Issue - meetings

Coptic Road, Chadderton - Objection to Traffic Regulation Order

Meeting: 29/07/2021 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 7)

7 Coptic Road, Chadderton - Objection to Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider five objections to a proposal for prohibition of waiting restrictions to be introduced at Coptic Road, Chadderton


Councillor Brownridge declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or vote thereon.


The Panel gave consideration to a report regarding objections received to the introduction of prohibitive waiting restrictions at Coptic Road, Chadderton.


The proposal was promoted to address an issue with obstructive parking at Coptic Road near to its junction with Chadderton Park Road, reported by local residents via their Ward Councillor. Coptic Road was a residential cul-de-sac off Chadderton Park Road, the junction bell mouth and initial length of carriageway was regularly subject to obstructive parking by residents from Chadderton Park Road parking on both sides of the carriageway and on the footpaths. Observations revealed that vehicles regularly parked on Coptic Road within close proximity to its junction with Chadderton Park Road. This created a highway safety issue not only for motorists trying to negotiate the junction but pedestrians as well due to the size of some of the vehicle’s parking at the location.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 17 December 2019 and subsequently advertised. Three letters of objections were received from residents of Chadderton Park Road and two from residents of Coptic Road. The basis of the objections was that there was already a high demand for on street parking along Chadderton Park Road and the proposal would reduce the availability of those spaces further. The proposal may displace parking further along Coptic Road and the availability of on-street spaces has already been affected by a planning decision to allow a new nursery to operate on Chadderton Park Road at the junction of Middleton Road and could be made worse following approval for a new care home on the west side of Chadderton Park Road between Coptic Road and Middleton Road.


In light of the objections, whilst there was a lack of on street parking for some residents of Chadderton Park Road, it was not the responsibility of the Council to provide on street parking, only a duty in respect of road safety matters. In relation to the planning applications, the nursery only operated during the daytime when on-street parking spaces were more readily available. The decision by the Council to refuse the application for the new care home was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate. The number of spaces within the site for employees and visitors was increased to 34 and was deemed sufficient enough not to give rise to a material increase in on street car parking.


Options considered:

Option 1 – Introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised.

Option 2 – Do not introduce the proposed restrictions.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the proposed restrictions be introduced as set out in the report.