Issue - meetings

NHS White Paper - Integration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Health and Well Being Board (Item 9)

NHS White Paper - Integration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All and Developing an Integrated Care System - Update

To provide an update to the Board on matters following from the publication of the White Paper.


The Committee were provided with a presentation on the NHS White Paper transition to ICS update.


The Committee was advised that Government had launched the White Paper consultation and in February 2021 had broadly confirmed the outcomes. The proposed Bill had not yet been through the reading of the proposed legislation in Government which until it passed the new model could not be changed until further in the process.


The White Paper included fundamental changes to the Secretary of State. A range of things had been designed to remove barriers that would enable integration and collaboration with providers. The CCG would be removed and replaced with Integrated Care Systems with staff being transferred however the vast majority of those staff would be redeployed locally.


It was explained that Greater Manchester would receive funding with which would be delegated down t each Authority. Place based leads would continue within Oldham supported by a System Board and an Integrated Delivery Board. The five tactical neighbourhood boards would help connect from the top to bottom supporting the Strategic Oldham Population Health Board.


The proposal would create an operating model that was fit for Oldham allowing more influence and control of its destiny. All services would be local and devolved down from Greater Manchester to Oldham and Oldham to the localities.


RESOLVED that the presentation be noted.