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The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval of the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021: A Joint Development Plan Document for 9 Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) for publication and submission to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government following the recommendation by Places for Everyone Joint Committee on 20 July 2021
A copy of the full Joint Committee report was available at Appendix 1.to the report.
Following approval by the nine districts, consultation on the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021 would commence not earlier than 9 August 2021 for a period of 8 weeks. When adopted, Places for Everyone would become part of the development plan for Oldham. It would replace parts of Oldham’s Core Strategy and change the Proposals Map. A list of Core Strategy policies that would be replaced by Places for Everyone was contained at Appendix 2. To the report and a copy of the Places for Everyone Publication plan 2021 was contained at Appendix 3 and supporting documents were available on GMCA’s website at https://www.greatermanchester@ca.gov.uk/what-we-do/planning-and-housing/places-for-everyone/.
The report summarised the main components of the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021, what it meant for Oldham and implications for the review of Oldham’s Local Plan.
Options/alternatives considered
Option 1 -
Members approve the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021 and supporting background documents for publication and submission to the Secretary of State for examination.
Option 2 – Members do not approve the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021 and supporting background documents for publication and submission to the Secretary of State for examination as per the report recommendations above
1. The Places for Everyone: Publication Plan 2021, including strategic site allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments, and reference to the potential use of compulsory purchase powers to assist with site assembly, and the supporting background documents, for publication pursuant to Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 for an 8 week period for representations to begin not earlier than 9 August 2021, be approved.
2. That authority be delegated to the Oldham Council Cabinet Member for Housing in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive to approve the relevant Statement of 3 Common Ground(s) required pursuant to the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.
3. That the report is recommended to Council to Approve submission of the Places for Everyone Publication Plan 2021 to the Secretary of State for examination following the period for representations.