Additional documents:
Consideration was a given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive -People and Place which provided details of the revised GM2040 Transport Strategy documents which are to be recommended to GMCA for adoption and approval
It was reported that Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) had been working with the GMCA, the ten Greater Manchester councils and the Greater Manchester Mayor to prepare new, and updated, transport strategy documents that cover the entire city-region.
This work included a refreshed version of the long-term, statutory local transport plan - the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 - and a final version of the Five-Year Delivery Plan (2021-2026) which sets out the practical actions planned to deliver the Strategy over the next 5 years. In addition, ten new Local Implementation Plans had also been prepared (one for each Greater Manchester council), including Oldham.
Draft versions of these documents were published as part of the GMSF Transport Evidence Base for AGMA Executive Board on 30th October 2020, which recommended GMSF 2020 and supporting background documents to the GM local authorities. Oldham Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Board and Cabinet considered the transport documents on 5th and 9th November 2020 respectively.
Following a change to the GMSF process, as discussed at AGMA Executive Board on 11th December 2020, minor amendments have been made to the refreshed 2040 Transport Strategy, Delivery Plan and Oldham Local Implementation Plan to ensure that the transport and spatial planning context and processes are referenced in an up-to-date manner and to include updates on funding following the 2020 Spending Review.
This report considered the revised GM2040 Transport Strategy documents which were to be recommended to GMCA for adoption and approval.
Option/alternatives considered
Option 1 - Members can endorse the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan, approve the Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan and delegate authority to the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Culture to approve future updates of the Oldham Local Implementation Plan.
Option 2 - Members can decide not to endorse the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan, not approve the Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan and not delegate authority to the Leader and the Cabinet Member to approve future updates of the Oldham Local Implementation Plan. The GM Transport Strategy would be published without an Oldham Local Implementation Plan, which could have a detrimental impact on investment in Oldham.
1. The refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 and the final version of Our Five-Year Delivery Plan (2021-2026) for approval by GMCA and publication be endorsed.
2. The Oldham Local Implementation Plan for publication as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan (2021-2026) by GMCA be approved.
3. Authority be delegated to the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Cultureto approve future updates of ... view the full minutes text for item 7