Issue - meetings

Health Improvement and Weight Management Service

Meeting: 26/01/2021 - Health Scrutiny (Item 8)

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Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Public Health which updated the Health Scrutiny Committee on the outcome of the recent collaborative commission by Oldham Council and NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the provider of a Health Improvement and Weight Management Service through an open competitive tendering procedure.


The new borough-wide health improvement and weight management service

offer, Your Health Oldham, delivered by ABL Health Limited was introduced.


Members were informed that having a high functioning health improvement offer was an essential component of the range of activity required to achieve better population health and reduce demand on health and social care services.


Oldham Council and the NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had worked in collaboration, under the banner of Oldham Cares, to jointly commission a provider for the provision of a Health Improvement and Weight Management Service through an open competitive tendering procedure


Following completion of the tender evaluation processes, the Oldham Council Chief Executive and NHS Oldham CCG Accountable Officer awarded the contract on behalf of both the Council and NHS Oldham CCG, as per the delegated authority agreed by Cabinet in November 2019, to the provider who submitted the most economically advantageous bid, ABL Health Limited.


The contract term was for a period of five years up to the end of 31 December 2025 at a value of £970,000 per year (£700,000 contribution from Oldham Council and £270,000 contribution from NHS Oldham CCG). There was an option to extend the contract for up to a further two years.


Representatives from ABL Health attended the meeting to introduce ‘Your Health Oldham’: Oldham’s Health Improvement and Weight Management Service which went live in January 2021. Members gave consideration to the presentation provided by ABL Health.


Members asked for and received clarification of the following:-

Similar projects elsewhere – evidence across the country showed integrating services achieved better results. Lessons learned and best practice from elsewhere had been taken into account and the programme was made Oldham specific. The service was very new and it would take time to see the impact at Borough level.

Connection with Asian communities – the service worked with many different partners as this helped them deliver the service and gave better outcomes.

Support for those with diabetes, especially Type 2 – support could take a long time though a GP and people could either self-refer or be referred to the service. Although the process had been interrupted by the pandemic, it would be a smooth system

Number of people the service could support – the organisation had a wide range of skills. The person would be allocated a key worker who could refer to others in the organisation. The individual was not passed around. They retained the key worker and other services were added, as this gave better outcomes. The service was staffed to meet the agreed targets and was adaptable and flexible.

Number of caseworkers and average caseload – as the service was very new, there were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8