Issue - meetings

Proposed Prohibition of Waiting at Denton Lane, Chadderton - Objection to Traffic Regulation Order

Meeting: 17/06/2021 - Highway Regulation Committee (Item 7)

7 Proposed Prohibition of Waiting at Denton Lane, Chadderton - Objection to Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The purpose of this report is to consider an objection, in the form of a petition, to a proposal for prohibition of waiting restrictions to be introduced on Denton Lane, Chadderton


The Panel gave consideration to a report regarding objections received to the introduction of prohibitive waiting restrictions on Denton Lane, Chadderton.


The proposal was promoted primarily to address visibility issues at various junctions along Denton Lane and the obstruction of the footway and dropped kerbs near to the junction of Fields New Road. The safety of road users was compromised by vehicles parked close to the junction and on footways. The issues were raised by local residents and Ward Members. Letters to residents asking them to park with greater care and consideration had not produced an appropriate response.


The proposal had been approved under delegated powers on 23rd September 2019 and subsequently advertised. One objection had been received in the form of a petition signed by 19 residents. The basis of the objection was that the local residents did not believe there were any safety issues at the eastern end of Denton Lane in the vicinity of the shops, visibility could be an issue at junctions however this was only a problem at night and overall there was a high demand for on-street parking along Denton Lane and the proposed restrictions would make parking even more difficult.


In light of the objection, Officers felt there were a number of issues that should be addressed in the location. There were visibility issues for motorists exiting the area in front of the shops. Hatching had also been applied in the area to discourage parking close to the access. however, as with the other markings, motorists did not comply with them. Immediately in advance of the junction at Fields New Road there was a bend in the road which affected visibility for motorists entering Denton Lane. Parked vehicles in this location reduced forward visibility further. It was also reported that parked vehicles affected pedestrian movements along the footway, the ability to cross where there were dropped kerbs and visibility crossing Denton Lane at the junction.


Options considered.

Option 1: Introduce the proposed restrictions as advertised.

Option 2: Do not introduce the proposed restrictions.


RESOLVED that, notwithstanding the objections received, the proposed restrictions be introduced as set out in the report.