Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Communities and Reform which sought approval to deliver the Kickstart Scheme as an employer and a gateway provider.
The Kickstart scheme had been launched in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact it was having on unemployment across England.
Within the borough, youth unemployment had increased by 1.6%. As of September 2020, there were 3,100 young people (aged 18-24) in Oldham unemployed. This represented a youth unemployment rate of 15.6%, the highest rate across Greater Manchester and higher than the national rate of 9.4%.
The Kickstart programme would provide a six-month paid placement, fully funded by the government, and was available to 16-24-year-old’s claiming Universal Credit.
A Kickstart Scheme grant application must be for a minimum of 30 jobs. An employer who can provide 30 jobs (or more) can apply directly to the Department of Work and Pensions for a grant.
Gateway providers must have experience of managing partnership arrangements with third parties and have robust financial and governance arrangements. The suitability of a gateway provider would be assessed during the application process. If an application is successful, the employer or gateway for a group of employers must sign an agreement before the jobs begin.
To date there has been an expression of interest for 27 jobs within the Council and at least 2 across Team Oldham. The Council had created and applied for 31 jobs as a Gateway which were within the education and care sectors.
The Council were continuing to work closely with its 250+ partner colleagues to ensure that Oldham’s young people were aware of the positions and receive support to apply for them. This would enable us to support vulnerable young people, such as care leavers.
For the Kickstart initiative, reasonable volumes have been considered to offer both employers and young people the right support which leads to progression. Under this scheme the Council has a very different financial position and operating model and therefore were looking to create a minimum of 50 placement opportunities within Team Oldham, as supported by the Leader and Cllr M Ali, and develop a programme which offered a high standard of support and development, enabling successful candidates to gain experience, knowledge and skills, and create a CV that will demonstrate their ability to succeed in future employment.
Option 1 Only act as a Gateway provider and pool 30 placements from employers that are unable to provide 30 jobs.
Option 2: Register as an employer in our own right and offer 30 or more placements within the council.
Option 3: Act as a Gateway provider and an employer in our own right.
RESOLVED – That the Council act as a Gateway provider and an employer in its own right to deliver the Kickstart Scheme.