Issue - meetings

Greater Manchester Learning Disability Strategy Update

Meeting: 07/12/2021 - Health Scrutiny (Item 6)

6 Greater Manchester Learning Disability Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 243 KB


Consideration was given to a report which provided the Committee with an update on the implementation of the Greater Manchester Learning (GMLD) Strategy.


Members were advised that the GMLD Strategy had been in place for over a year and covered 11 work stream areas which also included Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. Reports on the Strategy were submitted to Greater Manchester on a bi-monthly basis for scrutiny and challenge. The work stream areas were as followed:

·         Strategic leadership

·         Advocacy

·         Belonging

·         Bespoke commissioning

·         Good health

·         Homes for people

·         Employment

·         Workforce

·         Early support for children and young people

·         Criminal justice

·         Covid-19


Members were advised that Good Health, Homes for People, Employment, Early support for children and young people and Criminal Justice were part of joint subgroups of the Greater Manchester Autism Strategy.


Members asked for and received clarification on the following:

·         Health checks or lack thereof at individual GPs for residents with learning disabilities. Members were advised that GPs had been directed to focus on Covid-19. However, it was agreed that being given an opportunity to be able to speak to their GPs would significantly improve and help those with learning disabilities.

·         Single males being left behind due to housing shortages. It was explained that there was a need to monitor actions plans with more nurses in the Learning Disabilities Team doing home visits. The issue would be brought to the Autism Way Forward Board and referred to the Housing Team in regard to banding issues.

·         Council employment of those with learning difficulties and autism. The rate of staff within the Council was low and within Greater Manchester, Oldham was in the bottom end for performance.

·         Number of staff and caseload. Members were advised that within the team there were 15 Social Workers and 5 Care Coordinators. There was an average caseload of 25-30 per staff member. With 750-800 cases at any one time. There were also 455 annual review caseloads and dedicated staff for transitions.

·         General progression of transitions. Members were advised that progression was positive, and a Multi-Agency Transition Policy was in the process of being drafted. It was explained that those aged 14 plus were invited to the Hub to discuss with Practitioners the key actions to take between the ages of 14 and 18, to align a pathway to enable the young person to do what they want in life.

·         The type of work available to individuals with learning disabilities. Members were advised that it all depended on the individual person and their abilities. Close work had been done with the Hospital which was a massive employer in the Borough. Work placements were heavily scrutinised and were required to be paid employment and checks would be made 6 months into the placement.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.