Issue - meetings

GM Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy (EVCI)

Meeting: 26/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 GM Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy (EVCI) pdf icon PDF 383 KB

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The Cabinet gave consideration to a  report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which provided details of the Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy that had been prepared by Transport for Greater Manchester in partnership with the 10 GM local authorities and other stakeholders as a sub-strategy of the GM2040 Transport Strategy. The document would be recommended to the July GMCA for approval and adoption.

The availability of and access to charging infrastructure is recognised as a critical barrier to the adoption of Electric Vehicles(EVs) in Greater Manchester. In order to support and accelerate the transition to EVs across GM it will be important to have the right type of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the right locations to meet demand. The GM Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) Strategy aims to provide a clear vision, objectives and strategic principles to inform a plan for the delivery of public charging infrastructure across the city region.

The Strategy included a series of strategic network principles that will guide the future expansion of the publicly-funded EVCI network and ensure it is: integrated, environmentally responsible, inclusive, well maintained and resilient, safe and secure, reliable, healthy and viable (ie not dependent on public subsidy). The Strategy identified priorities for public investment up to 2025 as being projects which will support the Clean Air Plan and GM 2038 net zero carbon ambitions by meeting the demand likely to be generated by the most polluting vehicles transitioning to EVs and supporting those who would find it most difficult to transition to EVs due to home charging constraints.

Option 1 – To recommend approval.

Option 2 – Not to recommend approval.


RESOLVED – That he GM Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy be recommended for approval by the GM Combined Authority.