Issue - meetings

Arrangements for the preparation of 'Places for Everyone': A proposed Joint Development Plan Document on behalf of nine Greater Manchester districts

Meeting: 22/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Arrangements for the preparation of 'Places for Everyone': A proposed Joint Development Plan Document on behalf of nine Greater Manchester districts pdf icon PDF 349 KB

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The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought approval to the arrangements necessary to formulate and prepare the joint development plan document (DPD) ‘Places for Everyone’, including the establishment of a joint committee to represent Oldham Council and the eight other GM districts (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford, Wigan).

It was reported that on 11 December 2020, following the withdrawal of Stockport Council from the production of the Greater Manchester Plan for Jobs, Homes & the Environment (the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework), the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) Executive Board agreed in principle to the a joint Development Plan Document (DPD) of the nine remaining Greater Manchester (GM) districts, to cover strategic policies including housing and employment land requirements and, as appropriate, strategic site allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments and associated infrastructure.

A report was taken to AGMA Executive Board on 12th February 2021 setting out the next steps in relation to the Joint DPD of the nine GM districts, to be known as ‘Places for Everyone’, including the required decisions by individual Districts to initiate this process as set out below in the recommendations and discussed further in this report.

The approval to establish the new Joint Committee was a decision for each district according to their own Constitutional arrangements and approval to delegate the formulation and preparation of the Joint DPD to that committee was a Cabinet function.

RESOLVED – That: (subject to Full Council approving recommendations on the 24th March 2021 in relation to the Joint Development Plan and the establishment of a Joint Committee)

1.    The required approval of Full Council to the making of an agreement with the other 8 Greater Manchester councils (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford, Wigan) to prepare a joint development plan document to cover strategic policies including housing and employment land requirements and, as appropriate, strategic site allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments and associated infrastructure across the nine districts be noted.

2.    The formulation and preparation of the joint development plan document to cover housing and employment land requirements including, as appropriate, strategic site allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments and associated infrastructure across the nine Greater Manchester districts insofar as such matters are executive functions be delegated to a Joint Committee of the nine Greater Manchester councils.

3.    It be noted that the following are the sole responsibility of full Council:

  1. Responsibility for giving of instructions to the Cabinet to reconsider the draft plan submitted by the Cabinet for the Council’s consideration.
  2. The amendment of the draft joint development plan document submitted by the Cabinet for the full Council’s consideration.
  3. The approval of the joint development plan document for the purposes of submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
  4. The adoption of the joint development plan document.