Issue - meetings

Council Motion: Not every disability is visible

Meeting: 08/12/2020 - Health Scrutiny (Item 12)

12 Council Motion: Not every disability is visible pdf icon PDF 311 KB

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The Committee was reminded that, at a meeting of the Council held on 9th September 2020, the Council had referred a Motion “Not Every Disability is Visible” to ‘Overview and Scrutiny’ for consideration.  The Health Scrutiny Committee had been determined as the appropriate overview and scrutiny body to consider the referral and the Committee received a report presenting an initial consideration of the issues raised in the Council Motion.


The report considered the background to the Crohn’s and Colitis UK campaign ‘Not every disability is visible’ and the campaign objective of revised signage for accessible toilets to indicate that not every disability is visible, and the nature and local availability of ‘Changing Places’ toilets together with the requirements to be introduced in 2021 for new public buildings and those undergoing major refurbishment to have Changing Places toilet facilities.


The Committee further received a briefing paper from Sarah Hollobone, Campaigns Manager, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, who addressed the Committee highlighting why accessible toilets are so important to people with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, the benefits for people in Oldham of the Council getting involved, and what Crohn’s and Colitis UK could do to support the Council.  In response to a concern expressed that signs alone would not change anything, it was noted that signage made people more comfortable in their use of accessible toilets and the signs acted as a visual resource to point to and give individuals confidence.  


The Chair thanked Sarah Hollobone for raising the issue with the Committee and suggested this was a matter that the Council should take forward and give encouragement to other groups in the Borough to take forward also.  Further reference was made to the provision of Changing Places toilets and the potential for such a facility to be provided on the Spindles Shopping Centre.



1.            the issue of signage of accessible toilets as suggested by the Crohn’s and Colitis ‘Not every disability is visible’ campaign be forwarded to the relevant Cabinet Member and Officers to look at and cost up the necessary changes and to report further to this Committee to enable the Committee to prepare a report on this matter;

2.            the provision of a Changing Places toilet facility at the Spindles Shopping Centre be referred to the relevant Portfolio Holder and Officers to look at and cost up to consider whether this could be provided, to apply for relevant grants and progress if the funding is forthcoming, and to report back to this Committee.