Issue - meetings

Public Speaking at Traffic Regulation Order Panel Meetings

Meeting: 25/11/2021 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 6)

6 Public Speaking at Traffic Regulation Order Panel Meetings pdf icon PDF 230 KB


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Environmental Services which sought approval of a recommendation to Full Council to the introduction of a formal procedure for public speaking at meetings of the Traffic Regulation Order Panel.

It was reported that in recent years persons making representations on proposed traffic regulation orders had often asked to speak at the meeting of the Panel considering the proposals.

In the absence of a formal procedure the Chair of the Panel had a discretion to allow those persons to speak.

To ensure consistency with the Planning Committee procedures and to enhance public participation in decision making it was recommended that a formal procedure to allow public speaking at meetings of the Traffic Regulation Order Panel be introduced.  The proposed procedure was included at Appendix 1 to the report and was based on the protocol for public speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee. 

The procedure would allow speaking by one supporter and one objector who have made representations in respect of a proposed traffic regulation order.  As with the procedure at Planning Committee, the public will be restricted to 3 minutes to make representations.  Ward Members would also be permitted to speak on traffic regulation order proposals for up to 5 minutes.

The Traffic Regulation Order Panel is also responsible for considering written representations made in respect of proposed public spaces protection orders and it was recommended that the same procedure of public speaking be introduced.


Options/alternatives considered

Option 1: To approve the recommendation and introduce a procedure for public speaking at Traffic Regulation Order Panel meetings

Option 2: Not to approve the recommendation


RESOLVED – That Council be recommended to adopt the procedure for public speaking at meetings of the Traffic Regulation Order Panel detailed in Appendix 1 of the report and include the procedure in Part 8 Appendix 3 of the Constitution.