning application to be submitted in February 2022 with the aim to start the build in spring 2022 with phase 1 of the build commencing in Autumn 2022.


Members asked for and received clarification on the following:

·         Did the project have any business sponsors. It was confirmed that some businesses including Park Cakes, United Utilities and Manchester Cabins had become sponsors as grant funding could not be relied upon on its own.

·         Site visit for Members. It was noted that a visit would be arranged for Members.


RESOLVED that the content of the presentation be noted.