7 Northern Care Alliance - Update on employment support and local recruitment. PDF 624 KB
The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Alliance Director, Oldham Cares, which provided an update on employment support and local recruitment.
Programmes had been very much affected by the pandemic and the numbers currently looked low, however there were plans in place to bring them back. At this point it was not possible to provide a trajectory while the pandemic was ongoing.
The report focussed on young people, as that was what the Committee had requested. Members noted that other opportunities eg re-skilling were also available.
The Committee was asked to note particular areas of new success, including the joint working with Oldham College and obtaining funding from GMCA, that sat alongside the traditional offers.
Members asked for and received clarification on the following:-
· Guaranteed interviews – offered to any learner who has completed a pre-employment course. Selection for the pre-employment course was the equivalent of a job interview. It was hoped that 85% from the course would apply for employment and 15% would be supported into degree courses.
· Score card information – the numbers on pre-employment courses, the number of NHS ambassadors. From them can determine what work experience or pre-employment to offer
· Scheme with huge potential, how will it develop – this is a new approach for the NHS and introductions to anyone interested would be very welcome.
· Working with schools, youth service, job centres – there were regular discussions with the job centres. The NHS was keen to go to anywhere that can offer a link to the local community and had already been offered introductions to two mosques. Networking with older people, eg women returning to work after having a family, was also an aim.
· Training programme – this was available for all levels and the Council could help with this going forward.
· Links with other care providers eg GP’s and pharmacies – Constitutional Services has an email address which can be circulated.
· Access for small businesses to NHS contracts – this was the next major area. Links had been made with policy officers to identify spend that was not payroll and the aim was to work with the Council to develop local contacts. Working within the NHS procurement rules, opportunities for local send could be identified. It may be possible to work with the Council’s Communications Team to promote this locally.
· Would contracts include a menu of social value contributions – they would do.
· Meet with NHS before update – the Strategic Director of Communities & Reform was chair of the Inclusive Economy Group. A list of officers that had been involved in discussions would be sent to Constitutional Services so there could be a joined-up approach to moving forward.
1. An update would be brought to a future meeting, date to be confirmed.
2. A further meeting between the NCA Director and members of the Committee be held, to further explore how this approach might be extended to other partners including the Council and other local employers.